Gacked from
taraljc: the Icon Meme!!
And since I can only use six icons at a time,
there are lots of icons below....
Current Default Icon:
Oldest Icon:
Made it even before starting my lj. Awww.
Newest Icon:
Yep, it's him again.
Saddest Icon:
Happiest Icon:
Angriest Icon:
Cutest Icon:
I used to draw these little guys all over my textbooks.
Moodiest Icon:
Most Humourous Icon:
Favourite ship icon:
I think these are my only ship icons.
Favourite Fandom icon:
Favorite writing icon:
Icon used the most (other than default):
These are character icons for
rpgwho. (Which I've really got to get back to at some point.)
Favorite Overall (other than most of the ones already used):
How many icons do you have total? Approximately 306.
How many can you have on LJ at once? 6
If you could buy space for more, would you? No. But if I could get the space free, I'd totally use it.
Do your icons make a statement about you? That I love science fiction and identify with numerous characters?
What fandom do you have the most icons out of? Doctor Who. Hadda have a few for every Doctor, y'know.
The second most? Harry Potter -- they earn me points at
What ship do you have the most icons out of? *shuffles* None, really.
How do you categorize your icons? One through six. That way my posts don't go iconless when I change them.
Are your icons mostly made by other users? Nope. I snag other peoples' icons for pretty and inspiration, but represent myself with my own work.
Animated icons are... beyond my capacity because I have the wrong Photoshop. But they can be really great.
In general, I think icons... are fun, fun, fun.
Which of my current icons:
1. do you associate most with me?
2. is your favorite and why?
3. is your least favorite and why?
4. would you like some context for, don't get, or just generally want more info?
5. have you never noticed I even had before?
6. What do you think I should have an icon for that I don't?
7. When you comment, use your favourite icon and tell me why you love it!