Post Rapture Business Opportunities: Invest now!

May 13, 2007 11:07

"Witter, a 24-year-old self-described atheist living in Orlando, is the creator of the Post-Rapture Post, which bills itself as "the postal service of the saved."

"For as little as $4.99, Witter offers to deliver your letters to friends and loved ones left behind after the Rapture, when some Christians believe they will be whisked up to heaven while everyone else - the "Left Behind" of the popular book series - suffers a series of tribulations." -- USA Today article

Post Rapture Post website

Sounds like there are business opportunity for infidels. Who can doubt that when the Fundimentalists are spontaneously wisked up to Heaven, they'd feel more secure knowing that they've taken care of paying the friendly neighborhood atheists to feed their cats and water their plants?

Dear Saved: You know you can't take it with you, and you can be Raptured at any moment! Don't delay, pay a heretic today!

religion, business

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