So anyways

May 05, 2008 06:24

i joined this site yesterday, im in korea not that it matters to anyone but to the people i love very much. as of late ive been busy and dont have time for anything but work and my fiance and of course she is the most important forever :P im actually about to talk to her right now but anyways i got about 6 months left before i finally get to go home and marry the most important and beautiful person in my life. On wednesday ill officially have internet and be able to talk to her all the time again. Me and her have been very stressed lately because we're trying to plan our wedding that has to take place sometime in the two weeks i have leave before i go to ft lewis washington and for anyone who cares im not goin there without her.not only that works been stressing me and schools been stressing her not to mention we had a scare of having a baby. its wonderful that it could be a possibility but right now with all the stress of being thousands of miles apart and everything else now is not exactly the best time for a baby. But either way if she is or not im still there for her a 100% and she knows that and im willing to support her and a baby. well for now im gonna be done posting this journal entry and talk to her and my dad.
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