(no subject)

Jul 27, 2011 13:19

Apparently it is a DDoS attack, and it is about Russian politics again. I am torn between "not LJ's fault" and "but acknowledging that doesn't solve the problem". Dreamwidth is being sensible and cutting down crossposting attempts, and I am fretting and wishing it was possible to import communities here because it would be a shame to lose all that rp characterization.

What with site disruptions and new platforms and everything, it's been a little sad watching everyone migrate everywhere else. There was an article someone posted a while back -- can't find it now -- about how the Internet's primary challenge right now is no longer to store information but to manage it. I, certainly, have reached a threshold beyond which it is impossible to post/tweet/reblog/remark on everything that concerns or delights me as a fan, never even mind as a human being. The nature of the internet now seems to be to use a platform for as long as it meets your communication needs, and then move on to establish a new presence elsewhere, or try to juggle multiple platforms. Multiply this by everyone you know, and it gets hard to keep track!

So this is just to say that as lurky as I've been, I'm not going to be abandoning Dreamwidth -- or LJ, granting it returns any time in the near future. I like the structure, even if it sometimes feels like living in a ghost town after everyone moves out (and there's another sign of the times: it's difficult to form a sense of community in rl these days because the same thing's happening). But here are the other places I am, just for reference.

Twitter. This is mainly where you'll find me when I'm not on lj.
Tumblr. Mainly using it as a like-nerdy-stuff-and-reblog-Tron-stuff tool.
Plurk. Actually I'm almost never there -- the format bothers me -- but various LJ people have migrated over there and and and I miss 'em.<3~
And of course the various places where I post fic and art -- if I'm there, infiniteviking is my name.
(I do have a Facebook, but prefer to keep it completely separate from my fannish identity due to rl people I keep in contact with there.)

Some of you have been liking Google+. I haven't made the leap yet, but probably will eventually when I have time to figure out another social networking site orz. And this is one primary reason (of several) why I've been lurky -- a peeved idea that keeping up with everything here shouldn't be an all-consuming chore. When one starts turning to rl as a refuge from the internet (or vice versa, of course), it can be reasonably deduced that something is wrong somewhere.

..speaking of which, might as well put a content-and-friending-policy statement here. Because I don't remember if I've ever done that, and a long disjointed post about the nature of social networking is clearly just the place for it.

Content of this journal: is mostly fannish. I try not to discuss politics or rl hotbutton issues here, particularly of the type where Group A insists that Group B is bad and wrong by definition, because I have rl for that and it's aggravating enough there kthx. And I don't treat my fandoms that way either -- at least I hope I don't. I do shy away from shipping, but that's just a thing. No attitudes intended. So if you post something shippy and I don't comment, it's not you, it's me.~ Another thing I don't like to post is rl personal information. This is the internet, folks, and I'm infiniteviking here.

Friending: is welcomed; the more the merrier! If what I post about becomes irrelevant to your interests, defriending is fine too. No need to explain why, though a see-you-around is always nice. If you've added me and I haven't added you back, please don't take it personally. I am very slow to add people and am largely lurking right now anyway.

And this is getting long now and I want to neep about HP8 and Ghost Story, so. /signs off to do stuff, fannish post will be next!

Originally posted on Dreamwidth. There are
comments there so far.

t3h, misc

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