Fire Truck!

Sep 13, 2004 09:15

So I was at Cat's for the weekend. And what a weekend it was, I've gotta say.

Friday was a day of hell at work. I ended up spending most of the day up in marketing, breaking my ass because the new sales bulletin and pricelist had to be done by 4pm. Well, we got it done at 3:45, then had to burn dvds, print a copy out, and ship it off Fed Ex next day... it got done around 4:20. Kerri plopped into her chair to nap until 5pm... i was told 'good, now that your done, catch up all the work Maria couldn't do. Start with this 16 page order'.

I was pissed.

Left at 5 on the dot, and in a really bad mood, spent the next hour in traffic on the LIE. Met the girlfriend at her job, and then we went to Borders so I could grab a couple new paperbacks (Drenai Saga, in case anyone is curious). Then to Panera, so I could finally try the food there. Breadbowl = yummy.

We got home, ate our food, and then proceeded to do very little else that night. Just hung out, and crashed around 9. Cat had to be at work early the next morning.

Next morning, Cat left for work around 8:15 (told you she had to leave early!) I was left at the house all day. Hooked up her new printer, played Kingdom Hearts, and read some of the novels that I bought. Then at 5, I left, meeting Cat at the train so we could go into the city for Lockheed's birthday.

I expected a bigger place, but I have to say the cuban food wasn't bad. I got to eat my fill of rice, which is always a plus. Long train ride, but Pub showing up and driving us from Penn was a nice surprise. And his car's pretty sweet. We went over to a place called Cosi after, and stuffed our face with smores and brownies and such. Then Cat and I left, and spent 1.5 hrs on the train coming home. And then we slept, from like 1am until 10.

Sunday we had breakfast, cleaned her room a little, and just basically bummed around. Ended up running a little late for her big family bbq.

Now that was something. Cat's mother has 5 siblings... all six children, and their mother were all at this bbq. I got to meet Cat's uncle Ricky, who's the final 'approval or else' member of her family. And he didn't kill me, which is good. I ate a LOT (2 hamburgers, 3 brachwurst with onions, and a spicy chicken sandwhich, for those keeping score), and went through like 4 cans of soda. By the end of the day everyone was a bit tipsy, except for me, the non-drinker, and Cat, because they forgot to bring her bottle of Malibu. The uncles ended up in a pissing contest... not literally, but they started seeing who could do the most chin ups, push-ups, etc... which usually ended up with Ricky hurting himself.

So yeah. Drunken goodness.

Cat and I left around 7, drove home, got some ice cream, and then crashed for the rest of the night. We spent a quiet evening of reading and chatting and such. Had a little tiff, but everything was worked out by the time I left around 10.

And now I'm here. At work. I refuse to post MORE complaints online about that. Argh.
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