Poor Spot!

Jul 24, 2001 10:51

Bee Chase Pea's Journal alerted me to FindYourSpot.com.

I took their little web-test-thingie. My results:

1) Honolulu
Even though I checked I didn't like molton lava? Probably a good match for my preferences in many ways. Housing prices about 3 times higer than here in NOLA.

2)Las Vegas
3)Los Angeles
Neither sound too appealing to me. There was no category to objection to plastic newness. LA's congestion sounds odious to me.

4)San Diego
Okay. I've never been there, but it sounds nice from the descriptions of friends who have.

5)New Orleans
My home town. Glad it showed up somewhere on the list!

6)Little Rock, ARK
Ugh! ...My ex had family & friends in Arkansas, so I had repeated chances to visit. Hmmm, I didn't have a chance to object to bad greasy food... Bad match.

7) Orange County Cal.
Dunno enough to evaluate.

8) Oakland CA
Okay. I like the Bay area much when I've visited. I dunno why Oakland popped up, but not San Francisco itself (which would have been on my short list of other places I could see myself enjoying living).

9) Phoenix
Greatest concentration of LiveJournal users I follow!

I lived an hour from Miami for a while. It has a number of things to reccomend it (beach, food, nightlife) but not a real favorite of mine.

11) Houston TX
Another BAD match. I've visited Houston repeatedly. It seems to me a vast expanse of soul-less suburb with no real city attached. For a city so huge in size and population it seems to offer surprising little I like. (Some good Tex Mex reastaruants don't make up for the defects.)

12) Orlando, FL
Oh, Jebus, Mouse-World. I've visited the area a few times-- it's not bad for ammenities-- but part that is the easy drive to the Atlantic coast or Tampa. Why wasn't Tampa on the list? For Florida, it seems one of the more livable cities for my tastes (some history, culture, museums etc there).

Strangly missing:
Austin Texas, and San Francisco CA
Which I've concidered my first choices to evacuate to if/when New Orleans sinks into the Gulf.

They seem to have heavily weighed my dislike of cold weather to rule out all of the North Eastern cities from concideration. No input for enjoying a sence of history, and neighborhood communities within a large city.

More idiosyncratically, no input for enjoying being able to play in jazz brass bands winding through the streets from bar to bar, and strongly objecting to being somewhere where Mardi Gras is only recognized as just another Tuesday!

Also, of course, they just confine this to within the USA. (With a Bill Gates level of bucks, I'd probably have a home in Florence Italy in addition to my ones in New Orleans and S.F. ...Though I might take their reccomendation and get an other one in Honolulu.)

texas, san francisco, florida, new orleans, arkansas

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