robby says:
i talked with ROY about upcoming proj and to thank him and Zlatco and how wonderful they were to us.
robby says:
I'm going to send a thank you to Zlatko personally
Not Mother says:
As soon as this apt. is done I'm going to simultaneously look for a new job that doesn't suck ass AND take KDHX classes. Ric (from the STLCC class) said he was teaching an editing class this semester. Eff! I wish I could have been in it.
robby says:
I want to use Roy as a Cameo in the next project- also i have a kung fu master at my disposal if i need it
Not Mother says:
did I send you this? robby says:
lol i saw that the other day actually
Not Mother says:
you stalker.
Not Mother says:
I think I'd very much like to see Roy's face onscreen.
robby says:
ME 2
Not Mother says:
Yay, Kung-fu!
robby says:
I have an Idea that it so out there it might be great or suck balls. But it would include children pulling an Apocalypse Now (Joe's Kids at least) my Character Raoul searching for an Ancient Film (from Roy) that would lead him to all sorts of sitautions including a kung fu master- it's my WHAT DO I HAVE project. Plus there would be hot girls and a Chase Scene ala 13 steps
Not Mother says:
Have you sought any books at the Webster U. Library on job searching?
Not Mother says:
I like kung fu and hot girls, of course.
robby says:
I know you do= and i think some hitchcock suspense would make me happy
Not Mother says:
Sheesh, I pitched a super-short with a little kid, and now you're wanting two. You're funny.
robby says:
I KNOW i had a FLASH
robby says:
i wanted to Not use kids at all till i had this damn epiphany that i can USE JOE's KIDS and hvae them SAY ANYTHING- well close to anything.
Not Mother says:
I had carte blanche with my friend's kids, but they'll be moving to Des Moines shortly. But, there are many more STL kids in my world than just them. They're just the only one's who'd been volunteered.
robby says:
Not Mother says:
their dad is funny.
robby says:
well Feast on all of that and realize this I AM DESPERATE- i have what i see as one chance to SAVE myself or at least better myslef and that is what i have to do. this next project will be everything we ever wanted out of this when we started. YOU are the MAIN MAN and when we have the blueprint down and begin this machine we will ACT like a godDAMN studio- Because this is no joke to me-
robby says:
this is what i want to do with my life- nothing else. And im willing to die to do it. Finally i have hit that bottom- and now i must climb.
Not Mother says:
I will have free time at work tomorrow for the first time in who knows how long.
Not Mother says:
Dying on my is a big no-no.
robby says:
And i think im almost there- with you by side, with the people i have assembled we can go much further than impressing the St Louis Avante garde - which according to roy we did- so im gonna go to tbed, got to work and make a list of what i want to buy when the place closes.
robby says:
and god help those who get in my way
robby says:
Not Mother says:
Let's sit down soon and talk about what we've done, what to do better, what to do that's new, and only then will we touch the next project.
robby says:
robby says:
I think i need to post this convo= well the last part- to remind me why i do what i do.
Not Mother says:
I think it's making sense to you at this point, but it's vital that you have a job. So many things were delayed and messed with because of your current situation, that it was really frustrating to a lot of people, and put a lot of people's work and volunteer time at risk. We just can't have the parents, the car, the sis, or whomever running the show.
Not Mother says:
robby says:
robby says:
I agree- im gonna have to try to get that locked up. aight- talk to you 2morrow Bro thanks again
robby says:
seacrest out
Not Mother says:
I hope you're feeling better.
Angela thank you for the warning about the THAI film- i did not even know, but perhaps i could pull a Marty a'la Departed.... heh dont plan on it . thanks again