Happy Birthday?

Nov 17, 2004 11:22

Well, I haven't updated in a while, and I was 'nudged' to do so. Anyway... here I am, still alive and kicking.

Just older.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my birthday was back on Monday. I'm 24 yrs old now. With the grey hair of a 40 year old, but hey. That's life, right?

So how did I celebrate my birthday? I went on vacation. I don't go on vacation very often, so it was grand. Cat and I went out east to a little hotel on Star Island in Montauk Harbor. We were one of three of four guests in the entire place. Cozy. A little cold, windy, but all in all, it was nice. Beautiful scenery out there. I finally got to Montauk, and I climbed the lighthouse and walked over to the beach where the true 'end' of the island was. After that, we went out and spent some money.. which is always fun. Cat bought 'the greatest chair ever.' and some pillows. We ate a whole bunch, and came home with 3 meals worth of left overs.

On monday Cat's parents took me out to dinner, and Cat and I made cookies. Then we put gingerbread cookies that spelled 'happy birthday' on my cake. We also frankensteined a dragon cookie, out of a dinosaur and a bat.

Got a few Warhammer pieces, a few movies, some cash, and a couple packages of cookies. Yum.

And that, ladies and germs, was my bithday, in all it's glory.

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