(no subject)

Nov 14, 2014 15:22

Over on Facebook, Oni was having a crisis of self-faith. Oni is a bass player. Oni is a hell of a musician.
Being a hell of a musician myself, and having had similar crises of doubt, I did what I do and couched my advice in poetic metaphor. I really hope this helps.

You may be reaching your breaking point. It WILL happen. It WILL suck. You may even be stuck on your own without help when you need it most. You might think you're broken.

That's when you scrap. That's when you use your creativity. That's when you find your song. That's when you find you were not broken, you were merely taken apart. That's when you can get into all the cracks and crevices, clean out all the crud and crap and doubt and negativity and dust that's been gumming up your works.

And once you're cleaned and polished and lubed up again, you can see the orchestra, the band that creates you.

Your bassline will become your strong spine, that will bend but never break.
Your percussive rhythm will make your legs march long past when your mind thought it had already given up.
Your tenor and alto harmonies will be the left and right hands, you know the middle is where it all gets fleshed out and the real work happens.
And your top lead line will be the breath that fills out and speaks the unifying truth, that all the others have been building up for you to flow forth.

All you need is the proper goal, the proper message. If you're the musician you say you are, then play the arranger, the orchestrator, the band leader.

And remember that if all the world's a stage,
Everyone's your audience;
Prepare to flop occasionally,
But be ready to fly when Everyone wants to lift you.

I'll see you on Cloud 2, with my hand held out to help you on upward.

And yes, I do notice more and more that the advice I give to my friends is the advice I really mean to give to myself. This is not completely unintentional - I have always had a weak sense of self-identity, I do better at recognizing myself by the way I respond to my friends. I've always been a mimic, searching for a core.

I do have a core Carl, but in times of stress bits seem to fragment off into filtered personae, into facets of a gem rather than a rounded whole.
In times of extreme stress, even my specific personae fragment into a set of social filters that I identify as Masquerade masks.

My full soul is very exuberant, very vocal, very forward, and very clueless. I use different filter masks to be a different Carl according to what is appropriate.

[Just so you know, I am making this post Publicly visible. Because I very rarely lay out my mind's imagery in quite a public forum, but now that I have, I want it to be able to be seen by Everyone. My Audience is You.]

fuckups, music, doing good, spider, philosophy, making a point through absurdity, artsy shit, posting while intoxicated, shaman

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