You know what? I no longer care that this series has jumped the shark in practically every way possible. The sheer CHEESINESS of the latest chapter was entirely worth it.
Things I predicted:
*Naruto's VERY EXISTENCE caused Nagato to SEE THE LIGHT. (Geez.)
*Kakashi's alive! Shutup, he's alive NOW. And his expression in
that second panel killed me dead.
Things I didn't expect:
*Team Gai didn't get in on the action. (Which is somewhat okay, as that means they survived for now.)
*SASUKE MISSED THE WHOLE THING. *dies laughing again*
..'Scuse me, I need to go write hilarious Copy Ninja drabbles (and decide whether to finish that one half-done post-Konoha's-destruction fic which is now thoroughly jossed).