Just got home from some hardcore Stats studying!! It's finally making sense... studying with other people helps ueber-much. Booya. Despite all the ridiculous amount of work (and it's a light semester! but I'm trying really hard, yay) it's actually a lot of fun. ...when things make sense. :)
Yesterday, I admit I splurged and did far less work than I should have. Yesterday was "You@Waterloo Day" and I had volunteered to help out and try to sell Waterloo to pre-frosh. It was fun and I got a t-shirt, w00t. Free shirts are always nice :)
Then I went to an awesome Ceilidh! (why do I feel like I'm spelling 'Cthulhu' when I write that? Actually, they had spelled it Ceili there but I think it's properly spelled with the 'dh'..) It was sooooo much fun! And I tried not to talk about math there, really.. Even amongst other mathies, we tried not to think about the combinatorial aspects of Irish dancing. Or dancing in elementary ADTs... "whee we're being enqueued!" Fun times indeed. And Melissa and I both won door-prizes: w00t!
I figure that last night makes up for having spent real Halloween studying statistics. Kind of, maybe?
I can't decide if I should mosey on down to da O-town this weekend.. midterms are lightening up around then, and I have some business to take care of there... but it's much harder to get schoolwork done. Meh. I'll prolly decide on Friday or so. Bob: Props man, thanks for the message! I'll definitely give ya a shout if I'm heading down.
At the excellent
WCF auction, I bought (won?) some homemade rice krispy squares that came with a Millenium Falcon (model-thing). I'm sorry, a Millenium Falcon just doesn't come -with- something! That's just not right!! So, I hope to build this thing soon, and attack people with it. And watch Medabots. And clean my room, and invite people over to eat pie and watch Medabots.
Enguarde, ye stats midterm! Yarr...