[Some static, followed by mumbling and the sound of random junk being cleared off a table]
And this is mandatory? What if I don't- Oh, shit, she's on.
[A cough]
So. Um.
Looks like I'm with you guys now.
The name's Rita Mordio, your new Mechanic. Not Mordio. Not Short-ass kid with the goggles. Rita. Got it? If you get it, I won't have to fry you a new hole, and we'll get along just swimmingly.
By the way, just a warning, not that you guys need it or anything, but just in case - if I see anyone mistreating technology on my watch, and Mistreating includes shouting at it, kicking it, banging it, tossing it off the ship, and any other action that you otherwise wouldn't do to your pet dog - I'm blowing a new hole in the engine room.
You don't want a new hole in the engine room.
That is all.