I do not feel smart today. Hence the icon change. x_x
This is probably exacerbated by today being Typo Observeance Day (as started by
q_m_n, the 13th of every month, on which the badckspace key does not exist). Ignore, therefore, all spalleing mistakes herein. Besides which, I am currently sitting here in the school lounge listening to a bunch of students tyring to pronounce "specificity". *headdesk*
Quite by chance, I saw an scrap f the ST:TNG episode "Unification" today. Picard was challenging Spock's reasons for sneaking off to Romulan teerritory on his own, and Spock retorted with a ..passionate?... diatribe about how he was the one who convinced Kirk to take the Khitomer mission all those years ago, and feeels responsible for what happened to his friends as a result of that mission., ad therefore is disinclined to risk anyone's else's life now except for his own. Upon which OPicard, of course, accuses Spock of letting his emotions get in the way of his judgment.
But ye cats. That' puts his role in "The Undiscovered Country" in a whole new s light -- the unseen feeling behind his Vulcan deadpan while his best friends were on trial on QuosnnoS... egad, that Kilingon spelling. But if he's been carrying that burden of gulit around for all these years, even during the aftermath while his friends were still around..... I WANT FIC.