there's just no question what this man should do [harry & louis]

Dec 31, 2012 22:03

hi everyone!!!  <3

so, with it being the last day of 2012 and all, i decided that i really really wanted to finish off the year with a fic of sorts, and i figured it should be a fic for the two that have definitely impacted me the most over this past 365 days.

the fic is a bit all over the place, but hopefully it's not too confusing!  i hope you enjoy <3

(the title is taken from all this time by onerepublic)



10:30 pm

It was a fool-proof plan.

Or maybe it was the shittiest plan ever, Louis really had no idea but he knew that he really didn’t have all that much time to think about it right now - or, rather, he wasn’t going l himself think about it right now because he had much (much) more important things to focus on right now.

Mainly, figuring out how the fuck he was supposed to navigate through New York City on New Year’s Eve wh nobody side from, like, Niall) knew that he was here and he wasn&rsquo supposed be here.  He w supposed be hosting a party back in England with a few X Factor contestants and Eleanor and whoever else was going to be “in attendance.”  But they were all decoys, really.  Not that many of them really knew Louis&rsqu true tives for New Year’s Eve.  All that they knew was that the party was a decoy, a cover-up, and that Louis wouldn’t really be there at al

He just had s that he was there so that the public eye (cough, Tumblr, cough, Twitter) didn’t figure out where really s.  Not yet, at least.  It was too soon.

And now here he was, getting dumped out of a taxi cab from JFK in the heart of New York City in a big fat fluffy coat and a stupi stup fuzzy hat with earflaps and a pair of glasses he hadn’t worn in years.  Frankly, if this was his attempt at a disguise to not be recognized, it probably wasn’t even working but he really didn’t have the time or the heart or the ability or the mindset to care right now.  Right now, he was much more focused on the destination than he was on getting there.

10:52 pm

How.  Come.  There.  Are.  So.  Many.  People?!

11:09 pm

He’s wondered once or twice or five hundred times from the flight over to here and now if maybe this wasn’t the best idea - and truth be told, it probably wasn’t.  But he was tired and he was annoyed and he didn’t want to feel lik shell ymore.  He wanted to feel whole and he wanted 2013 to be different than 2012 and different than 2011…and the fact of the matter was that would different.  No matter what, 2013 would be different.  But he wanted it to be better.  He nted to be better.  And maybe the first step to getting better was a little bit of honesty, right?  Or a lot bit.  A big gigantic slice of honesty, that was what he needed.

The thought had occurred to him the night before, when he’d been talking to Zayn on the phone and Zayn had had one of his philosophical breakthrough epiphanies that he was prone to every now and then

“A new year is a new slate,” he’d told him, his voice dragging a little because Louis was fairly certain he’d had one (or four) drinks by this point (Zayn liked to start New Year’s Eve festivities on New Year’s Eve’s Eve, see).  “So maybe you should make the most of it.”

“What are you going on about, exactly, dear Zayn?” Louis’d asked.  Granted, he was really only paying half-attention at this point, too distracted by the movie on his television and checking far too many tags and pages and pictures that he really didn’t want to see of people he didn’t want to see together.

“Make 2013 count, Tommo,” Zayn had said.  “You know what you need to do.”

“I need to throw a party…”

“…and then you need to not show up at all.”

It was too late at this point to really turn back, he figured, especially when he’d already covered as much ground as he had.  He could see all the jumbo-trons and large television screens lining the walls of buildings on Times Square.  Ryan Seacrest’s face was on a few of the prompters while a few others had faces of screaming New Year’s Eve-goers.  Another had a live-feed of whatever band was currently playing (tha god wasn’t The Wanted for fuck’s sake), and another…well.  Another had Taylor Swift adorning a pair 20 sunglasses.

And then, there he was.  Right next to Taylor, jumping up and down to the music that was playing and paying a hell of a lot more attention to the screaming people around him than he was to the pretty curly-haired songstress right next to him.  Harry.

His face lit up with a smile that he’d finally found him before he realized he had no fucking clue where that video was being filmed.

11:20 pm

Oh god.  Please.  Not fucki Gangnam Style.

11:36 pm

How.  Come.  There.  Are.  So.  Many.  People?!

11:45 pm

He was really running short on time, and when Louis ran short on time he began to settle into a panic mode that he’d really rather never be in at all

For example: what if this all went horribly south and everything turned out terribly, terribly wrong and everything fell apart around them all because him?  What if he didn&rsquo care d just wanted to…just wanted to do wh he nted?  For once?

He was grateful.  So fucking grateful f everything.  And he was happy, he really was.  He never understood why everyone always developed some crazed theory that he was miserably unhappy and pitiful and pathetic and sad and drinking himself into a stupor - that wasn’t the case all.  He was standing at the top of the world and he was standing at the top of the world with h best friends.  He had adoring fans and he got to go places he’d never imagined going and do things that he’d never, ever imagined he’d get to do.  And he got to do it with Niall and Liam and Zayn and…and Harry.  He got to do it with Harry and that was the most important thing of all.

…but he still wanted more.  He wanted the exclusive rights to Harry and to their relationship and maybe that was selfish and maybe that was the wrong thing to do and maybe it would royally and completely fuck them over…but maybe he was too far gone past the point of caring at this point

2013, Zayn had said.  A clean slate.  A fresh start.

And he wanted that fresh start with Harry.

But Christ, at this rate he wasn’t going to find him at fucki all.

11:51 pm

Louis remembered he had a cell phone.

11:52 pm

“LOUIS!” Harry exclaimed all low and loud and genuine happy the other end of the line.  Louis couldn’t tell if he was yelling because he was so excited to hear from him or because it was too fucking loud not yelling (he figured and assumed that it was the latter, but he hoped for the former regardless).  “Hap-eh New…ear!”

“Not quite,” was Louis’ response as he weaved past a mother and her three children who were all adorning (horrible) matching sweatshirts.

“Should’ve happened six hours ago, you dope,” Harry replied.  “How is th not quite?”

Louis dodged the question.  “How goes it in front of all the world?”

“Cameras.  Everywhere.  My hand is getting a bit clammy - forgot to bring gloves and all and this i lot handholding.”

“Is your view good?  Decent?” Louis asked, leaning up on his tiptoes to peer around the crowd even though it was still too fucking crowded and people were t fucking tall r him to be able to see over (he accomplished nothing by doing this whole tiptoe thing, to be quite honest - he didn’t even feel much taller).

“Right in front of Ryan Seacrest!”

That helped.

“Harry…do you ever think about what it would be like if we started 2013 with a blank canvas and a whole new set of rules?”

Harry was quiet for a few moments, and Louis realized that amidst all of his ducking and dodging through the swarms and hordes of people that he was holding his breath in wait for his answer.  “Lou,” he finally received in response, “has it ever occurred to you that you change the subject a great deal in a short amount of conversation time?”

Harold.  Louis rolled his eyes.  “You didn’t answer the question.”  Fuck, another family in another set of ugly, ugl ugly eatshirts.  He made a mental note to snap pictures of a few of them to send to Eleanor - she got a kick out of the blasted ugly things for whatever reason.

“Of course I do,” Harry replied after a moment or two.  His voice was much quieter than before, softer, but Louis could still hear him loud and clear.  “Fuck, Lou, y know o.”

“What if did?” Louis asked.  “You know?  What if we actual said squo;fuck it’ and just-”

“THAT’S THE THIRTEENTH TIME THEY’VE PLAYED MY SONG!” Taylor’s voice cut out over Louis’ words, and he could hear Harry laughing on the other end, already distracted by whatever it was that Taylor was going on about.

“Let’s talk later, all right?” Harry asked after a moment or two, returning to Louis and twisting his heart into a knot.  “It’s…it’s too loud here right now and this is a conversation I want to have with you when I can actual hear u - and see you, of course.  Seeing you is always the best part.”

From up ahead, Louis could see Ryan Seacrest

Sort of.

But it was good enough.

“Yeah,” Louis replied, already pulling the phone away from his ear.  “I’ll see you soon, Hazza.”

11:57 pm

That wasn’t Ryan Seacrest, that was a g dressed ke Ryan Seacrest.

11:58 pm

TEXT FROM ELEANOR CALDE good luck! .xx it’s going to be great!!!!!

11:59 pm

N that…that guy&rsquo definite Ryan Seacrest.

11:59:36 pm

Up ahead, he could see Harry and Taylor, he could hear the crowd roaring around them and already beginning to scream and cheer and countdown even though there were still around thirty seconds to go.  But thirty seconds still didn’t seem like enough time (not nearly) and Louis knew that a big kiss was going to happen at midnight and there just wasn’t enough fucki time.

So he started to run, and he was sure that he looked a bit ridiculous since he certain felt it ridiculous but he couldn’t care at this point.  He wasn’t able to care at this point because Harry was right there, he was palpable and tangible and Louis still needed h so much closer st like in Transatlanticism.

11:59:42 pm

Closer still.

11:59:48 pm

He was there.  He was right there.  And if he just turned his head inch would see him.  He would see him and it would happen and Louis had fucki made it th ten seconds to spare.

11:59:49 pm

He saw him.





You’re supposed to be in England!


What are you doing here?”


Louis was out of breath and he couldn’t get his words out for a second.


…or two…


“It’s New Year’s Eve, Harry…


…and I should be spending it with you.


and I don’t giv shit-


this is our clean slate.”


“Kiss me.”



harry styles, ship: harry/louis, fandom: one direction, louis tomlinson, larry fic

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