an ear for fables.

May 22, 2011 01:19

Do you find it necessary to your enjoyment of explaining an idea to someone that they are open to the concept and not just humouring you/listening because they care but not really taking in the information?

I say this because I have a lot of friends who really believe in star signs and astrology. I find the whole subject fascinating as a collection of myths and legends, in the same way I find Greek mythology interesting - it has no sense of reality in the temporal sense for me but it is very interesting to listen to. I like acquiring knowledge even if I don't believe it to be "true".

I have many friends "do my chart" and give me a personality reading based on a complex interweaving of sets of information about rising this and cusp of that. Often they pass comments offhand like "Librans are like x and y" and there is an implicit understanding that I'll nod sagely and go along with it.

Often I engage in discussion because, as I said, I find it interesting - just not relevant.

However I am now worried that my willingness to ask questions is a) making my astrology/alternative spirituality invested friends think I believe what they do and b) they are unaware that I think astrology is as true as God/s and Goddesses (ie. not very true) and would feel offended if they knew I was listening with an interest that wasn't sincere in the way they thought.

What do you think about the whole matter, LJ?

friends, spirituality, conversations

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