Before updating today's story, here's a post for other stuff of recent interest.
..You know who you folks are who linked Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights on Twitter. Thank you for that; I must've watched it twenty times, and then gone to find different versions and make a few
character sketches -- she's got a fascinating range of haunting expressions. But then I read the book. And a few days later I made the mistake of reading The Great Gatsby too. I wish classics weren't so often about capricious people making one anothers' lives miserable. They have their uses, no doubt, but this wasn't the month for me to read them.
Ponyo loooooves Sasuke. (Come on, you knew somebody was going to do it.)
More importantly: in honor of 09/09/09, have a Ninth Doctor picspam! Some of you have done this already (edit: here, for example, is a link to
eponymous_rose's picspam, in case you're not following her yet~), but there's always room for one more, right?
Yep, that's our Doctor.
Picture from stakesandstonesicons.
What's happening here? We never find out!
This is one of my favorite pictures of him.
This is another. Thanks to sarah531 for the picture.
The Ninth Doctor can do srs.
"I don't know what it was, but let's follow it! ^____^"
That other scene.
"Then stop wasting time.... Time Lord." Picture from chaoticcreative's fantastic site.
Has an electricky staticky thing and is not afraid to use it. Thanks to kali for the picture.
There was always something manic about him. Thanks again to chaoticcreative.
When was this ID photo taken? WE DON'T KNOW.
The almighty sprawl!
Watching history happen!
..oops, how did that get in there? XDDDD
Anyway, hurrah for the Ninth Doctor, and everyone have a happy September 9th!