alfedenzo and I went to The Weekend's concert in Waterloo tonight, it was awesome!! Soo fun, and loud, but they were really good, and the environment at
Starlight was pleasant. I got a shirt :D o/~ Pretty from the Outside o/~ Yay!
It's very late and I should be finishing Calculus... I'm disappointed by my progress in Algorithms this term *sigh* especially since the assignments haven't been as hard as I would've expected. I just have a very difficult time doing such things in advance, I guess. However, I've been doing very well in Biology somehow :)
My tentative schedule for next term is
here, and it's... kinda sad (altho it looks like a smiley face!). Those Stats are gonna be -hard-, and I'm hoping the Lab component for Earth Sciences 121 isn't required. I know that someday soonish I'm going to have to start earning money, but instead I've been planning my next undergrad in biology and/or earth sciences :D That would be so awesome!
Walking to school today, discovered that a field on campus had been transformed into a carnival-celebration. Free food and games!! Had a fun time exploring that with Olga (and Ivan somewhat) in the beautiful +30'C weather. w00! I luv summer!!!
Last weekend was the WCF retreat = camping = le awesome!! Very much out-in-the-woods-with-lots-of-bugs-and-tents-style. We went swimming against regulations and the current was so strong that I had to hang onto the rocks otherwise I'd be drifting (near as fast as I can swim) down the rapids towards a waterfall. Teehee! T'was a fun weekend. Also spawned much interesting discussion of late about WCF, different perceptions of what it is and what its direction should be, etc. It will be nifty to see where that goes...
However, a drastic thing happened: Jamima has been kidnapped! (the stuffed flower usually attached to my schoolbag). I miss her dearly, and will do whatever it takes to bring her back safely. Oh Jamima where art thou!?!?