Chat with a former K-9 handler.

Jul 03, 2007 17:53

[04:11] BakD028: hey there
[04:12] Infinity Waving: Oh hi.
[04:12] Infinity Waving: How's it going?
[04:12] BakD028: its going, and yourself?
[04:12] Infinity Waving: Well, Going a little better I suppose. I was actually thinking about bugging you to ask about some K-9 stuff.
[04:13] BakD028: Not a problem, but maybe we can trade a bit of info
[04:13] BakD028: for a young guy, i'm kinda technologically do the whole "MySpace" thing?
[04:13] Infinity Waving: Haha, unfortunately I di.
[04:13] Infinity Waving: do*
[04:13] Infinity Waving: Need help with a layout or something?
[04:13] BakD028: ok, then maybe you can explain something to me
[04:14] BakD028: what's "extended network"?
[04:14] Infinity Waving: I don't think anyone knows.
[04:14] BakD028: great
[04:14] BakD028: lol
[04:14] Infinity Waving: Seriously, I've never heard any information about it, just that EVERYONE is in your network practically, haha
[04:15] BakD028: hmm.  OK then.  ::scratches my head in confusion::
[04:15] Infinity Waving: Just one of those great myspace mysteries :P
[04:15] BakD028: i'm trying to track down some military pals, and I *think* i've found his wife, and it says she's in my "extended network"
[04:15] BakD028: so i was trying to figure out WTF that is
[04:16] BakD028: and since she hasn't logged on in over a year, it's one of my few options
[04:16] Infinity Waving: Yeah I wouldn't even rely on it. I''ve got a friend in Okinawa in my "extended network", and I'm in Iowa.
[04:17] Infinity Waving: I was going to ask you if you knew anything about the Marine Corps K-9 units.
[04:17] Infinity Waving: Sorry didn't mean to change the subject, you can continue ^^
[04:17] BakD028: just that they do the same job the AF does - all K-9 in the branches do the same stuff
[04:17] BakD028: as for how you get in, I couldn't tell ya.  I can say that I wouldn't bother with it though...the Corps is an odd creature
[04:18] Infinity Waving: Haha.
[04:18] BakD028: they're wound way too tightly
[04:18] Infinity Waving: Well unfortunately I'm not one to break tradition, so I'm going Marine :P
[04:18] BakD028: bleh, have fun
[04:18] Infinity Waving: All I know so far is I go MP, do my best in my MOS school and I might be eligable for K-9 training.
[04:19] BakD028: not to sound like an AF recruiter, but why in gods name would you go into the Corps?
[04:19] Infinity Waving: Like I said, I'm not one to break tradition. That and I like a good challenge.
[04:20] Infinity Waving: I've got 8 family members that were in the Corps.
[04:20] BakD028: i see
[04:20] BakD028: well, i won't try to change your opinion.  The only thing I'd suggest is to keep an open mind in regards to the other branches of the Service.  there are pro's and con's to each
[04:22] BakD028: and personally, while I respect the Marines, there's no way I'd ever join them.
[04:22] BakD028: they're too institutionalized, too rigid in their beliefs.  they think there's only one way to fix a problem, and it's usually the brute force method.  Hardly ever the best option for law enforcement, and especially K-9 as a whole
[04:23] BakD028: they're wound way too tightly
[04:23] Infinity Waving: Ah.
[04:24] BakD028: what does the boyfriend think about you joining the Marines?
[04:24] Infinity Waving: Well he said he's proud, because I'm actually trying to do something.
[04:24] Infinity Waving: He's also jealous because he can't join the military.
[04:24] BakD028: why not?
[04:25] BakD028: i thought he was in the process to join....but maybe i'm mixing up people
[04:25] Infinity Waving: He had cancer a couple years ago. So he has to wait 5 years from the day he's "clean" till he could get in.
[04:25] BakD028: ahhh
[04:25] Infinity Waving: He was, but got denied because of that.
[04:25] BakD028: well, in that event, I'm sorry for him
[04:26] Infinity Waving: Me too.
[04:27] Infinity Waving: He's doing ok now though. He's got a decent job as contracted security.
[04:27] BakD028: is he going to try again in a few years when he's clear?
[04:27] Infinity Waving: If he doesn't already have a law enforcement job by then, it's possible.
[04:27] BakD028: best of luck to you both
[04:27] Infinity Waving: He's going to try again in Feburary I belive for the Mesa AZ PD.
[04:28] Infinity Waving: believe*
[04:29] *** "BakD028" signed off at Tue Jul 03 04:29:34 2007.
[04:29] *** "BakD028" signed on at Tue Jul 03 04:29:37 2007.
[04:29] BakD028: you there?
[04:30] Infinity Waving: YEah
[04:30] BakD028: sorry got booted
[04:30] BakD028: so how's it going to work between you two with you joining the corps?
[04:31] Infinity Waving: Well, he moved out a couple weeks ago, so we can get used to all this. It sucks cause I'm so used to having someone there when I get home and stuff, but it was something that had to be done. We're just going to take it as it goes.
[04:31] BakD028: why'd he move out?
[04:31] Infinity Waving: In a perfect world, When I'm done in the military we'll both be living in Arizona.
[04:32] Infinity Waving: Well I'll probably be shiping out for boot camp in September or August.
[04:32] Infinity Waving: Plus we tended to do better when we weren't constantly in each others space all the time.
[04:32] BakD028: long you guys been together?
[04:33] Infinity Waving: 4 years. We lived together the last two.
[04:33] BakD028: and how old are you guys?
[04:33] Infinity Waving: Part of it was me not really being able to do much of anything as far as getting a career moving along.
[04:33] BakD028: fuck i know that feeling
[04:33] Infinity Waving: I'm 20, he's 22.
[04:34] Infinity Waving: Yeah I got out of high school intending to go to college, then just worked crap jobs for two years.
[04:34] BakD028: maybe i'm going too personal here, and if i am by all means tell me to shut up
[04:34] BakD028: but...
[04:34] BakD028: were you guys discussing marriage at all?
[04:34] Infinity Waving: Neither of us really care, haha.
[04:34] Infinity Waving: We're not religious at all.
[04:35] Infinity Waving: And we both have that view that the main purpose of marriage is religious.
[04:35] BakD028: i'm not really referring to the religious side of it
[04:35] Infinity Waving: Yeah.
[04:35] BakD028: there's alot more to marriage other than benefits, tax benefits, etc...
[04:36] BakD028: I'm not religious at all, so I wouldn't be referring to it in that manner
[04:36] Infinity Waving: In the past we brought up the idea of a commitment type ceremony once or twice, but we've always gone by the fact that if I got married earlier than age 26 I would lose any military benefits I was eligable for because of my dad.
[04:37] Infinity Waving: So it wasn't really something we talked about due to how far off it would've had to be.
[04:37] BakD028: don't you think it's a little nieve to believe you guys will be together while you're in the Corps?
[04:38] Infinity Waving: Well the first 2 years of our relationship were long distance.
[04:38] Infinity Waving: So I know it can be done.
[04:38] Infinity Waving: But like I said, we're just going to take it a step at a time.
[04:39] BakD028: hmm...i see
[04:39] BakD028: actually I don't, but i'm trying to understand LOL
[04:39] Infinity Waving: Hahaha
[04:40] BakD028: what's your crackspace page? I'd like to take a look
[04:40] Infinity Waving:
[04:40] Infinity Waving: Go ahead and add if you like.
[04:40] Infinity Waving: His is, as you can guess, at the top of my friends spots. Absit I'm sure you remember.
[04:40] BakD028: yup that i do
[04:42] BakD028: myspace is being you have a link?
[04:42] Infinity Waving: (Link:
[04:43] BakD028: there we go, much better
[04:43] BakD028: stand by while i figure all this shit out
[04:43] Infinity Waving: Haha. Those tricky links :P
[04:43] BakD028: i told ya - i'm technologically challenged
[04:44] Infinity Waving: THat's alright, we all have out weaknesses :P
[04:46] BakD028: fucking myspace lol
[04:47] Infinity Waving: What's it doing to you? :P
[04:47] BakD028: don't take this the wrong way, but you're a very pretty girl
[04:48] Infinity Waving: Awe thanks
[04:48] BakD028: also don't take this the wrong way, but you guys have a very...odd....look at your relationship
[04:49] BakD028: maybe Ab's a better guy than I am, but were it me, and my girlfriend of 4 years was going to join the Corps, I'd probally be losing my mind
[04:49] Infinity Waving: He likes to keep things inside. His way of dealing with things is by blocking them out.
[04:49] Infinity Waving: For all I know he might be.
[04:49] Infinity Waving: But he doesn't let anyone know what he's thinking.
[04:49] BakD028: I'd be fucking freaking out
[04:49] Infinity Waving: Haha
[04:49] BakD028: shit, you laugh - i'm serious
[04:50] BakD028: i haven't seen him on here in a long time, i've been meaning to catch up with you two and see what was going on
[04:50] Infinity Waving: Yeah he doesn't have internet at the moment. He's been working a lot lately.
[04:50] Infinity Waving: He only gets on long enough to check his mail and such.
[04:51] BakD028: now, were i him, and i had a woman as beautiful as you are, who wanted to be a Marine (and thus be leaving me), i'd be shitting kittens
[04:51] BakD028: lemme pose another querry here....what do you expect from the Corps?
[04:53] Infinity Waving: I expect to be given some tools to help push me in a direction I'm hoping will lead to what I want to do.
[04:53] BakD028: hmm
[04:53] BakD028: why no college?
[04:53] Infinity Waving: I always sucked at doing homework :P
[04:54] Infinity Waving: I can do awesome in a class if the teacher actually teaches IN the class, but as soon as they send me home to teach myself with homework, I can't stand it.
[04:54] BakD028: honey, let me tell you something - if you don't have that piece of paper (i.e. a degree), all the experience in the world don't mean shit
[04:54] BakD028: i'm in that boat right now, and getting ready to start classes in the fall
[04:54] BakD028: because quite frankly, despite my experience, I can't buy a job
[04:55] Infinity Waving: Where are you?
[04:55] BakD028: Chicago
[04:56] Infinity Waving: Well there's a problem in itself. Illinois sucks!
[04:56] BakD028: very true, but what i'm talking about stretches around the US...i've got buddies all over the place who are in the same boat
[04:57] BakD028: some with more experience than I
[04:58] Infinity Waving: That's why we're looking at Arizona, there seems to be a lot of opportunity out there.
[04:59] BakD028: very true, i've got a couple buddies there right now as a matter of's getting ready to move back home to Minnesota because she fucking hates it
[04:59] BakD028: the other is a cop for an Indian reservation...i want to say he worked for Mesa for a bit and quit, but don't quote me on the town.  I could be saying Mesa because you put the name in my head.
[04:59] Infinity Waving: Possibly :P
[05:00] Infinity Waving: Well, I lived in Yuma when I was little and I loved it. So I know the weather wont bother me. I'm looking forward to getting away from snow.
[05:01] BakD028: i can imagine, although ya know what - surprisingly its what i missed the most about the midwest.  I fucking HATED snow when I left for Basic
[05:01] BakD028: turns out i really missed it, especially around xmas
[05:01] Infinity Waving: First tme I ever saw snow I was 12 years old. Didn't like it then, still don't like it 8 years later, haha.
[05:02] BakD028: lol
[05:02] BakD028: how long of a hitch you plan on doing?
[05:02] Infinity Waving: My grandma was like "ooh look your first snow! Go play!" 10 minutes later I come back in pissed off because it's wet and cold, lol
[05:03] BakD028: lol yeah, but it's pretty on Xmas, with the lights & stuff....ya know, the holiday spirit?
[05:04] Infinity Waving: For now the minimum, 4 years I think it is active. Depending on whats going on by then (mainly the thing with the boyfriend) I'll either get out and move to Arizona and work on getting into LE somewhere, or I'll make a career in the Marine Corps.
[05:04] BakD028: did you consider the reserves?
[05:04] Infinity Waving: Yeah I don't mind looking at it from inside... but walking out side and all that crap just, arg.
[05:04] Infinity Waving: I thought about it, but in order to do the MOS I wanted I'd need to either move or commute 7 hours come drill time.
[05:05] BakD028: wow, for a MP MOS?
[05:05] Infinity Waving: Yeah, the reserve places around here don't have any MP.
[05:05] BakD028: holy shit
[05:05] Infinity Waving: The closest one is Rock Island arsenal and it's all machine type stuff I guess.
[05:05] BakD028: did you bother glancing at the other services, or was it USMC all the way?
[05:06] Infinity Waving: I could be a MIMMS clerk, but that's not a very fullfilling job.
[05:07] Infinity Waving: I was talked to by the army recruiters, but they pretty much said anything they thought I'd want to hear lol
[05:07] BakD028: *all* recruiters will do that
[05:07] BakD028: how far away is the closest AF base?
[05:07] BakD028: i know Scott's in Southern IL, there's also the Peoria and Springfield ANG units in IL
[05:09] BakD028: all 3 have SF units
[05:10] BakD028: hell, Scott has Guard and Reserve SF units....i know Peoria & Springfield have IL ANG SF
[05:10] BakD028: not sure on Res there
[05:12] Infinity Waving: Probably Peoria
[05:12] BakD028: now I know the Active Guard has K-9
[05:13] Infinity Waving: As far as physical requirements are concerned, is the Air Force less strict?
[05:13] BakD028: yup
[05:13] Infinity Waving: I don't have a problem doing the physical stuff at all, I have a different problem though.
[05:13] BakD028: ut oh
[05:13] BakD028: alrighty darlin', have at it...
[05:14] Infinity Waving: Well, I could easily max the girls PFT in the MArine Corps, and come close to the guys, but the only thing that might keep me out is I have a minor deformity on my left foot.
[05:15] Infinity Waving: Basically, my foot has shorter toes, and 3 of them are webbed :P
[05:15] Infinity Waving: Oh they also don't have toenails on the 3 webbed ones.
[05:15] Infinity Waving: Never has ever caused me problems. I ran track and did wrestling all through out high school.
[05:15] BakD028: that shouldn't be an issue in either branch, to be honest - as much as I'd like to steer you towards the AF and SF (yes, I'm partial, but I also know the way of life)
[05:16] BakD028: hell i also think you'd like it more
[05:16] Infinity Waving: But they sent a picture to one of the MEPS docs, and they said it was disqualifing.
[05:16] BakD028: fuck that shit.  I'd go there personally
[05:16] Infinity Waving: Yeah I'm going to have to. They just check stuff before hand.
[05:16] BakD028: right.  Also, it may help if you have your personal doc write a letter
[05:16] Infinity Waving: Yeah probably.
[05:17] Infinity Waving: Working on getting the Navy to send my damn med docs, but they "can't find them". Lazy bastards.
[05:17] BakD028: oh no, that's popular with the military.  get copies of all your shit.
[05:19] Infinity Waving: I used to HAVE my docs. I'd keep them with me and bring them when I needed to go to an appointment. The nI went to great lakes and they were all '"duuur you need to keep them here" and wouldn't let me have them back.
[05:19] Infinity Waving: I have copies of al my docs up till I was 14 though.
[05:19] Infinity Waving: all*
[05:19] BakD028: good you'll need 'em
[05:23] BakD028: call me biased, I just think you'd like the USAF (especially the Guard, if you went that route) and SF alot more than the Marines...there's a reason a good ammount of SF guys are from other branches of the service
[05:25] Infinity Waving: It's hard for me because I'm so familiar with the Marine Corps. My dad was in for 20 years, and it was a big part of my life. Looking at something so simple as other branches ranks just confuses me, haha.
[05:26] BakD028: keep in mind hon that it's not your dad - or anyone else - who's decision it is to make
[05:26] BakD028: and once you make that decision, you have to live through it.   
[05:27] BakD028: For people who can't really work without supervision, or don't have initiative and need to be told to do everything, other branches (i.e. the Army & the Corps) are a good option....
[05:27] BakD028: for those who can work with minimal supervision, can think and make snap decisions, and like a bit of freedom, the AF is where it's at
[05:28] Infinity Waving: Is it true you got weekends off during basic? :P
[05:29] BakD028: LOL definately not
[05:32] BakD028: the thing I really liked about SF was that I was given a job to do, an outline of what needed to be accomplished, and basically left to my own devices to see the mission completed
[05:32] BakD028: i didn't really have alot of folks breathing down my neck or bugging the shit out of me
[05:32] BakD028: we were given alot of leeway and alot of freedom that most dont.  It's good shit.  Not to mention alot more laid back than the rest
[05:32] Infinity Waving: I'm conflicted because I do and don't like that at the same time/
[05:33] Infinity Waving: haha
[05:34] BakD028: all that oorah shit gets real old after awhile
[05:35] BakD028: it gets to the point where it's like "Shut the fuck up and let me work here"...
[05:35] Infinity Waving: Hahaha
[05:35] BakD028: don't get me wrong - I love the Corps.  My cousin's a Marine, and my other cousin (his brother) was a Scout/Sniper who was killed in Iraq
[05:36] BakD028: but when it comes to this job, all that Hoorah bullshit is just that - bullshit.
[05:37] BakD028: plus, some of the shit i've done in the just don't happen all that often
[05:37] Infinity Waving: Yeah my buddy over in Okinawa and a bunch of his mates fell kind of in to a depression when they got sent over there. They came out of training all pumped and stuff, now they're bored as hell over in Japan and are stuck.
[05:37] Infinity Waving: So one thing for sure is Japan wont be my first choice, haha.
[05:38] BakD028: i've been in a high speed chase, busted a shit-load of dopers, gotten into brawls, domestic disturbances, DUI's...
[05:38] BakD028: it was great shit
[05:38] Infinity Waving: Awesome XD
[05:38] BakD028: I've also guarded Air Force 1 and Air Force 2
[05:39] BakD028: i tell ya what, standing on that plane (guarding it) is great shit
[05:39] Infinity Waving: There's actually an Air Force 2? haha I never imagined.
[05:39] BakD028: yup, basically a copy of AF 1, it's for the vice pres
[05:39] BakD028: other planes they fly in also carry that designator, so it's not just the big blue & white plane you see on TV
[05:40] Infinity Waving: Ah.
[05:40] BakD028: but those were the ones I got to guard.  Also met Clinton and G Dubb
[05:40] Infinity Waving: That's pretty cool
[05:40] BakD028: yup, lots of great shit
[05:41] BakD028: definately look at your other options before you sign anything, and more than anything else look at the quality of life
[05:43] Infinity Waving: I'll look, but I have my doubts that my mind will change.
[05:44] Infinity Waving: Unless you could say there's a greater opportunity to work as a handler inthe Air Force than in the Marine Corps, I probably wont take it as seriously.
[05:44] BakD028: LMAO darlin, you need to do your homework
[05:45] BakD028: AF K-9 is hurting so bad it's not even funny
[05:45] BakD028: also, we have the largest # of dogs out of any branch
[05:45] BakD028: more dogs = more handlers
[05:46] Infinity Waving: Were you manly narcotics detection or did you do bomb work?
[05:46] BakD028: i've done both
[05:46] BakD028: i worked a bomb dog for 1 year then a drug dog for 2
[05:46] BakD028: you're taught to work both (both dogs work the same exact way).  It just depends on what dog is open at your base for you to work
[05:46] Infinity Waving: Ah.
[05:47] BakD028: chances are you'll work a bomb dog rather than a drug dog, because there's alot more bomb dogs than drug dogs
[05:47] Infinity Waving: I'd imagine.
[05:47] Infinity Waving: There are probably more AF handlers deployed right now isn't there?
[05:48] BakD028: yes, due to the size of our K-9 corps
[05:48] BakD028: we have more than the Navy & MC combined
[05:48] BakD028: hell, we nearly have more than the other 3 combined
[05:48] BakD028: USAF K-9 has deployed with Army & Marine infantry & special forces units
[05:50] Infinity Waving: I kind of wish I could get Marine Corps training first, but go Air Force and get training there and do my job there. But that's not exactly possible, haha.
[05:50] BakD028: not really
[05:51] Infinity Waving: I suppose I could go Marine, get out and go air force.
[05:51] Infinity Waving: But that's way in the future.
[05:52] BakD028: i suppose so
[05:53] Infinity Waving: So, do you work 3rd shift too, or just up this late/early to be up?
[05:54] BakD028: late, it's my day off
[06:01] BakD028: all i'm doing is talking a bit with you and doing the typical guy thing: surfing porn ;)
[06:01] Infinity Waving: Hahaha
[06:02] Infinity Waving: At least you're honest :P
[06:02] BakD028: fuck, what do I have to lie about?
[06:02] BakD028: you gonna tell my mom?
[06:03] BakD028: :-D
[06:05] Infinity Waving: lol!
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