I hate those meeses to pieces OR my life is an episode of I Love Lucy

Nov 07, 2010 10:29

So in an attempt to be all jolly and forget the stress of the day yesterday, we got ready for the MiniJames Minimalist Party and were set to go. I decided to medicate and quickly clean Tut's cage before we departed.

However, when I pulled out the bottom tray I discovered five mice living in his cage, which explains his meek singing the last few days. He's also lost some weight because they've been eating his food.

They must have clambered in through the window (which has no screen. sigh.) and decided his cage was warm and comfy.

I have nothing against the mice except the fact that they are now loose in my room, and I am scared of mice and do not wish to have them crawling on my face at night or sharing my space unless we are already on friendly, known terms. I caught one in a humane trap last night and let him go down the street. But I did not sleep much, no sir, and thus I am running on three hours and jumping at every noise or movement in my room.

However my naiad costume is very awesome for the party. So.

Life is sort of amusingly wretched at the moment, and all the little and big irritations are rather distracting me from being able to focus on the good things, like warm cuddly boy beside me at night and lovely friends and lots of lovely candles for my room from Andrew and Cassie.

Soon I promise my posts will be all: here's a recipe! I like cake! Shows are nice! and less doom, gloom and general grumpiness.

house, mice, grumpy, animal rights, animals, party

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