Ms. Hollie and I are back down in Del Boca Vista. We're less than a mile from my parents' condo; they splurged for an upgrade to our accomodations (I guess they can't picture living in one small room for a while, so they don't want us to either). We have a nice "mini suite" in a hotel.
The hotel's "waterfront" restaurant overlooks the Intracoastal Canal at picuresque Mouse Mouth Inlet, with a view of a drawbridge going up and down for the larger yachts and fishing boats. Perhaps we can transfer this concept to the 9th Ward of New Orleans on the Industrial Canal. Would it be better with a view of the St. Claude Bridge or Florida Avenue?
The restaurant's walls are open, and little birds hop on the floor to scavange crumbs. At breakfast yesterday a little girl was weilding a fork while chasing a bird.
An Eye of Frog operation is schedualed for Monday morning. I'm confident of the eye surgeon, as he's the one who area doctors go to when they need cateracts removed or vision corrected. I just hope I get adiquate drugs. No, I told the doctor. I don't just want to be "relaxed" and "not in pain" (if the operation was somewhere below the neck, that would be totaly copasetic). For surgical equipment removing the lens from my eye I'd rather be out of it, in another city, if not another planet.
I will then be wearing an eye-patch, unfortunately late for "Talk Like A Pirate Day". Then.... in a few days something close to normal vision out of that eye for the first time since I was 5 years old? To be seen.