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Dec 06, 2010 22:43

30 Days of Awesome Who Women - Day 2
(Hey, I warned that they would probably be nonconsecutive...)

For Day 2, we have...


Erimem, an Egyptian princess from ~1400 BCE, traveled with the Fifth Doctor and Peri in the Big Finish audios (there is no picture of her here because Caroline Morris looks nothing like Erimem.). I've been re-listening to a lot of Big Finish lately, including a whole chunk of her audios, and they reminded me how much I love her.

I love Erimem because of her strength and her confidence. Erimem is a capable leader (she was supposed to be Pharaoh, after all), which she demonstrates by leading her soldiers into battle in “The Eye of the Scorpion.” In “The Church and the Crown,” she rallies the King and the Cardinal’s squabbling forces, inspiring them to join together to protect France from the Duke of Buckingham. In the same story, she also tells off the King and Queen for acting like children rather than the leaders they are supposed to be. She knows that even though she won’t be Pharaoh, her destiny is still to rule, and despite opportunities along the way (including a short-lived engagement to Dracula), she ultimately decides to stay on Peladon with its king, Pelleas. But Erimem isn’t settling; she truly believes that Peladon is where she belongs, where she is needed, and where she will be happy.

I love Erimem because she believes passionately in justice. In “The Council of Nicaea,” her belief that Arius deserves a fair fight is so strong that she is willing to part ways with the Doctor to help him. She has to be forcibly removed from the council after she passionately speaks out on Arius’s behalf and angers the attendants, and considering the audience includes the Emperor Constantine, that takes guts.

I love Erimem because of her desire to learn. When she knows she can’t be Pharaoh, Erimem decides to go to Greece to study, at which point the Doctor takes her on board the TARDIS to study at the Braxiatel Collection instead (Erimem’s cat has other ideas, though). She drinks in her surroundings and asks questions, determined to learn about the universe with a sense of wonder that never leaves her. Peri (with whom Erimem has a deep friendship that’s one of my favorite things about her audios) even teaches her to read and write English.

I love Erimem because, when it comes down to it, she’s a badass (and it's no secret that I have a weakness for badassery). According to one of her adversaries in “The Eye of the Scorpion,” she “fights like a demon.” When a strange man grabs her ass in “The Kingmaker,” she breaks his arm. Erimem is willing to sacrifice her life to save her friends in “The Bride of Peladon,” and then she turns the tables on Sekhmet by poisoning her own blood (which Sekhmet had drank). She's made of awesome, basically.

meme: 30 days of awesome who women

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