Please fill out my audience research questionnaire.
Anonymous comments are recommended.
I need at least 45 responses. Thanks in advance.
Let me know if there are any problems.
1. Age:
2. Gender:
3. Where are you from?
4. How many hours a day do you spend watching television?
5. What is your favorite television program?
6. What is your primary news source?
7. If you watch television news, which programs do you watch?
8. What time do you watch the news?
a) morning
b) afternoon
c) evening
d) late-night
e) other:___________
9. Who is your favorite news anchor?
10. Who would you prefer to get your news from?
a) Katie Couric
b) Charles Gibson
c) Bill O’Reilly
d) Jon Stewart
e) Brian Williams
f) Paula Zahn
g) Anderson Cooper
11. Do you watch news programs in its entirety?
12. What types of stories would you like to be covered more?
13. Who do you want to hear less about?
a) Paris Hilton
b) George W. Bush
c) Britney Spears
d) Barack Obama
e) Pete Wentz
f) Nancy Pelosi
g) none of the above
14. Who do you want to hear more about?
a) Paris Hilton
b) George W. Bush
c) Britney Spears
d) Barack Obama
e) Pete Wentz
f) Nancy Pelosi
g) none of the above
15. Do you pay more attention to “Breaking News” or a “Developing Story” over a regular broadcast?
16. What kind of news stories are you most familiar with?
a) international
b) national
c) sports
d) celebrity
e) local
f) other:___________
17. Do you follow celebrity gossip or news?
18. Do your friends and family know that you follow celebrity news?
19. What is your primary source for celebrity news?
20. Do you check celebrity news websites? How often?
a) hourly
b) daily
c) weekly
d) monthly
e) other:___________
21. Do you check news-based websites? How often?
a) hourly
b) daily
c) weekly
d) monthly
e) other:___________
22. Which websites do you visit daily?
23. How would you categorize your political views?