May 02, 2008 02:01
I feel like maybe I will stay up the whole night for no reason. Maybe not though. I don't really have anything to do.
Well, I mean, I could study for finals. But I won't, so.
I am unreasonably excited that I'm going to be home come next weekend. Even though I do all right, I am not cut out for college, I don't think. I'm not going to drop out or anything, it is just not my thing. Which, I guess, is true of a lot of people. My neighbor spends so much time studying that I feel like a slacker. But hey! It's the end of the year (the thing is, I don't care any more than I do now at any other point in the year. the current timing gives me a semi-valid excuse though?). Also I want to sleep in my own bed. I want to clean my own room! What in the world.
So I don't know if you know about this, but I just found out about a week or so ago through an ad on a webcomic (weird, I think, but awesome!). It is pretty amazing and I have no money right now because of it. I am excited to have a job again so I can give money to people on there. Also so I can be crafty! It is a terribly inspiring website as well as useful and addicting. I have bought birthday presents for my sister and my dad, in advance. This is not usual.
If limewire (shhhh) didn't slow my computer down so much I would just download hella music all night. That would be fun. I need a limewire alternative. Suggestions (ones that don't cost me money that I don't have)?
I'm kind of bummed my dad is going to come get me and take me home, which is terrible. But I really miss my mom a lot, and I was excited that I was going to see her and drive home with her. She's a cool lady. I mean, my dad is cool too, but. I don't know. It's a weird thing. But I will see my mom when I get home! And Danielle! And Steph! And Simon! And everyone. I am so (too? yes probably) attached to my family. It's never a problem - I miss them, but I see them vaguely often over the year and then for the whole summer. The fact that it might be a lot less than that in the future is disconcerting, though. Oh well I have two more years before I worry about that, stop thinking brain please.
This summer I will not be doing anything special. I will work! I will spend all of my money foolishly! I will make dinners! I will wash dishes! I will play board games! I will give my blind, insane cat catnip and be amused! I will watch movies, by myself and with my family! I might go to the beach! Exclamation points are overused in these sentences to emphasize how stupidly excited I am to do these things.
Do you know what is a fun word? Uncanny.
Well I guess I should go to bed and stop typing at you. You're welcome.