When I was nine, I was a huge turtle-head. Had the whole bedroom set plus the framed poster on the wall, and
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness was the worldbook that got me into dice-RPGs.
So, when I was that age, the Chuck E. Cheese around the corner from me had a TMNT machine that was popular. I'd pour so many allowances into that machine, and once in a while other guys would join in and we'd get far, even beat the game while chucking tokens in once, maybe twice.
Flash forward fifteen years or so.
My nephew is nine years old. TMNT had just had a revival. Guess what he's into, guess what arcade machine ROM I had emulated on my computer, and guess whose household held Thanksgiving.
'Nuff said. He played Leonardo on the controller, I played Donatello on the keyboard, infinite quarters, fuckawesomebeatthegame.