May 04, 2006 00:41
A miracle occurs!! I got hit by some wyyyld bell curve of sorts, and somehow passed Machine Learning! YaY! For a liittle while I was upset that this had ruined my summer plans, but I've snapped out of that. I graduate LOLZ!
So that changes plans. Waiting for prof to send me his matlab code to hack on. In the meantime, I've been relaaaaxing in the gorgeous weather, getting exercise, working on nifty random projects with fabulous people in the CSC etc... life is happy. And the days still disappear so fast!
I'm debating whether or not to officially enroll in STAT 946: Advanced Computational Inference. It's so sweet. I gave up on the ISS course though.
I've chosen to graduate amongst Stats people instead of CS people. I'll know few from either group I think, but the Stats ceremony is in the morning :)