30 Days of Awesome Who Women - Day 8
Let's get some New Who in here!
I was going to do some ~thoughtful meta~ on Amy's character, but it got late last night and I got lazy, so I decided to express my love for Amy in single sentences with accompanying gifs (so, not at all dial-up safe under the cut).
I love Amy because she starts out as this awesome little girl:
Sadly, I do not have many Amelia gifs. But I love that she's not eating out of the carton with a spoon, she's eating out of it with the whole freakin' scooper.
I love Amy because she's stubborn and doesn't back down:
I love Amy because she hangs out on alien spaceshipswhales in her nightgown:
I love Amy because she knows when Eleven needs a hug:
I love Amy because she's SO EXCITED about visiting her first alien planet:
I love Amy because she enjoys winding up Eleven:
I love Amy because of her response to "don't blink":
I love Amy because she can be so awkward when she doesn't know how to deal with a situation/her feelings:
I love Amy because if she's going to die, she's going to die looking like a Peruvian folk band:
I love Amy because her reaction to seeing Van Gogh live and in person is fangirly and flaily:
I love Amy because when words fail her, she lets gestures do the talking:
And finally, I love Amy because she makes some lolarious faces:
I love Amy for a lot of other reasons too (some of them actually not silly!), but I don't have corresponding gifs for all of them.
Why do YOU love Amy, dear reader?
No S6 spoilers in the comments, please :D