On my jog this morning I passed by the DC parking lot. A guy was there
practicing his Kendo; violent yelling, smashing invisible ninjas with his
sword. Cool. As I passed him again on the way home I really wished I had a
Kendo sword, too. Then I could've whipped it out and challenged him to a crazy
hardcore ninja-style Kendo duel. I'd get pwned, of course. I don't know the
first thing about Kendo.
I still want the sword.
I think I'm going to sign up to be a frosh leader; it's not too late since I
can get training in the Spring term while I'm still here. It's too bad that I
have a hard semester next term since there are so many things that I want to be
involved with (CSC, frosh leader, kendo lessons, pwning my courses, learning to
cook, coding, etc). I'm trying to learn from the engineers, to find out how to
be hardcore; I mean, they get owned by their courses way more than us Mathies,
and they're often way more involved with their extracurriculars as well. Now
that I have my courses under control (ie. not failing), I've got to get myself
even more organized so I can do happy stuff.
I went exploring campus again yesterday; exams have given me a lot of free time,
which I should be using to study... but I really need to explore campus more.
This time it was a survey of the Church Colleges. I've already seen a bit of St.
Jerome's so I skipped through there and walked up the path to St. Paul's. I
had the munchies and I've heard good things about the cafeteria there. The walk
up took me past some construction going on; I wonder what they're building.
I peeked inside their cute l'il chapel (closed), then went inside the main area.
My first steps into St. Paul's gave me some insight into a sense of community
about the place. There were lots of posters up for events, and they've got a
pool table, foozball, dart board(!), and some other game stuffs. There were
a couple of people around, and everyone I walked past said hi. Nifty.
It took me about 5-10 minutes to figure out how the cafeteria worked. There
wasn't a lot of traffic at all, in a morning of exam-week. I noticed that there
was a very nice selection of spices available, but what struck me here was a
messageboard where people were posting comments/suggestions about the caf, and
were getting friendly replies back (!), all at a very personal level. Neat-o.
A few pastries were available, but I really had my eye on a banana in a fruit
basket. Looking about though, I noticed that there was no cash
register!! How was I supposed to buy my banana?? A few people came
in and out, but they seemed to just take some food and walk away. O_o Finally
I noticed a food services person and asked how I could buy the banana. She
looked around confused a bit, then went into the back to look up the price. "50
cents." "50 cents?" I gave her 50 cents. "70 cents." I gave her another
quarter. She gave me a nickel. I walked away with my banana.
Next I tried to go to Conrad Grebel. Wow, that place has some nice
buildings. I couldn't figure out how to get into them, though; although I did
find lots of bibles near their chapel. Then I went to Renisen. That place is
pretty nice too; large halls, descriptions of its history, etc. I found their
caf, and after some time was actually able to purchase some french toast and a
drink that looked like pink dentist fluoride. The drink was good and the
people were nice. I think they could tell I was pretty lost, though.
On my way back I took a little shortcut through a St. Paul's building (I
think); through a little hallway with doors on either side. In the hall was a
guy on a couch. He said, "Hi." "Hi." *me looking around* "You looking for
something?" "No, just exploring." "Cool." "Thanks!" and I went out the other
I walked down this little path along the side of the building, and turning the
corner I realized it was a dead end because of the construction. I walked back
to report this to my new friend, but the doors were locked (!). I turned
around, and realized my only way out was a big steep muddy hill with lots of
little flags on it. Wheeee!
Then I went back to MathSoc and had an office hour. Office hours are fun, but
MathSoc really needs a hygiene committee.
I should really start studying for exams. I'm hungry again.
mc is not-too-shabby. My room is a mess. Oldskool Amiga gamez are fun. It's morning again. Time too wake up!