Current Projects:
Sea of Resurrection (Due Thursday the 30th)
Curious Lives (Final Edit / Sound Mix)/ S&S Remix (need narration and false V.O. clips) / Reset (webisode #1)/Corpus (tweak)
Return of : (CD for ApeHouse)
Upcoming Projects
M.P. (2nd revision and pre-Vis for Press Junkit).
Hipp Fright's (Airing October).
Conceptualization of future projects and padding portfolio.
2 Shorts from now till December.
Altera Omega Web Site + Buisness Cards + Merch and DVD vol.1.
Mastering these New Programs of Mine.
Buying Lots of Movie Supplies from Spirits > Green Fairy Herbs >
Work Notes:
Take back 300 bbster/rnew eden bks
call moskus/get things arranged for transfer and quick edit (Progz;Fonts;Vid Files and Batch Comm)
organize 3d list and tutorials/Print out FBLoan papers
prepare to burn Curious and Aqua
Bring DVD for Obj (turboSquid) and all that jazz
get job at Spirits/Interview with Marketing Guy
Call Back Dave School
Return Bao's Hard Drive
Pray that somehow my car comes back to life?
Find some $$$$$
keep up with Notebook and Sketchbook to finish
portfolio and movies and radio show ideas
Expand :) Layout for Deviant Art page, as well as Flash Portfolio transfer