Politics: Dollar Bill, Vitti-cent, and rooting for change

Jun 17, 2006 13:54

Louisiana's representatives in Washington have been busy nutria lately.

Dollar Bill Jefferson's adventures have made national news. He says he has "an honorable explanation" for how 90 k in marked bills intended to bribe the VP of Nigeria wound up in his freezer, but his lawyers have advised him to keep the story under wraps for the time being. I so hope we get to hear the honorable explanation; I bet it's a ripping good yarn. In the mean time, his fellow Dems are throwing him off Ways & Means; it seems that the "I havn't even been indicted yet, much less convicted" excuse doesn't necessarily fly on their side of the aisle. Not with an election coming up, anyhow.

Meanwhile David Vitter knows where his priorities are, proclaiming "I don't believe there's any issue that's more important than this one." He was talking about... outlawing Gay Marriage. (Which is already illegal in Louisiana. But with thousands homeless, cities in ruins, and 1/5 of the state in danger of washing out to sea, our first priority must be to make gay marriage even illegaler!) I didn't think he could top last August when he introduced a bill to encourage harvesting what's left of Louisiana's barrier wetlands to be turned into mulch while Katrina was barreling towards us in the Gulf. It just goes to show it doesn't pay to underestimate Critter Vitter.

On the national scene:

"The war in Iraq has become so unpopular that it could cost Republicans control of Congress, statehouses and governor races around the country, national pollster John Zogby said Friday. He said 70% of voters believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, adding, “I have never seen a number like that since I’ve been polling.” [...] But he cautioned: “The Democrats have no program on any issue, they have nothing to say that matters to anyone in the United States today.” " (via Detroit Free Press)


It's good to see that the Suspect Device cartoons run by Gambit Weekly are on line again.

Jefferson's Fridge

Vitter's strategy

And one from a couple months ago that I would have linked to at the time if I'd been able to find it on line:
6 months from Katrina in the illustrations of John Tenniel

$ bill, democrats, republicans, vitter, polls

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