First, allow me to state that I have true nerds in my family. And I mean true nerds as defined by MIT.
That said: Mary GrandPre Van Deusen's Star Trek vid New Math is hysterical.
I mean it. It is insanely funny.
It's currently available in mp4 at
Memory Prime, along with some of her other vids, but I don't know how long it'll stay up, so hurry over and download it, because it ROCKS.
I'd be laughing hysterically right now, but people are asleep around here. And I'm going to show it to my true nerd cousins. They're going to love it.
EDIT: Mary van Deusen, not Mary GrandPre.... I've definitely been reading too many HP conspiracy theories.
EDIT 2: Unfortunately New Math has been taken down. *sigh*