Happy holidays, everyone!
tron_legacy: the Replica Prop Forum cosplayers
take on the new movie. :D
Tron is probably the only thing that could have diverted me from the new Eleven episode (the usual New Who review/picspam will be coming late this time). A latent fandom has not, in fact, taken over my brain so fast and hard since the Doctor came back. Less than a week and I was already writing fic (though none is finished yet) and am planning to blow my cinema budget for the year and see Legacy again at least once.
What'd they do so right, you ask? First of all, sequel and not remake. Which leaves Classic Tron as canon. Second of all, Bruce Boxleightner and Jeff Bridges. I squeed when Alan showed up. Squeeeeed. Third of all, Sam Flynn. No idea where they got the kid, but he was perfect -- very, very much the son of the Kevin Flynn we saw in the first movie, and he projected both the smart-alec and the lonely kid without confining his character to either trope. (That hug. And the tears after that scene. Hngh. ;;) Fourth of all, the settings and vehicles. Original Tron, of course, was All About The Lightcycles, but it was great to see tanks, recognizers, a gorgeous updated lightsailer, and a couple of new things that go really fast, and awesome shiny lightcycles capable of jumping, drawing curved lightwalls, and running upside down.
Fifth of all, Rinzler. He gets an extra line all by himself because... yeah.
Sixth of all: the music. I was dubious at first when it didn't sound like Wendy Carlos, but Daft Punk have now thoroughly wormed their way into my heart. I've had the soundtracks from both movies dancing through my head for a solid week and loved it. Never have so many earworms been so pleasing on reiteration -- or so beautifully in tune with the visuals they accompanied.
Seventh of all: Clu. Poor, poor Clu. You folks who've said there was something plasticky about the face animation will appreciate the depth of my bias when I state categorically that I didn't see it -- and I was looking for it. (Though this may be my poor facial recognition programming at work.) One of the issues may, I think, be the fact that Jeff Bridges is not one for expressing himself with subtlely, and when Clu tries to, he.... fails. :D There's a fascinating dynamic between the incompleteness of his directive and old!Flynn's difficulty seeing others as beings apart from himself and his creation -- the ISOs seemed to fascinate him because they were something inexplicable in a world he'd thought he controlled every aspect of, but he wasn't seeing them as individuals (Quorra included) any more than he was seeing Clu as anything other than his own dark side. His philosophy of taking oneself out of the equation meshed with that: when his knowledge and powers became part of something he couldn't entirely control, the only solution he found was to stop using them, and this is also tied in with his fighting to save Sam because he's his son and Quorra because of her uniqueness while once again leaving them without him... it's complicated and I'm still chewing on that, but I wanted to see him at least try to change Clu while he had him standing right there, instead of just saying "I'm sorry," and then just standing there, because "sorry" really doesn't cut it in a situation like that. But. Flynn is not perfect. And that, too, is part of his characterization.
Eighth and not least important: the BIG DOOR.
:D? :D??????? And all the other things thrown in for those who rewatched Classic Tron. Which -- seriously, do so before watching the new one. I firmly believe that those who didn't like this movie didn't watch (or rewatch) the old one.
Honorable mention: Castor. Bwahahahahaha. Did not want him to end up the way he did -- he was too much fun to go out that way.
And last but not least: the way sequel possibilities, which (I don't care what anyone says) were left open for all the characters. (Backups, man. C'mon.) Especially Rinzler. I went in completely unspoiled as to his identity, other than a "some believe that he is in fact..." line on the Tron wiki, which I had hastily ignored. That bit where the gravity was reversed and he and Sam were fighting on the ceiling blew me away visually, and at that point I was still thinking of him as Clu's faceless goon, so when the revelation came it was a punch to the gut. And the part at the end... oh gosh. It was believable that no one but Clu could have taken down Tron, and his voice when he first speaks at the end.... guh. "I... fight... for the Users!" *WIBBLES FOREVER AND EVER, AW TRON WORDS FAIL ME ;;<3* No one can tell me he didn't survive that fall. No one. By the time they make another movie, the animation will be good enough to pull off a young Tron as more of a central character, and there's this huge, vast, enormous field of potential characterization that the inevitable (and pretty darned awesome<3) rp crowd is already exploring on
dear_mun and
Quibbles: there could have been more tech talk, Quorra could have been more than a prize to be saved and won (she could fight, yeah, but the movie was about taking her away from all this), it would've been nice to see a trace of Yori (not to mention the Bit~), the Grid could have done with a little more light (the old Grid was brighter)... but eh, fandom can expand on most of those. Right now, Tron music is still running through my head and I'm loving every minute.~
*edit* Oh, and? I walked out of the theatre straight into the first new snowfall of the season, and the sky was a uniform color and lights were glowing through the gloom and everything had white outlines. It was perfect. ^_________^
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Dreamwidth. There are
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