Mar 10, 2005 22:19
"Why is it that you broads want all or nothing?"
"I guess we're just goofy that way when it comes to love"
"I think I'm moving into a new phase with this thing, I'm mad at you."
"Yes honey, the schmuck who deserves to dies, worries about you."
"I was just gonna give you a kiss hello.... askward."
~Somethings gotta give
"You're a ghost, I'm an American it would never work out."
"You do love her don't you?"
"Yeah I suppose so"
"Then what's the problem?"
"She's a ghost, I'm not. Wait how do you know all this?"
"I'm married to one, Stay for a drink?"
"I suppose"
"it's a ghost term, but it's dangerous, you mustn't go to far"
"Jack don't stand there and tell me you're having an affair with a god damn ghost."
"that's nasty"
"it wasn't nice?"
"Oh Mary, it was nice"
"true you are a ghost, I missed you daddy."
"My love, my reason for dying"
~High Spirits