Votin' day

May 20, 2006 20:08

Today's the election run off here in New Orleans. We'll see which of the low-key bald Democrats known for their cross racial appeal will be mayor. Also other stuff; like if a corrupt incumbant city councilman will succeed fooling folks again with great gobs of money spent on ads explaining how he's the candidate of change.

Mayor Ray says if we stay the course, that money and help the Feds have been promising us should start coming in any day now.

Meanwhile, the Picayune's Chris Rose did a short-attention span flippant questioning of the mayor candidates.

Rose: There's another flood. You are in a rescue boat. You arrive at a rooftop to find Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. There's only room for one in the boat. Who do you take?

Landrieu: They both get left.

Nagin: I give them the boat and get on the roof and wait for the helicopter.

Mitch actually took part in rescues during the great flood, but here he demonstrates he's a true humanitarian...

chris rose, nagin, mitch landrieu, jay batt, elections, paris hilton

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