Y'know, I get really fucking sick and tired of Republicans using such chaotically-stupid hyperbole when it comes to anything that offends their precious sensibility.
Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly (R), an ardent opponent of abortion rights, said that today's date would live in infamy alongside those two other historic occasions. Wednesday marked the day on which a controversial new requirement by the Department of Health and Human Services, which requires health insurance companies to cover contraceptive services for women, goes into effect.
"I know in your mind you can think of times when America was attacked. One is December 7th, that's Pearl Harbor day. The other is September 11th, and that's the day of the terrorist attack," Kelly said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. "I want you to remember August the 1st, 2012, the attack on our religious freedom. That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates."
Yes, because having the FREEDOM to be able to access healthcare and birth control is JUST LIKE bombing Pearl Harbor or having planes crash into buildings. Seriously, guys? Go rot in your own Hell and leave the rest of us sane people alone.
(PS: I also just love how they think "religious freedom" means they should be allowed to force their religion on you, to hell with your own beliefs.)
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