Wondering simply

Jul 07, 2007 20:12

Hyped publicity gimmick:

Telegraph: New Seven Wonders picked after global vote

Bah. Chichen Itza got in. Dang; Ms Hollie and I have been discussing a trip to Yucatan sometime in the next year or so; now Chichen is going to be even more mobbed with tourists. Chichen has serious niftyness, but as Maya ruins go, Tikal is much larger and Uxmal, Palenque, and Copan are certainly more beautiful.

The description of Chichen on the contest website isn't even up to the standards I'd expect from the text on the back of an off-brand souvineer postcard. Dubious neologisms for major structures; I presume "the Playing Field of the Prisoners" is the Great Ball Court. WTF?

Worst choice on the list: Cristo Redentor in Rio. Sorry, as a non-Christian, I've seen some beautiful sculptures of Jesus, but that ain't one of them. Years ago, my old neighbor, aviation pioneer Walter Hinton, showed me some marvelous aerial photos he took of Rio de Janeiro -- back before this lovely natural setting was ruined with that ugly-assed uninspired giant touchdown Jesus. Declared a "Wonder", now the eyesore will likely NEVER get torn down or replaced with anything better.

maya, yucatan, aesthetics, brasil, landmarks

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