Title: Whiteboard Wake
Pairing/Focus: Sunggyu/Sungjong
Rating: R
Word count: 3390
Summary: Sunggyu has never dealt with a student quite like Lee Sungjong.
lindeyyyFrom: Your Secret Santa
“What do you mean you don’t have your assignment?” Sunggyu asks, his eyes wide in surprise. The few students that were talking in the back of the room fall silent at his outburst, all eyes trained on him and the student who is absently looking elsewhere.
The boy simply stands in front of him, his arms folded across his chest as he turns disinterestedly towards him. “I thought it was boring,” he replies, and Sunggyu thinks that he’s going to have a heart attack.
“So because of that, you think that you are exempt from handing in your assessments?” he asks him, tapping his fingers on the desk.
He shrugs, “Yeah?”
Sunggyu purses his lips, “Well then,” he pauses and looks down at his roll, finding the boy’s name, “Lee Sungjong, go sit down again. I’ll be talking to the coordinator later to settle this issue. You are a student here. You cannot just simply pick and choose what you will and will not do .”
Sungjong just nods his head and turns back to his desk, “Whatever, sir,” he replies, before sitting back at his desk and leaning over to his friends.
“What’s wrong with you?” a voice asks, and Sunggyu looks up from his laptop to find the teacher sitting in the desk next to him, looking at him with an amused look on her face.
He straightens slightly, “What do you mean?” he asks, acting nonchalant.
Sunggyu watches her eyes slowly trail across him, “You look like someone ran over your dog,” she comments, turning away and facing her computer once more.
There’s a bit of silence, and Sunggyu sighs, rolling his chair from his desk and facing her. “Do you know a kid named Lee Sungjong?” he asks her.
She nods, not moving her eyes from the screen. “Yeah, what about him?”
“Well one would think that, especially at this age, students would you know… do their homework,” he says, trying his best to keep his voice level.
“Oh, you should get used to that,” she replies.
Sunggyu frowns, “What do you mean?”
She tilts her head thoughtfully, “That Lee Sungjong…” she pauses, “I had him a few years ago, and he wasn’t quite so bad then, although I’ve heard he’s gotten worse in the past years. Always gets what he wants.”
“This is… a normal thing for him?” Sunggyu asks, unable to keep the surprise from his voice.
“Well of course it is,” she replies before pausing, and her features light up as she realizes something. “Oh wait, you’re new here, I forgot. His father is probably the only reason our school is still standing. He pays most of the building fund, and probably most of our salaries,” she laughs, almost in a self-pitying way. “We can’t fail the kid, really, which is why he can get away with it. I do wish he’d make a bit of an effort though. It’s quite unfortunate,” she sighs.
Sunggyu frowns. “But as teachers, shouldn’t we at least be, well, trying? He can’t go through the rest of his life through the hand of his father, you know,” he says.
She hums at this, “That’s true,” she says slowly, “but in the end, we can’t force him to do things he doesn’t want, you know? Now sorry, but I have to finish this grading…”
“Of course,” he replies, returning to his desk, eyes furrowed in confusion. Weren’t they all teachers? Was it not their job to make sure their students succeeded?
Sunggyu shakes his head. He’s going to make Sungjong pass, and not through academic dishonesty.
Of course, in theory, it was something a lot easier said than done.
“Lee Sungjong,” he calls, looking up from the book. “Read page twenty-four for us, please.”
There’s silence, and Sungjong clears his throat. “Sorry?” he asks.
Sunggyu glances at his desk and sees that he hasn’t got the textbook open, or any book open, for that matter. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he says quickly, “you can’t read?”
A few people laugh, and Sunggyu can see the disdain rising in Sungjong’s eyes. He leans over the desk and swipes his friend’s copy of the book, turning to the page and reading aloud.
When the bell rings and the students are making their way to the next class, Sunggyu stops Sungjong just before he leaves. “Good to know that you can read after all,” he says, just loud enough for the boy to hear.
Sungjong looks at Sunggyu for the slightest of moments before scoffing and heading out the door.
“See me after class,” Sunggyu murmurs to Sungjong as he hands him back his test, his mark circled in red pen at the top.
Sungjong rolls his eyes and shoves it under his desk, folding his arms onto the table and closing his eyes. Sometime later the bell rings, and he lazily gets up, pulling his wallet from his bag and ready to head to the canteen.
“Where are you going?” Sunggyu asks him, tiling his head. It’s an innocent question, but his eyes are quite fierce, and Sungjong baulks slightly.
“Getting lunch, sir,” he tells him.
Sunggyu shakes his head. “I told you to stay, so stay.” He swings the door shut, and Sungjong sighs really loudly, slumping back onto his table.
“So, can you explain to me why you didn’t fill out a single question on the page?” he asks him. Sungjong looks up - the tone in which Sunggyu is asking him is surprisingly gentle, but he frowns again, looking outside the window.
“I didn’t know the answers,” he replies simply.
“And why is that?” Sunggyu asks him softly. Sungjong doesn’t reply, so Sunggyu presses him a bit further. “Did you not study?” Sungjong nods. “Well…” he pauses. That’s a start, at least. “Why didn’t you study for it?”
Sungjong hesitates, before looking at his fists on the table. “I don’t understand anything, okay?” he says. “I don’t get what you mean when you say all these things, but everyone else is already so far ahead, so there’s no point in me.. asking anyone.”
Sunggyu just stares at him. “Then why don’t you ask me?” he asks him, his voice a little shocked.
“What do you mean?” Sungjong asks, looking at him.
“I’m your teacher. It’s my job to teach you, and if you don’t get anything, then what am I doing with my time? Do you want to get this stuff?” he asks, putting his hand on Sungjong’s test.
Sungjong stares at it for a moment. “I-I wouldn’t mind…”
Sunggyu nods as if this is the right answer. “Then are you willing to give me some of your time each week to go through this?”
“What kind of time?” Sungjong asks him warily.
There’s a pause. “Lunchtime, maybe? After school?”
Sungjong thinks for a moment. “I-I guess that’s alright then…” he says.
Nodding his head, Sunggyu returns to his desk. “Tomorrow at lunch. This room, okay?” he says, before opening the door. “Go get your lunch.”
Sungjong enters the classroom about ten minutes into lunchtime, and Sunggyu is still in the middle of his lunch.
“This is what teachers eat?” he asks, peering over his lunch box curiously. “Isn’t that just… kimchi and rice..?”
Sunggyu swats Sungjong away, “I can’t cook, okay? I don’t think many men my age can, actually.”
Sungjong smirks. “Come on, even I can cook. Anyway, are you done? I had to run away from my friends, tell them I had like, extreme bowel problems so that they wouldn’t ask questions. This better be worth it.”
“Alright, alright,” Sunggyu mutters, finishing his food quickly and placing the container back into his bag. “So up to what point do you understand?” he asks him.
There’s silence, and Sungjong can’t bring himself to look at Sunggyu’s face. “Like.. ninth grade,” he mumbles.
Sunggyu can’t hide his shock. “Ninth grade?” he asks him, his eyes wide. “Sungjong, you’re halfway through year ten. That’s a long time,” he tells him. “You’re going to have to put a lot of work into this, you know, you can’t just… God, ninth grade,” he repeats, as if he can’t believe it.
“I know, shut up, okay? Stop rubbing it in my face. I’m dumb and I know it. I don’t need you to tell me that too.” Sungjong clamps his mouth shut as soon as he’s let the words out. “I-I mean, oh shit, I’m sorry sir I -“
Sunggyu waves his hand. “Forget it.” Sungjong has this look in his eyes that’s somewhat scared, as if he’s not sure what will happen next. “Just wait here. I’ll go get the previous textbook. Wait, do you even have this year’s?” Sungjong shakes his head. “I guess I’ll have to get that, too.”
It turns out that, when he really focuses, Sungjong is a fast learner. He manages to catch up on a term’s worth of notes, ranging from the Korean War to World War Two. “You’re not dumb,” Sunggyu says as he passes Sungjong back a mock test, “in fact, you’ve learnt a lot in such a short space of time, you’re actually quite smart.”
Sungjong blushes slightly, “Shut up, sir,” he tells him, but Sunggyu just smiles. “Keep it up, okay?” he tells him, before opening the door and letting Sungjong out.
“Sunggyu, there’s a student outside wanting to talk to you,” a teacher tells him as she walks past his desk.
He glances up, “Tell him to come inside,” he tells her, and she nods.
A minute later, a box is shoved into his hands, and when Sunggyu looks up there’s a huffy-looking Sungjong staring down at him with his arms folded.
“I saw you eating instant ramyun for lunch yesterday,” he says, his voice disgusted, and then he’s out the door before Sunggyu can say a word.
Sunggyu blinks before opening the box. Inside is some rice, a piece of grilled chicken and an assortment of steamed vegetables. Underneath the box is a piece of paper, which he unfolds first, before rolling his eyes.
“Yah, Kim Sunggyu,” he reads. “Thanks for teaching me, but if you eat that crap you won’t be teaching me for much longer. From Jong.”
He scoffs, “Who does this kid think he is?” he asks himself, when he realizes that the entire thing is written in informal Korean. “Aish,” he shoves the paper into his bag before taking the chopsticks and taking a bite.
Sungjong wasn’t lying when he said he could cook.
The bell had rung a while ago, but Sunggyu had been caught up with organizing things from the previous class that by the time he’d gotten himself out of the classroom, it was a good twenty minutes into break. As he’s walking to the staff room, though, there’s a large group of students making noise. Curious, he stops to take a look.
He can’t really see over the top (God, children get so tall these days) but if the murmurings of students towards the back were anything to go by, then there were two guys fighting.
Two guys, one of whom was Lee Sungjong.
“Alright, what the hell is going on here?” he says, pushing his way through the crowd in his best teacher voice. A few students back off warily, faces going stony as they realize crap, this is a teacher.
It turns out that he hadn’t heard quite wrong, because he arrives to the front just in time to see Sungjong get punched in the face, collapse on the ground, before getting up and pulling the other guy to the ground as well.
In the distance, he can hear the shrieking of the principal as Sunggyu rolls his eyes. This was Sungjong, and nothing involving both the principal and Sungjong really ended up quite fairly, in his opinion.
Sunggyu grabs Sungjong by the arm before pushing through the crowd of students once more, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asks Sungjong, letting go.
Sungjong raises his finger to his lip, smearing blood. “It’s none of your business,” he snaps, before turning.
Aggravated, Sunggyu grabs Sungjong by the arm once more, and despite the younger’s protests, pulls him down the corridor and into a classroom. “Fighting,” he says, once the door is locked. He raises his head to look at Sungjong in the eyes, and the younger’s gaze is like ice. “You were fighting with that guy, don’t even lie to me, Sungjong,” he says.
Sungjong bites his lip, “So what?” he asks.
“So what?” Sunggyu repeats. “So what? God damn it, Sungjong, do you know how hard I am trying with you? You might not have noticed, but I have stuck so much of myself out for you that it’s ridiculous. All that extra time at lunch that I make an effort to teach you in- that’s not just your time, it’s my time as well.”
“You don’t even have to do that,” Sungjong replies, taking a step closer to Sunggyu, his eyes narrowed towards him. “You do that out of your own choice. If it’s as much of a chore as you say it is, why don’t you just pass me like all the other teachers have?”
“Because I’m a teacher!” Sunggyu says, and his voice is strained just a little. “And you are my student, Sungjong.” A moment passes between them before Sunggyu lowers his eyes. “What your father does doesn’t matter to me, because you’re my student. And what kind of teacher would I be if I didn-“
Sunggyu finds himself pressed against the whiteboard, his words cut short as his lips are filled. His eyes are wide open as Sungjong presses his body against his, and there’s a voice pounding at the back of his mind saying no, no, he is your student, this is wrong, you can’t be doing this, what if you’re caught and
Sungjong steps back, breathing heavily as he stares at Sunggyu. “Stop that,” he says, and when Sunggyu stares at him blankly, he rolls his eyes. “Stop thinking, it’s annoying,” he tells him, before pressing himself against Sunggyu once more.
“W-What are you doing?” Sunggyu manages to ask as Sungjong’s fingers tug at Sunggyu’s tie, dragging it from his collar and down his front.
The tie slips off, and Sungjong drops it between his fingers and onto the floor. “Please, do you think that you could have actually kept me in all those lunchtimes if I didn’t want to be there? If I didn’t like you?”
“You what?” Sunggyu asks, still wide-eyed.
“Sunggyu,” Sungjong says, and Sunggyu feels something inside of him when Sungjong says his name. It’s so different from Sungjong calling him sir, but he can’t say he doesn’t like it. “Shut up.” He kisses him once more, and Sunggyu does.
They kiss some more (God, Sungjong is a good kisser) and while Sunggyu is tactfully distracted (he’s so easily distracted, Sungjong muses), Sungjong makes an effort to bring his knee between Sunggyu’s legs, and maybe not-so-subtly press it there, causing Sunggyu to make these little noises that make Sungjong’s heart leap and his cock twitch in anticipation.
Sunggyu manages to pull away from Sungjong, “No no no, oh my God, what are you doing?” he moans, breath hitching as Sungjong settles for his throat, pressing his mouth to his neck and sucking lightly.
“What do you think?” he asks lazily, before biting lightly on his collarbones.
“Oh fu-“ Sunggyu catches himself, his hand tightening on Sungjong’s shoulder. “W-We can’t do this,” he tries desperately, despite the fact that his pants are really quite too tight, “Sungjong, listen to me, I told you -“
To make his point, Sungjong removes his knee and replaces it with his crotch, rolling slightly so that he’s grinding against Sunggyu, “And I told you, shut up,” he says firmly, before letting his fingers unbutton the rest of Sunggyu’s shirt.
Sunggyu groans inwardly - he should have really listened when Kim-sunbae told him that Sungjong always gets what he wants. Always.
To Sungjong, the situation seems entirely under control, for reasons Sunggyu doesn’t wish to think about too much, because Sungjong has successfully shucked off the older’s pants, bringing them down to his knees before dropping down on his own knees - Sunggyu’s brain shuts down temporarily at the sight. “Y-You’re not seriously going to-“
From below, Sungjong shoots him this look that reads watch me as he pulls down Sunggyu’s boxers before gripping his (embarrassingly) hard erection, “For someone so against this, you seem to be really fired up,” he comments, and before Sunggyu can muster a reply, Sungjong brings his cock into his mouth.
By now there’s really no point in Sunggyu pretending anymore as he groans softly, threading his hands into Sungjong’s hair. Okay, fine, maybe he had had a lingering thought about this once. Or twice. But he couldn’t be blamed, not with the way Sungjong looked at him, or talked to him, not with the way that he seemed to be so on top of the world at a glance, but on the inside wasn’t at all - with all the extra attention Sunggyu had been paying him just to understand him. There’s no way that he wouldn’t have grown to like him just a little.
It gives him some sort of comfort to know that at least he hadn’t been the only one, but he knows that if they were to get caught - God forbid - it would still be on his head no matter what. But when you have a guy sucking your dick, that’s kind of the least of your worries.
Sunggyu’s fighting the urge to thrust his hips, because Sungjong looks delicate and there’s no way he wants him to choke, because that’s not something he could handle, not right now. Also Sungjong is so good at this, worryingly so, that in just a few minutes Sunggyu is already tugging at his hair, his whines turning more desperate as he struggles to form words.
“Fuck, Sungjong, I-I’m gonna..” he manages to choke out, and he tries to pull Sungjong’s mouth away from him, but Sungjong snaps his neck firmly in place, intent on staying there.
Sunggyu gasps as he comes, his eyes shut and his fingers tighten in Sungjong’s hair. He can hear the sounds of Sungjong gagging slightly, but Sunggyu is too busy reveling in his moment that he doesn’t care. Only when his knees begin to feel weak and he collapses against the wall, opening his eyes, that he smiles slightly.
Sungjong has a bit of come running down his chin, and Sunggyu thinks that despite the disgustingness of the thought, it’s quite sexy. “Where the hell did that come from,” he says, breathing softly.
Dipping his head, Sungjong looks away from Sunggyu, a bit of a blush forming on his cheeks. “I told you before,” he says quietly. “I-I.. I like you, okay? Do you think it’s fair for you to pull me into classrooms for weeks, just the two of us, having you pay me so much attention for just being me?” his voice cracks slightly. “You’re the first teacher who has ever cared about how I do in class, about what I achieve, not just about what… about what my parents do, damn it.”
Sunggyu’s gaze softens, but he doesn’t say anything. Sungjong looks up meekly. “This is wrong, isn’t it,” Sungjong says. “This is wrong, and now you’re going to reject me, because this is wrong and I know it. I shouldn’t have - God, I’m so stupid, I jus-“
“Sungjong,” Sunggyu says, and Sungjong looks up. “Shut up.”
Sungjong does.
The bell rings leaving Sungjong just enough time to get his uniform back in order. Sunggyu pulls his pants on, and groans. “I’ve got come on my pants,” he complains, and Sungjong snickers.
“Serves you right for having them on, doesn’t it?”
Sunggyu shoots him a glare. “It’s alright, I have no classes scheduled for the afternoon anyway,” he says, nodding his head.
Sungjong thinks for a moment, before a smile spreads on his face. “You know, now that I think about it, what a coincidence!” he looks up at Sunggyu. “Neither do I.”