So I'm working on building another castle (will take pictures once its done) for my next "Simmification" project, which is, of course based on my currently on-hiatus online comic
One Life, because I've learned while CC sites provide good parts such as walls, floors, furniture and decor for castles, they either make castles that don't suit my needs or I'm short on EPs to be able to use them. Even though I don't have immediate plans to start it any time soon (I want to start on the myriad of sequels and one-shots I have planned for
Mikhailachev Manor first before doing so and finish the much-shorter Sim story version of
The Last Knight), I figure that since I have the time now during school break would be a good opportunity to at least get my buildings built and my people created. Castles, as I've learned in building Castle MacLyle, take a good chunk of time to build (Castle MacLyle took half an afternoon; the Castle of the High King that I'm building now is somewhat bigger and thus taking more time and I'm only now taking a breather).
Some things for people to know about One Life, for those of you who have not read the comic:
1) There is no slash in this story whatsoever. One Life takes place on an alien planet, and while homosexuality is not unheard of, it's not something people on the planet Dakkaan (the planet's name) generally talk about. There's nothing illegal about it in the Dakkaan country where the story takes place, but it's just really rare among Dakkaans in general. There is at least one gay character, but his homosexuality would be implied, and he doesn't exactly have a known partner to speak of. Plus, he's a minor character.
2) The Dakkaan country where the story focuses on is called Dann, and its language and people are known as Dannish. There are eleven provinces in Dann and each is ruled by its own puppet government of the province's own choosing. The provinces focused on are called Dylia and Cegypt (Cegypt having an Ancient Egyptian-ish type culture, naturally; hence the tombs I showed earlier). Every one of these puppet rulers answer to a High King based in what is known as The Capital.
3) Dakkaan translated from Dannish to English means literally "one life". The Dakkaan sun is called Bredagh and its twin moons are called Lugh and Bres in Dannish.
4) There are three different races living in Dann, a majority of which are blue-skinned with yellow manes for males and brown for females (Triakkaans). They prefer temperate climates. The brown-skinned are the second populous race and both males and females have raven-colored manes (Dasukkaans). They live in desert conditions in provinces like Cegypt, Coght, and Ciath, typically. The smallest group are blue-skinned with brown spots and while they only live in Dylia, they can live in most conditions (Millakkaans).
5) The main character is a Millakkaan named Dagiun Net. He was born with incredible psychic powers and is a descendant of a High King bloodline well-known as the Gods of Dakkaan. The story is about his journey from rags-to-riches, and being accepted in a world that would otherwise fear him for his almost godlike powers.
6) There is at least one other country on Dakkaan (called Agia) that gets some face time, but that won't happen until fairly late in the series. The Agiakkaans (as they are known to the Dannish) have green skin with the males with orange manes and the females brown and their culture is similar to the Regency era in England, while Dann is literally stuck in a medieval-type setting.