There's a load of interesting stuff on at the theatres coming up very soon, I've just got the Autumn season guide and it looks very promising.
Pirates of Penzance this week, until Sat 12th June. I completely forgot about this until now. Whoops. Anyone free on Thursday?
Alice, an adaptation of Alice In Wonderland, Thurs 17th June - Sat 24th July. I've always been a big fan of Alice in Wonderland so I'd love to see this.
Open-Air Theatre in the Botanical Gardens:
An Ideal Husband, Thu 24th June - Sun 27th June
Love in Shakespeare, Fri 9th July - Sun 11th July
The Secret Garden, Tue 10th Aug - Fri 13th Aug
All by Heartbreak Theatre, who have done loads of great open-air plays over the last few years, especially their children's plays.
Macbeth by Pantaloons Theatre, Thu 19th - Sun 22nd August, in the Botanical Gardens, FREE. I absolutely loved their Romeo and Juliet last year, this is well worth a look.
Then the new season in September:
One Man Lord of the Rings, Wed 1 Sep in the Lyceum. I saw the same guy do his One-Man Star Wars show a few years ago and I can't recommend him enough. There's no way I'm missing this one, and since it's one night only I'll probably book about a month in advance. £16.00.
SPAMALOT!!!!! Mon 6 - Sat 11 Sep. I don't really need to say any more about this, do I?
The Gruffalo, Thu 16th - Sat 18th Sep. He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws! I'm booking to see him, online with a click, and his favourite food is Kentucky Fried Flick!
Beauty and the Beast and Joseph are on again in November. I've seen both of them but may consider seeing them again.
Don't Stop Believin' - Songs From Glee. Mon 29 Nov - Sat 4 Dec. An all-new show featuring all the hits you love!
Then, of course, there's this year's Panto, which is Peter Pan.
And finally, Swan Lake is on in January. I've been wanting to see this for ages. Watch me either not be able to go, or forget about it completely.