I will never understand people who do this. Yes, I get that it's Michelle Duggar's choice if she wants to have yet another baby, in spite of the possible health risks due to her age and how worn out her uterus is at this point after the first 19. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with it and point out the stupidity of it all.
Oh, and some of the commenters are lacking anything of a clue here. Quiverfulls and other forms of Christian fundamentalism are oppressive to women and their right to decide on how many kids they want, and if they want any kids at all. And scoffing at the idea that human overpopulation as well, even though we have well over 6 billion humans in the world and no real natural predator to cull our numbers.
But what's even more bothersome to me is that people seem to brush off the idea that if Michelle Duggar does attempt another pregnancy and ends up with pre-eclampsia like she did with her 19th child, she runs the risk of stroke or death. It's for that reason, I think, that people need to be educated on the risks of pregnancy, particularly in older women and why it's not good to oppress women by using their own uteruses against them.