Title: The Problem Is That There's A Problem
Author: infraredphaeton
Summary: Kurt has a problem with bullies. Mainly that they exist. Pratik has a problem with bullies. Mainly that they keep bullying him.
Warnings: Eric, language (Lee), sexual situations (gay), OCs
A/N: Sorry this took so long, guys!
No performances, unfortunately. )
I really love Liam in this for his friend (coughunacknowledgedasofyetlovecough) instincts with Eric. The whole getting ready to see Tina scene was hilarious. You write their banter so sharply.
What I found most interesting is the way bullying takes on a slippery, almost perspectival, quality in this update. And, as such, gives greater depth to an apparently clear plot line ( I mean "clarity" as a good thing here! Not pejoratively "simple" or "obvious" but "well thought out and considered; not meandering or floundering for direction"). The "good"& "bad" characters find themselves miming each other at points in an accurate portrayal of high school life, even in the utopian context of spah!Dalton. The best example of this continues to be your Kurt, who carries with him his own biases that construct his moral world in and as an absolute. But which you expose AS limits and sets of prejudices of their own; thereby engendering attitudes, at points, which are wonderfully (& if he or "the good guys" saw them for what they are and not through the lens of their bias as "the good guys"-- which you let US see: one might add, shockingly) close to Bradley. This us true of their beliefs:
only point of view with value is their own, and disagreement is because of others' inferiority not individuality And of their actions: consider Kurt's comments to Wes, treatment of Julian and perhaps those remarks directed at Bradley himself (Depending on how far you want to go with this observation, although I'd see here room for debate. Then again, it is your hanging of the narrative that produces this room, so my point stands. I. E. you = very talented). Of course, Bradley IS a bully. But my point is that you expose so much more in this update.
I won't apologize for rambling: your writing is thought provoking and marvelous for it.
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