-haha... oh man

Dec 27, 2004 22:32

hahaha... ok, so Nick, Lena, Chris, Brett, and I all decided to go shoot off fireworks at the lake right? Man, that was a blast.. literally. Then we decided to head home and I realized, "oh man.. I'm way almost out of gas" because the little thingy was pretty much on empty and the dash said 'check gages.' Well, I get more miles when I go fast sppeds so my logic is, the faster the better. We're speeding through hill country, like going 70 on the EXTREMELY curvy roads and then we get back to 1431. I'm goin about 80 or so and thanks to a gas station on the right I start slowing down. The radar catches me right as I'm slowing down. I pull over in between the 2 entrances into the gas station. he cop comes on his little speaker thingy, "driver, pull into the parking lot." By now I've already turned off my car and put the keys on the dash, so I'm like CRAP. I turn the car back on and as I'm turning my tire screeches. Peachy. I pull my car into the closest parking spot and turn off the car and put the keys on the dash. TWO cops stroll up beside my car and take ID from everyone. Yes, everyone was in my car and I'm still in that six month period. The cop on my side asks me for my license and insurance. INSURANCE?? My dad never taught me anything about that so I'm kind of panicing and trying desparately to search for where my dad put the insurance card. I'm looking for something I've never even seen before. Finally, I find A insurance card. She goes and does the search and everything on it and turns out it's the wrong one, it's the insurance card for my DAD'S cars.. Swell. So back to the search. I come across this weird piece of paper with a whole bunch of X's and just odd typing, but I see the word Cavelier on it so I handed it to her. Yes, the right one. Blah blah blah, she searches it, gets my info, and nowfor the ticket. SWEET. I got my first citation and not only that,. but because I was going 74 in a 50mph zone I get to take defensive driving. HOORAY! 2 months with a license and defensive driving, here I come!
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