TV or not TV: K-Ville

Sep 17, 2007 18:04

Bah. Is there a word for something you don't want to see, but something compels you not to look away? I can't think of one, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Germans have a word for it.

There's no "History Detectives" on tv this Monday.

At the time I'd be watching that, "K-Ville", the FOX-TV cop show set in post-Katrina NOLA debuts. I'm debating whether to watch it, as I suspect I'll find something to be bothered by. I guess "Frank's Place" was about the only network tv entertainment show set here to come close to plausible verisimilitude.

An episode of "Las Vegas" (IIRC) supposedly set in New Orleans a couple years ago (looked like filmed in California backlots, plus a couple of exteriors that looked like Memphis, TN) was so bad that anyone watching that episode would know less about New Orleans at the end. I guess since "Live & Let Die", everyone here lives either in the French Quarter or out in the swamp. Will this be any better? What accents will the locals speak with-- Justin Wilson Cajun, Gone With the Wind Southern, or Mama's Family? It being FOX, will the script follow the Faux-News party line-- the city flooded because it's 15 feet below sea level, and Brownie did a heck of a job? Hm, if I do watch it I may wish to keep a drink handy...


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