Nov 21, 2004 00:15
this week has sucked, check out xanga for all of it.
just when it got sucks again. well it got better but then worse again and...i'm resigning from being a teen apostle. my letter to allen
hey allen,
because of some recent events i think i should write you an email and explain some things. right now i don't think that i'm a suitable candidate for a teen apostle. i'm struggling with anorexia/bulemia and an addiction to diet pills. i've also recently stopped cutting myself, which is progress but there is always that feeling that hasn't gone away when i get upset. now you're probably like why in God's name is she telling me this. i'm officially stepping down from being a teen apostle for a little bit until i can get things sorted out because i don't feel like i'm, well, good enough right now. i've made some bad choices in a few areas and am probably not the best role model. i signed a contract with guidelines that i broke, and until i can force myself into confession (big step, as i dislike it greatly) i won't be a part of life teen because i don't see myself as fit for it. well, i regret this and it's probably the hardest thing for me to do, but i may be leaving church for awhile as well. please pray for me because right now the stress in my life is overwhelming. i'm carrying two jobs, senior year of high school (which i'm not doing too great in), and various other things. i don't want pity, and i hope this dosn't sound like thats what i want. i just feel like i need to explain the situation (etc). so thank you allen, you're an amazing guy and an amazing leader. when i feel worthy i'll email you again and see if theres a place open for me.
God bless,
Rachel-Elena Maria Webb