Wow, 2014 can bite me. But now, new year! EVERYTHING WILL BE TOTALLY DIFFERENT, OBV.
This year we have a general election. Three bunches of arseholes, the Argos Mussolini and the Green Party, who are led by someone I know vaguely and don't care for. Can the Scottish National Party stand in east London, please? They have the best policies :::ignores oil price:::
For now, some videos to ease your hangovers. I have to be at work for 9.30 tomorrow via whatever byzantine via-Penge route Transport for London decides to foist on us poor saps, so I am sober as a judge.
A reminder that while my job may be difficult, it at least does not involve dancing on top of a train
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I still love this. It's the laughing.
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All QI with Toksvig is good QI
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Philomena Cunk's Moments of Wonder: Evolution
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Stewart Lee ♥ . Comedy with Anglo-Saxon poetry.
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