I post here once in a blue moon

Dec 16, 2008 22:53

WARNING: What you are about to see may be so cute that you're head might actually explode.

Ok. I think that's about enough of that. Korbin is 10 months old - he'll be 11 months on the 28th. So close to being a year old... the past 10 months have seemed to go by so fast, yet drag on so long.

Having a kid really fucks with your perception of reality. In a myriad of ways - not just because your circadian sleep cycle won't be normal and healthy for several years, but it's the only point in a person's life where they truly make an incomparable metamorphosis into a new person. Of course, some people don't change, and they can somehow just abandon their offspring and continue their selfish ways. I can't even imagine how someone could do that to their child. I love my son way too much to ever do that to him... I now truly know what unconditional love is. There's nothing else like it.

I have never been happier, and I have never been more stressed out in my entire life. That's not a good combo when you're manic-depressive as it is.

I still smoke ganja, and I have come to consider the legalization and regulation this miracle plant my number one issue on politics, spirituality, economy... all of my most crucial issues. I know more about cannabis than anything else I can think of.

I confidently self-medicate with cannabis still, 6 years after the first time I used it. Not for a disease like multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy (which it can very effectively treat - watch ShoTime's In Pot We Trust), but for complete depression, stress, and anxiety relief without the horrible and sometimes even deadly side effects synthetic antidepressants can have. The beautiful thing about cannabis is just how many things it can be used for, especially from a medicinal standpoint. My back hurts everyday when I get home from work, and guess what I use to completely relieve myself of that pain? Cannabis relaxes your muscles, which is why it was used to treat epilepsy and muscle spasms (like from cerebral palsy). Back pain is usually caused merely by stiff muscles.

Most people would just shrug my opinion off and call me a pothead because I'm so passionate about legalizing it. However, ... fuck those people. If you're one of those people, I am sorry. But you are ignorant, and it's not your fault I suppose. You've been raised to think certain things about cannabis - most of which are entirely untrue and just preposterous. Too many people would lose too much money if the truth about cannabis were to be revealed on a widespread scale.

If cannabis were to be legalized and regulated right at this moment in America, this whole recession nonsense could end. Not only would the tens of billions of dollars that get spent to *extremely unsuccessfully* eradicate cannabis from society suddenly be free to spend on things like education and other righteous causes, but three HUGE industries would be introduced into the American economy - which would reach out into the global economy as well.

In order of economical importance, these industries are the following:


-Industrial hemp - the form of cannabis that cannot get you high, yet is still illegal to grow!!!! hmm, conspiracy much?? it can be used for renewable bio-fuel ---the first Ford Model-T had hemp panels that had 10x the impact strength of steel and the car was made to run on hemp diesel, but the oil companies pushed all of that out of the way---, bio-degradable plastic, textiles, paper, building materials - all of which would be higher quality and eco-friendly compared to the industries hemp could replace. Hemp is one of the world's largest bio-mass producers and on top of that, it grows incredibly fast.

-Medicinal - cannabis (whether smoked or ingested orally - most patient prefer to smoke or vaporize because of the immediate relief of symptoms) can very effectively treat over 100 illnesses and diseases with little to no side effects, including the horrible side effects of chemotherapy, the wasting-syndrome from AIDs, glaucoma, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder - in other words, stress, which is one of today's top killers. Shortly before cannabis was made illegal in 1937, there were 20 or so cannabis-based medicines ready to go on the market. Of course, you can't see that in any history books. No sir. Then the kids would realize the government is full of shit.

-Recreational - This is what most people have a problem with. The fact of the matter is that cannabis could easily be regulated in the same manner as alcohol, and there's no reason why it shouldn't be because the health risks are almost nonexistant compared to alcohol. Also, the kind of inebriation that cannabis induces is much less debilitating on your judgement than alcohol. An age restriction could be put in place. Gangs, thugs, and violent dealers who make their living off of cannabis being illegal would no longer have that power. The only thing is, the American government is full of thugs in business suits. They profit from cannabis being illegal, so of course they're going to fight for it to stay that way.


I asked a fairly intelligent person (who opposses cannabis) why they think it should stay illegal. Her answer was

"Because it's a mind-altering drug."

Ok. Then I had to break out the cannabis-caffeine analogy that Terence McKenna used so often.

Caffeine is a mind-altering stimulant that has killed tens of thousands of people, it's addictive, and yet... you can't walk into a grocery store without being surrounded by products that contain it. It's within every coffee can that sits in nearly every home and business in the world.

Cannabis, on the other hand, is a mind-altering psychedelic drug that has never killed anyone directly. It is not physically addictive (therefore no physical withdrawal symptoms). Yet, it is the most demonized drug in the world.

More money is spent on anti-cannabis campaigns than any other anti-drug campaigns, despite the fact that it's one of the safest substances known to man. The DEA itself said this when cannabis was becoming illegal.

"Marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance known to man, safer than many foods we commonly consume," said DEA Judge Francis L.

Despite all these known facts, somehow legislation was pushed and the entire dynamic of America would change by the illegalization of one beautiful plant. You may not believe that it's such a big deal - but imagine how much we could have accomplished by now with cannabis alone, in terms of industrial and medicinal uses. Research and development are stifled to the point of near impossibility because of its illegality. It's nature's safest pain reliever, more nutritious than soybeans (an endless array of ridiculously nutritious *non-intoxicating* foods can be made from hemp), and many people actually base their entire spirituality around this plant. Many people believe cannabis was the foundation of Christianity. Since I'm about sick of typing, I'm not going to elaborate very much on anything. But when Jesus healed the blind? He was probably using his potent cannabis recipe as it is blatantly laid out in Exodus. NINE pounds or so of flowering cannabis (hebrew: kaneh-bosem) tops soaked in around 10 pints of olive oil, along with several other herbs. Christ means "anointed one." The anointing oil used by the original Christians was this potent intoxicating psychedelic mixture, which they were drenched in, producing heightened states of spiritual experience. They believed that this state of consciousness was one in which they were closer to God, and after they had gone through it they could be closer to God indefinitely. Mushrooms were also very obviously a part of Christianity's roots. All one has to do is examine some Christian artwork. However, these were most likely Amanita muscaria, not the Psilocybin variety of mushrooms. Both are completely different substances. With Amanitas, the active ingredient remains active in urine for up to seven ingestions. Yes, I'm talking about drinking your own urine. But the stories are of Siberian shamans drinking the urine of reindeer who were fed Amanitas. They have a much more "poisoned" kind of effect compared to Psilocybin mushrooms.

Notice the snake winding around the stalk of the mushroom. It makes so much sense to me for the tree of knowledge to be based upon a mushroom or a towering cannabis plant (they can grow to be 20 feet, yknow).

"Healings of Jesus Diseases THC treats:
Blindness - Glaucoma

Deafness - Tinnitus

Lameness - Arthritis

Sickness Nausea; Cramps; Migraine

'Leprosy' - Skin Lesions

'Demon-Possession' - Epilepsy; Multiple Sclerosis"

Of course, once again, the [religious] powers that be stifled the truth about cannabis and eliminated it from the history of Christianity. They denied their own roots, so that they could take away the power of having a personal relationship with God. You can't have a personal relationship with God unless you go to a church and hear some stranger's interpretation of "his word," apparently. I always questioned why we had to go to church to be Christians when I was a kid. I had to fight tooth and nail to get my dad to stop forcing me to go when I was 13. Ever since then I've never been to church and don't plan on going again.

Well, this is ridiculously long and I need to go to sleep god damnit. Good night.

"The acute toxicity of cannabis and the cannabinoids on the other hand is very low. According to House of Lords (UK) Report on Cannabis for Medical Purposes, "no-one has ever died as a direct and immediate consequence of recreational or medical use." That makes marijuana the safest drug in the world, safer than Bayer Aspirin. Next time you get sick and need some symptom relief you might think of taking something simple and safe like marijuana before you go out and spend your money on a dangerous product produced by a company like Bayer, which has a corporate history darker than you would ever want to imagine. In the final analysis it is interesting to note that the safest most widely available drug in the world is illegal while much more dangerous ones are available over the counter."

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