(no subject)

Oct 31, 2010 05:02

Aw, darnit. According to the cover for Usagi Yojimbo Vol.108, Inazuma's hakama is blue, not white. And I'm not dyeing mine. And hakamas are expensive. There goes another costume idea. >/

I've been wound up like a harp string all of last week and now my shoulders hurt and I can't get them to relax. >{ Gonna try now, though. Anyway, here, as written and edited up in bits and pieces over said weeek, is that running commentary/intermittent picspam for That One Sarah Jane Adventures Story.

(Confession: I had never, until now, seen a single episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Despite good reviews from good friends, it somehow never made it to the top of my watch-this-right-now list. So if I misunderstand Sarah Jane's characterization anywhere in here, that's probably why.)

..First scene. Invasion of the red berets! Oh, UNIT.~

"Stop right there! I'm not having soldiers on my property."
..now here's where I get in trouble from not having watched the series. Was she always this contemptuous toward UNIT's military objectives in SJA? Or back in the day, for that matter? I remember her being snippy at authority figures, but not addressing soldiers as though they were the scum of the earth without at least some provocation. And no, military jeeps in her quiet neighborhood isn't enough. For all she knew there really was a horrible dangerous emergency. (The Doctor had less time than Sarah Jane for anyone who showed up with a gun, but even he would loosen up once an individual soldier didn't come off as a witless military drone.) Still, for all I know SJA could very well have made UNIT the bad guys, especially without the Brigadier in charge.

And then the leader -- didn't catch her name -- breaks the news: "Your friend, the Doctor, is dead."

..Oh, Sarah Jane.

Space vultures. Sweet.

..is it just me, is it really just me, or would the old Sarah Jane have demanded to see the body a lot sooner than this, instead of going straight into denial and having to get get calmed down by a little girl? I mean, outrage is very her. But I'd have thought she'd be more effective in Thinking Of Ways To Solve It, rather than blindly going "I'll just keep an eye out for incongruities, nananana this isn't happening". (Then again, I may have read too many oldskool Sarah Jane Is Awesome fics.)

"The Scarlet Monstrosity". Yep, that's RTD's writing. Sometimes it doesn't work, but in this case it does.

I do like Rani. Her dad's not bad either. Now if only she'd been named something other than Rani. Don't they realize that I keep expecting her to regenerate and show up in black leather?

Oh, Sarah Jane, you're heartbreaking. Dear fandom, fic where she videophones the Brigadier instead of or along with talking to Luke and Mr. Smith. PLZ.

Niiiice. Gotta say I like Clyde's reaction. He's fun. Now how come that can't be seen from orbit?

....oh, so that's why the Brig's not here... wasn't he mentioned as being stranded in Peru or somewhere in that Sontaran episode? (That is now officially code for something clandestine. >D) BUT HEY. MISS SHAW IS ON "THE MOONBASE". :D :D :D Awesome, Liz! Now let's see YOU come back for an episode!

..Convenient how the Grosk offhandedly mention to Clyde that they know more than UNIT does. And then he doesn't tell anyone. Including the Rani or Sarah Jane. Even when he realized it HAD to be something to do with the way the TARDIS zapped him in that flashback.



OK, processing... her voice changed, her inflections changed, but... dawwww her cute little face! And bright shawl! And bangles and rings all over!

My social-awkwardness squick was pinged by the beginning of this scene, but I'll let it pass. Because she made Sarah Jane laugh. And Sarah Jane knows who she is. And she knows who Sarah Jane is. And THEY ARE DELIGHTED TO MEET EACH OTHER. And.... WAIT, WHY IS HER NAME JONES NOW, ARE SMITH AND JONES THE ONLY NAMES RUSTY EVER USES oh wait it's ridiculously coincidental canon and aww you know what, I don't even care about that. JO.<3

I have just decided that RTD named Mickey and Martha after Jo and Sarah Jane. Because he was such an oldskool fan and all. XDDDD

THAT SMILE. Young or old, she just sparkles all over.

..Her grandson's name is Santiago. *GIGGLES FOREVER* And RTD's habit of writing elders as painfully embarrassing to their relatives apparently couldn't touch her, because there's none of that, which is awesome. She went straight from traveling with the Doctor to enthusiastically living exactly the life she wanted, with, apparently, no regrets. You know what, Rusty? That was what I wanted for Sarah Jane. It's not a matter of relationship status or what a character has been doing; others will address the question of Whether RTD's Issues Are Showing better than I. When Sarah Jane showed up in School Reunion, I wanted to know she had been happy. It's good to see that that happened with Jo (and also with Sarah Jane over the course of her own series).

..Metebelis III.... oh, Jo. ;; Still begs the question, though, of whether either of them felt anything all the times when the Doctor regenerated. Or whether they'd feel anything if he died in, say, the distant past or future. Ah, metaphysics.

And then they collaborate. Sarah Jane with a notebook, and Jo with scented candles. And in talking it over, they realize they both went to Peladon.

OH, JO AND SARAH JANE. OH OH WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN THOSE EPISODES YET. Especially as one of 'em has David Troughton in it. (Yeah, definitely gotta see that episode.)

And now the kids are in the air ducts. Heeee.~ And the vultures have an evil vultury plan. And oi, kids, there's plenty of room to turn around in that duct, don't be ridiculous, it's three times as wide as you are.

LOL Jo being deeper in the trance than Sara Jane. Awwww!~

"I think there's something wrong."
"Wrong? You mean as in 'exactly like the old days' sort of wrong?"
"Oh, exactly like the old days--"
"Oh, groovy!"

..and as much as I've deplored various RTD Things over the seasons, handgrabbing is an RTD Thing too, isn't it?

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, DOCTOR CLYDE! OK, the kid's Eleven impression in that scene finally made me look up who plays him. Well done, Daniel Anthony! And now the poor boy's stuck on... THE QUARRY PLANET. Man, who would've ever guessed we'd see THAT place again! XDDDDD

"It's you, isn't it? ..Ah, you've done it again." Elizabeth Sladen owns that moment.

"What Doctor? The Doctor? My Doctor?"
"Y-- well, he can change his face--"
"I know, but into a baby's?"


.."Oi! Imagine it from my point of view; last time I saw you, Jo Grant, you were what, twenty-one, twenty-two? It's like someone baked you.~"


I gotta say, I like Smith's interpretation of that line better than Tennant's would have gone. Which is due to no lacking on Tennant's part. It's just the way the characters are interpreted. The tone, the smile at the end.... did I ever mention how much I love that Smith fanboys Two?

Aaand cliffhanger. (Ooh, an energy weapon effect that doesn't look Photoshopped on. Well done!) Aaaaaand Part II!! EEEEE! For some reason I thought we'd all have to wait a week!

"Come along, Smith." :D

"Sorry, I was.... slamming it." *slams door AGAIN*

*stops quoting the Doctor's dialog, because that would end up being all of it*

Heh, Jo, bet YOU never expected to end up on the Quarry Planet again either.~ And this Doctor has time to turn around, pat them both on the back, and be delighted at their reactions to the place before going back to his work.

(Does anyone have caps without that annoying green thing in the way?)

"Did it hurt? That last regeneration of yours... was he okay in the end?"
"..............It always hurts." *distracts with tech*

Oh, Doctor.

Soooo Amy and Rory are spending their honeymoon on the honeymoon planet, which is on its honeymoon because it married an asteroid. *snicker* Good excuse for their being absent.

And this is where I go find "The Green Death" and kick myself for not having watched that one yet either. Although... in Jo's case, she left him.

This lighting is good on her. They should definitely visit this quarry more often.

"Well, I was a bit dumb. Still am, I suppose."
"..Now what in the world would make you think that? Ever? Ever -- ever?"

..oh. He'd promised her he'd be back. DX

"The last time I was dying, I looked back on all of you. Every single one. And I was so proud." ..Setting aside how long that would have taken... dear fandom, FIC. NOW.

I love how he realized what was on Jo's mind and set the whole problem aside to talk to her. Aaaah, Sarah Jane, you could at least have let them hug.

..But hugging her yourself is ok too. News flash: hugs are good.~

Meanwhile, the Grosk has invited the kids down to his air-duct lair... for pizza. I expected to see Michelangelo pop out of the nearest duct any minute there.

Of course the Doctor goes after the kids first. That's what Jo and Sarah Jane would have wanted, whatever happens to them.


So: the Doctor can regenerate into "anything" (thank you, RTD, though we'd always suspected it), and "how many times can you change?" "507." Either he's lying (rule one: the Doctor lies), or he knows something we don't. And I'm very happy that it doesn't matter a bit.

...................OK, who else sees the flaw in the evil vultury plan to recreate the TARDIS key by making Jo and Sarah Jane remember it? Sarah Jane might know what the key looks like nowadays, but it's changed since Jo's day.

I love the TARDIS. But she is not the most miraculous machine in creation. Until Gallifrey's destruction, she was not only not unique, she was a clunker. The TARDIS is miraculous because of what she means to US. That doesn't carry over in-universe.

The vultures are Rusty's usual the-way-of-the-Ring-to-my-heart-is-through-pity characters. But when the villainess (still didn't catch her name) said she's going along with this insane scheme just to get off Earth because there's nothing left there for her, I really wanted Jo to go "HOW VERY DARE YOU" and bodyslam her with her own perspective of the planet she's spent her life fighting for.

And then: more flashbacks. A whole bunch of monsters and situations! Four! Three and Two! ONE!!! The Brigadier!! Ten! Alpha Centauri! Harry.... I think? The Master! Four and the Brigadier and Harry and possibly Benton! Ten and Rose! Three again! And montages from Jo and Sarah Jane's lives... awwww.

"Smells like roast chicken." ..Yeah, that's not "just" the Claw Shangsheeth burning, it's the human villainess as well. And it wouldn't have been funny if it were "just" the vultures either. >P Between this and the racist and ableist language RTD finds it amusing to sneak into the dialog, I'd rather like to kick him, just once, despite all the good stuff in these episodes.

But. Eleven AND Sarah Jane AND JO.

"The coffin was the trap; the coffin was the solution. That's so neat I could write a thesis." HEEEEE. And they can't even get OUT of the coffin, they're too busy laughing!

"It still smells the same." *hearts the TARDIS*

"Besides, I probably couldn't keep up anymore. Get you into trouble with the Time Lords."
"............*cough* Hm, yeah, I'd probably better go."

Ouch. And the way Sarah Jane didn't say anything.....

The "whole universe would shudder" line is the only one where I really went "hn, that's not an Eleven line, that's Ten and Rusty there." But then...


FINALLY. Now why do we only get that quick blurred closeup and then a super-long shot? Has anyone done a Three and Jo hugspam post? Because that would be brilliant.

And there he goes.

(You know, that cap shows part of the reason why I find Jo so magnetic. Look into Sarah Jane's eyes, and you generally see a character who is very competently occupying the mood of whatever scene's on at the moment. Look into Jo's eyes, no matter what's going on, and you can see forever.)

*hugspams y'all* ..Also, that shawl. :D

"Come on, we're off to Norway by hovercraft. Should be fun! ..Hold on, Mr. Taxi, got the directions in Norwegian...."

And last but not least: Sarah Jane's Annals of What Other Companions Are Up To.

"There's a woman called Tegan in Australia, fighting for aboriginal rights." YOU GUYS IN AUSTRALIA, HEAR THAT?~

"There's Ben and Polly, in India, running an orphanage there." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.~

"Ohh, there was Harry. I loved Harry. He was a doctor; he did such good work with vaccines, he saved thousands of lives...." Loved. Was. Did. Saved. And that look on her face. D: I have decided that the day after all this, Harry appears out of nowhere, explains that he somehow got hold of River's vortex manipulator and has been stranded on Betelgeuse III for years, and shares another adventure with Sarah Jane before jaunting back off to where he's now chief medical officer on the Wheel in Space.

"Oh, and there was a Dorothy... something... she runs that company, A Charitable Earth; she's raised billions." Even Dodo!~ (My headcanon still puts Dodo in this slot, even though the initials of 'A Charitable Earth' spell ACE. Running an organization just... seems more like a Dodo thing to be doing.)

"And this couple in Cambridge, both professors, Ian and Barbara Chesterton." *PAUSE FOR ALL OF FANDOM TO SQUEE* "Rumor has it they've never aged, not since the sixties. I wonder.~" *PAUSE AGAIN FOR ALL OF FANDOM TO SQUEE AGAIN*

And that's the end.

So. There were one or two things I had issues with. In retrospect, what the heck was UNIT doing bringing a jeep full of guns to a bereavement call in a quiet neighborhood, other than providing a cheap reason for Sarah Jane to treat them like scum? (Not cool, especially in an episode with Jo. There should have been UNIT homages, not this.) And the space vultures brought the Doctor back to Earth for his final rites, and UNIT's official plan was to then shoot him back out into space, and everyone was fine with that? (I get that it's like burial at sea, but the sea is only swarming with Silurians, while space around Earth is swarming with everyone. Shooting the last Time Lord corpse in existence out there just seems a little imprudent.) Rusty couldn't resist getting a one-up in for Sarah Jane, as if Jo should think having the Doctor comes back means he likes someone else better and not that he was thrown into a situation with them again. He does let the universe toss him about. I wish it hadn't jossed any possibility of Jo and the Doctor having met after she left UNIT. May take refuge in canon flexibility there. And check out how Sarah Jane completely forgot that bit where she and Three were stranded on Gallifrey with One, Two, and Five; that montage needed some more Five and One, and also Tegan, Turlough, and the other companions who were in The Five Doctors! I also wanted Jo and Sarah to come up with their own solution instead of having another clap-your-hands-and-think-of-the-Doctor solution. Why were they only able to focus on something other than the key when HE was talking? (Dear fandom, fic where they are able to focus each other instead, plz!)

..but eh. Jo. Eleven. Sarah Jane. So I'd like to retcon some of it.... whatever.

It was still fantastic.

Originally posted on Dreamwidth. There are
comments there so far.

3rd doctor, crafts, 2nd doctor, 10th doctor, 1st doctor, 11th doctor, dw, 4th doctor, misc

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