Tron Female Character Ficathon Sign-Up Post!!

Dec 02, 2012 22:58

RL is currently whipsawing between awesome and srsly wut, so I'm going to do what Neil Gaiman said to do about such things: make good art. And facilitate other people making good art too. Because I can.

And that's what this is for.

Edit: signups are now closed and prompts have been sent. Please comment here if you didn't receive your prompt. YAAAAY!

Greetings, programs~! This is was the signup post for Tronblr's December 2012 Female Character Ficathon. Signups are here because tumblr eats asks, so leave an anonymous comment with the signup form, and it'll be screened and sorted for prompt distribution.

Rules, wordcount, dates, and other information can be found here.

Sign-up form:
Name: (your tumblr/journal/other internet name)
Email: (an email where you can be reliably contacted)
Who I'd love to write: (three or four characters from the main-character list below)
What I'd love to write: (preferences as to characters, subjects, ratings, etc)
What I don't want to write: (characters, subjects, ratings, etc to not prompt you with)
I want to see: (anything specific you do in the story someone writes for you)
I don't want to see: (anything specific you don't want someone to write for you)
Prompt 1: (A story you'd like someone to write for you.)
Prompt 2: (Another story you'd like someone to write for you.)
Prompt 3: (Yet another story you'd like someone to write for you.~)

Sample sign-up form:

Name: infiniteviking
Email: randomemail[at]url[dot]com
Who I'd love to write: Yori, Quorra, Gorn, ANYONE REALLY<3
What I'd love to write: Gen, G to action-R; plot, shenanigans, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, combat, disaster leading to triumph, awesomeness.
What I don't want to write: Ships, character death, User-world corporate hijinks, Pavel or Clu 2.
I want to see: Gen, strong friendships, system weather, parkour, hugs, people getting told.
I don't want to see: Ships, character death, Flynn-is-the-worst-person, graphic physical or psychological torture.
Prompt 1: Lora ends up on the Grid instead of Sam. What happens?
Prompt 2: Follow-up to Renegade II: Perl has been wasting her runtime. Paige hates waste.
Prompt 3: Ada and Quorra: life on the run.

Major Named Female Characters:
Lora (Baines) Bradley
Jordan (Canas) Flynn
Radia (Ophelia)
'Gran' Flynn (Kevin Flynn's mother)
Ada (Uprising)
Ada (ElecTRONica)

Minor Named Female Characters:
Claire Atkinson
Voice of the Grid

Tron 2.0 Characters:

[[edit]] ...SO MANY AWESOME PROMPTS ALREADY. Gonna go into tumblr mode and just say FDJKSLF I CAN'T I AM SO EXCITE. Looking forward to sorting, distributing, and eventually reading all this stuff!

Originally posted on Dreamwidth. There are
comments there so far.

tron, fic

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