Dear Yuletide Letter (Now Complete!)

Oct 24, 2012 11:01

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Every Yuletide letter ever starts this way, but I'm going to say it regardless: Thank you for offering one of my fandoms! Sharing a fandom with someone is a great feeling to me, even if it's one step removed, for now. :)

I'm going to tell you a fair bit about things I enjoy in my fan fic here, because I know I'm the kind of writer who needs something to work with, something to jump off of. HOWEVER! Optional details are, after all, optional. If you work better with more freedom in your options, the only thing you really need to know about writing a fill I'll love is this: Happy endings. If the characters are happy, then I'm happy!

If you'd like more to work with, then read on...

Rating? I like it all. G to NC-17, it's all good.

Themes I like: Trust is a huge one for me. I love seeing the ways that characters trust each other. I especially like it when characters who normally don't trust ANYONE find someone that they come to trust completely. I also like seeing characters find their calling, or that place where they feel the belong. I like "coming out" stories, in which something instrinsic but previously unknown to others is revealed about a character. I like those even when the revelation is forced by circumstances, though in that case I really want to see the aftermath. In romances, I like seeing how the characters got together. I also like seeing what other characters (not involved in the relationship) think of that relationship. Matchmaking. Pining (but only if they end up together after all).

Themes I DON'T like: Betrayal. Okay, so this is the flip side of liking trust, but still. In romances, I don't like the "shovel talk" and would prefer not to see it. MPreg. Kid fic of any type at all. Rape. Really heavy angst-to-happy ration. Like, if there are five pages of soul-blackening angst, two lines of "But because of X, everything would be OK." is not enough for me. I want to see it being better. In general, I like my angst-to-happy ratio to err on the side of more happy. Angst is there to make the happy sweeter, in my world.

Okay, time for fandom specific comments:

Dredd (2012)

I confess: I ship Anderson and Dredd. I would die of love if I got a shippy fic for them. But really, it's trust and connection I'm looking for.

I've had bunnies myself about Dredd being required to pick a partner some assignment or another and choosing Anderson because of their experience in the movie and fellow Judges being super suprised because he's normally way more stubborn about it and they have to just assign someone, but I can never figure out where it goes from there. Knowing that Dredd is never, ever seen without his helmet in the original comic, I've also had ~thoughts~ about what it would mean for Anderson to see him without it in the movieverse.

These are just suggestions, though!

After the Golden Age - Carrie Vaughn

I actually don't have a lot of specifics to add to the optional details in my sign up for this one. General themes stuff in the letter applies, tho. :)

Bourne (Movies)

Here is the part where I really, really hope that you didn't just pick "Any" because you like the franchise and end up stuck with the one character that you're not all that into. *wry*. I hope you genuinely like Aaron!

Anyway, in addition to the getting-used-to-civilian-life stuff I mentioned in my sign up, here are a few other random ideas I'd enjoy:

Aaron meeting one or more people that he knew before his enhancement--how do they react? How do they remember him?

How much of Aaron's personality as Kenneth carries over? It might be interesting to see a situation where, with all the enchancements and training and new lifestyle, Aaron thought he was a totally different personality, but now that he's on his own and can relax and learn to live a different life, he discovers that there's more of Kenneth in him than he knew.

If you want to write something relationshippy, I'd be happy to see Aaron paired up with Marta, or an OC (male or female, both work for me), or even a crossover character. But not anyone other than Marta from the Bourne 'verse. If you do go 'shippy, I'd like the other person to know about Aaron's history. Um, if you do do something relationshippy, I have a particular love for virgin!Aaron.

As ever, if you have a different bunny, it's all good! Just trying to give you some sparks, if you need them.

Once again, thank you for offering one of my fandoms! I hope you have an awesome Yuletide. :)

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