IMB 2011: Midnight Circus

Sep 14, 2011 10:27

Title: Midnight Circus
Pairing/Focus: Sungyeol/Myungsoo/Sungjong, Dongwoo/Hoya, Sunggyu/Woohyun, OT7
Rating: NC-17 / R
Current word count: 10, 151
Summary: A person’s downfall may have many reasons. So many problems one could face, fears in life, mistakes, suicide, pride, mortal wounds, betrayal, jealousy. The list could go on and yet never end. An abused boy, an innocent dancer, a naive and innocent person, a ringmaster, a co-ordinator, an animal trainer, and a person who doesn’t seem like himself. Thrown together and mixed, I present to you, the Midnight Circus.

-Noun, plural -ous•ies for 4.
1. Jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, or against another’s success or advantage itself.
2. Mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. Vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.

This is like a prison without bars
this is an entertaining party that fits everyone
this is like a tragic comedy
it’s like a gamble with no stage

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Seoul Circus

A whip flashed through the air, cracking harshly in the bright circus lights. The smell of sawdust, blood and sweat ran throughout the whole tent, serving to further excite the audience’s senses and nerves as they waited eagerly for the circus to start.

Tension and energy filled the air, curling and crackling in the air under the stage. Performers hurried under the grand ring, willing themselves to move faster and prepare for their performance. The circus acts were either chained off to one side, or were being prepped in advance for their item. All these were well hidden away from the audience; they were here to see what they wanted, and that was what they were going to get.

A circle platform rose from the empty hole in the ground, the ringmaster of the night lifting his head politely to smile at the cheering audience. He was dressed neatly, sparkly suit of blue and black tightly fitting to his thin form, a cape flowing neatly from his shoulders to the floor. His kohl lined eyes were sharp, midnight black eyes darting around the huge tent, coiled whip held loosely in his right hand, giving way to confidence as he smirked and bowed, flourishing under the approval. Ruby red lips parted, opening as would a flower blooming.

In a separate room in another tent, a boy was sitting there, feet up on the table, clearly relaxed. A smooth voice curled its way into the ringmaster’s earpiece, forming the words that the said guy was saying at the current moment. A huge screen was in front of thin boy, casting an eerie shade of light onto his pale face. Many different television screens showing different areas of the roaring crowd surrounded him, the huge screen in the middle showing the ring itself. He was lightly caressing a knife in one hand, the other playing around with the microphone coil.

“Welcome, I’ll be your ringmaster for tonight. My name is Sungyeol and I’ll be guiding you through tonight’s program. I suppose all of you came for a certain reason. Indeed, many of you would have noticed that tonight’s audience consist only of men. Namely husbands looking for someone to cheat with on their boring wives,” He paused, words swallowed up the agreeing roar of the husbands. His smirk widened at the response that he got, before continuing. “Eager young lads looking for someone to help them with teenage problems,” There was nervous shifting. They weren’t sure if they were supposed to be or not. Sungyeol shook his head lightly. They always changed their mind after one night and came back for more. “And men just out for a simple night of fun. Now that I’ve said what I’m supposed to say, we’re about to begin. Do sit back and enjoy the show.”

The thin boy smirked, throwing the knife away without looking where it landed. A sickening thud was heard, pants and moans of pain starting up again as another chained up boy was scared awake by the dull thud of the knife sticking itself into the area beside him. He lay spread-eagled against a pinning board, blindfolded and half naked. His chest heaved, up and down, sweaty in the dim light from the pain and exhaustion of being pinned there for more than a few hours. Blood had stopped circulating in his arms and it was numb. His head rolled towards the other side again, sweat sliding down his face.

Thunderous applause filled the air as he bowed with a flourish again, whip uncurling and hitting the floor with a crack. The show was on.

“The main aim of our show is to provide these sick bastards with a sense of fulfilment. They are supposed to enjoy themselves here. Just like what your father did to your whore of a mother. He fucking ditched me for her. Just because she was a “circus” performer that knew when to spread her legs.” The boy uncrossed his legs and put them down, beginning to sashay his way to the tied up boy. Cupping a thin chin in his hand, he sighed before continuing. “What they don’t want to see, we don’t allow them to see. After all, our mind is a powerful thing. A fit and healthy body, and a positive mind, is enough for anyone to overcome setbacks that would have broken many others... But a broken mind and a tamed body...” He plucked out the knife effortlessly from its place beside the quietly sobbing boy, looking at it keenly before stabbing it into the torn up wood again, just inches from the boy’s head.

The boy cried out, twisting his head away from it.

“...It will never ever do that, right Sungjongie?” He finished, before moving away, hands lightly reaching out to stroke the limp blonde hair. A cruel smirk curved his thin lips upwards, him moving back into the chair.
“It’s just like the way you came to us on that winter night... To me...” He whispered, booted feet moving back up onto the table top.
Hoya hissed at the collar tightening around his neck, before his face was backhanded lightly. How dare he hit him? Snarling, he tried to shift upwards to attack his captor, wanting to give him a piece of his mind, before his chains brought him down again, him falling to his knees on the wooden boards.

“Howon ah, don’t be like that. You have around twenty more minutes before we’re due. And when we’re due that soon, we wouldn’t want an injured face right?” A calloused hand wrapped around his chin and his face was pulled up, body following as well due to the sheer strength of the man. His arms strained as he pulled at the chains binding both hands behind his back as well. His eyes burned with hate, anger and fear. This man was stronger than many, and previous escapades made by others had proved that. Helplessness coursed through his veins as the hand left his chin and he was dropped roughly back down onto the heap of straw like a rag doll. A chuckle left Dongwoo’s throat at the submissiveness and he ruffled the other’s silky hair, revelling in the smoothness of it.

“Come on... Perk up.” He muttered, before turning away to grab a canteen of water. A lighter was flicked open in the distance, flames eating up at the gas feeding it.
“Jang Dongwoo, don’t you think that chaining up your boy toy there is a bit harsh?” Lights flashed and the overhead roar of hungry humans sounded as Sunggyu stood up, tight black shiny pants clinging to his leg. A purr was heard as another boy tumbled from his lap to the floor, arms immediately going to wrap around Sunggyu’s leg. He was carelessly kicked a few feet away, chains around his upper half clinking. Hoya’s heart wrenched in pain as the fallen boy only gurgled happily, crawling back to Sunggyu’s side. He leaned against the clothed leg, eyes half shut in ecstasy as he stroked his fingers up Sunggyu’s strong thigh.

Dongwoo looked over, chuckles filling the dressing room.

“It’s better than drugging your toy over there right? You’ve fed him so much ambrosia he’s bound to develop a resistance for that sweet.”

Another chuckle, before Sunggyu leaned down to grasp at the boy’s hair. A whine of pain came from the frail boy’s mouth. Yanking him up, Sunggyu settled back down on the chair and pulled the boy onto his lap where he fit snugly, immediately curling up to resume rubbing his head on Sunggyu’s chest.

“Oh, not at all.” A cruel smirk curled his right lip up before he continued. ”Woohyun here is only force fed ambrosia on the night he’s supposed to perform. On other days, he simply refuses to eat it; therefore he has no resistance to the sweet as my other toys do.” A gentle hand crawled up the thin boy’s chest, slipping into the barely there vest and pulling out another coloured round hard candy. “It’s amazing when he begs for more after the show’s done.” Popping it into Woohyun’s mouth, the ‘toy’ suckled on it contentedly, throwing lazy smiles over at Hoya. His eyes were wide at the revelation and he gulped lightly, even more afraid now.

Dongwoo sighed deeply, eyes meeting. He shook his head briefly, before he turned around to Hoya again.

A round ball gag sat not too far from where he was, and he reached over to snatch it up before forcing it into Hoya’s mouth. A warbled noise of protest bubbled out from his mouth, before the ball gag settled on his tongue, pressing it down and firmly restricting any more words.

Sunggyu raised his eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, only choosing to resume stroking up and down Woohyun’s spine gently.

“Yah, Jang Dongwoo, you’re up soon!” The ringmaster poked his head down the ladder, beckoning lightly with his hand.

Dongwoo stood up, face impassive as he released Howon from the wall, said boy flopping onto the floor, boneless. Dongwoo pulled both wrists forward roughly and handcuffed them again, inserting a chain into the ring, linking both collar and handcuffs together. Pulling the end of the chain forward, Hoya fell forward with a yelp of pain, hands unable to break his fall. Heartless eyes met his and he flinched.
“This is your life from now on. Get used to it.” Dongwoo murmured, wrenching the boy to his feet in one quick movement. There was no pity in his voice, as if his heart had been stolen away and locked into a box of cement.

Hoya shivered in fear.


The bright lights hurt his eyes the moment he had stumbled into the holding area of the tent, the roar of the crowd deafening his ears. Tears of panic welled up in his eyes, before Dongwoo looked over. A harsh kiss was pressed to the escaped tear, and Dongwoo looked around to make sure that there was no one around them before roughly pulling the other into a brief hug. Hoya’s eyes wandered though. They wandered to the centre of the ring, where another act was currently on.
A naked boy was sitting slumped over on one of the benches in the centre of the ring, amidst the cheers and catcalls. His arms were bended and put beside him, cuffed to two separate sides of a board. It was like a high backed chair. Of doom, that is. Bruises and cuts littered his entire body, but moans and pants of want and lust slipped out from his mouth, head twisting around. His eyes were covered by a blindfold, handler smirking as he held up a whip. His hand moved forward, whip snapping along-

A hand cupped his chin and he was forced to look up and into Dongwoo’s eyes. Unable to help himself, he whimpered in fear. Confusion, fear, anger, trepidation, these feelings swirled around in him, muscles tensing as his mind whirled. What went on in this sick minded circus? Why was he chosen?

“Relax for me okay?” Sad, warm and brown eyes met Hoya’s own bleak ones and Dongwoo moved to run fingers through his own messily styled hair. “There are a lot of explanations that I owe you, but wait until the show is over. And I’m really sorry for anything that’s going to come after this. You were an abrupt replacement for my...” Dongwoo swallowed lightly, showing nothing of his previous harshness. He moved closer to Hoya, embracing him briefly. “Act...” He lightly whispered.
Hoya tilted his face to the right, confused at the sudden change in personality. Apologetic eyes met his, before a hand over his mouth and nose cut of his air supply mid breath, and he felt a sweet pill forcing its way around the gag. Handcuffed hands shot up to try and peel off Dongwoo’s hands, one around his nose and mouth and the other pulling his chains taut. Unable to help himself, his eyes watered and he desperately tried to pull his hands free. Slumping towards the ground at his helplessness, tears leaked out his eyes and slid down his make-up covered cheek, leaking eyeliner trails. Dongwoo turned his head away.
“Please... d-don’t fight it. You’re making it difficult for me t-too.” He whispered.
Hoya’s eyes slipped closed and he retched, once, then twice, before the pill slipped down his throat dry, and he blinked several times in confusion.
Warmth. That was all he could feel as a fire began to build, licking curling trails through his entire body. It soon became uncomfortable, the fire hot as if he been made to lie down on the wrong end of a heated iron sheet. It hurt. That wasn’t all though, the warmth seeming to originate from his now aching cock that was straining in his leather tight pants. He moaned, hands struggling to free him so he could either find some relief for his turgid dick, or hide out in a cold shower till it died.

The head of his cocked poked out from his black briefs, his whole face a flaming red as Dongwoo looked down and sighed. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a metal ring. Leaning down to stuff his hand into the front of Hoya’s pants, he clasped it around the base of his cock where it sat, nestled among curls of hair. Grabbing the head of the throbbing cock (And eliciting a rather embarrassing squeal of relief from Hoya), he calmly stuffed it back inside.
Hoya was scandalised. It was as if he had done this so many times before that it didn’t affect him. Wriggling a bit, he let his clothes rub over his sensitized skin and he groaned, sparkles of heat shooting down his nerves and only serving to further excite his hard dick. And he wasn’t allowed to come.

“Shh.” Dongwoo murmured, pressing a cool hand to Hoya’s forehead and pressing him backwards. “Relax.” How could he relax when he wasn’t allowed to come?
A whine slipped past his lips at the touch, Howon nearly purring at the cool hand. Trying his best not to look like a needy slut, he leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Time passed. Ten minutes, twenty. It seemed that the handler before them was very excited to show off his animal. When it was time for the both of them to go up, Hoya was just slack and irritable. You couldn’t blame him; he had been wearing that cock ring for more than half an hour now.

A hazy lust had consumed his mind and he was leaning to the side, Dongwoo barely managing to prop him up. Purple, throbbing and hard, his cock stood at its full length stuffed into his uncomfortable pants. His entire weight was thrown onto Dongwoo as his lips opened and he dry swallowed around the uncomfortable gag. Noticing, Dongwoo ripped away the ball gag and threw it mindlessly somewhere, where it landed forgotten in the dry sand. His free hand curled around Hoya’s unresisting face, the other going to unlock the chains and pull him. He kept the collar and handcuffs on though. A lone tear slipped down Dongwoo’s face as he stroked the firm skin under his calloused fingers.

“Jang Dongwoo, you’re up in 5!” Sungyeol called, Dongwoo jerking straight up again.

Their eyes met, communicating fear and pain before Sungyeol was called away. A few minutes of conversation with the current taskmaster before he was called to attention by the mysterious boy; he turned towards the pair just outside again.
“And, you’re in!” He called, motioning for Dongwoo to enter.

He took a deep breath, hoisted Hoya up, reattaching all the chains before dragging him in. The cheers grew; the crowd was stamping now, cheering, clapping, and happily dancing about. Dongwoo’s act was a hot favourite. Like always. There were a few voices of confusion though, why did the act change? A blonde boy was previously the act. The tiny, fragile and pale boy that always was so obedient. The voices were soon forgotten though; they forgot themselves, intent on joining the others to cheer about the new act as well. It didn’t matter. As long as they got what they were here for. Hoya kept his eyes firmly attached to the floor, feet stumbling forward, one after the other as he followed Dongwoo in. The euphoria was still apparent, glazed over eyes and trembling limbs there as evidence. The previously naked boy in the ring stumbled out, passing by Hoya with a pitiful glance. Blood slipped down from all over his body, but mostly from in between his legs. His handler followed, cracking the whip several times against the injured boy’s back to make him go faster. Sungyeol’s lips curled at the sight before he turned, cape fluttering lightly in the movement.

He had to introduce Dongwoo.

Lee Sungjong’s POV, Year Unknown, Area Unknown

A person’s downfall may have many reasons. So many problems one could face, fears in life, mistakes, suicide, pride, mortal wounds, betrayal, jealousy. The list could go on and yet never end. The reason for her downfall was jealousy and fear. Her fear was the fear of being left alone. Left alone and dumped away, as what her husband did to her. Like what many previously did to her. Her parents, siblings, friends, all of them had left her to suffer by herself. She was unrelenting, blaming everyone else left and right. What she just didn’t do was to look at herself and think. Think, how could she change?

It was the same fear that he had too. It was exactly the same. Just that he was better. He dared to look in the mirror, he dared to change. But when he started to change she came along and ruined everything. It was exactly this fear that made her cling to him and not let go; this fear that made him lose to her.

I was just a victim of this fear. Seconds, minutes, hours, days and nights I was reminded by her, then him. Of how useless I was without them. They were right. I was weak willed, soft and pathetic. What could I do without them? Abuse, fear and pain; they made sure that these feelings were a constant in my life, a never ending black parade, a film played over and over again.

How many days did I spend, screaming my voice hoarse and trying to get them to stop hitting, stop shoving, stop making me bleed, pained and sickened by the thought of how they loved me so much to the point of hurting me? How many nights did I spend, curled up beside them, crying hard, fist stuffed into my mouth to prevent noises, angry and hurt at the people who had hurt me but still unwilling to let go of the hand clenched so tightly around my own?

I still allowed it to continue, allowed the black parade to parade triumphantly in my life, allowed the black and white film to replay, over and over again.

I’m tired.

3rd Person’s POV, years 1948 - 1964, Kwangju

Born 1948, Sungjong was what you could call a happy go lucky baby. It was during the aftermaths of the war that had recently taken place, when all countries had been affected some way or another. When traces of smoke and empty gun shells lay around on the streets, when there was not enough food to feed the hungry; he had been born in an empty room, on a kitchen table, mother screaming out her pain as his father held her hand in his and soothed her.

His father was a circus worker, while his mother was a prostitute that sold her body when she was desperate. How someone with such a steady job ended up with what society considered was the lowest of the low was a mystery; it was known though; how much they loved each other. The problem was that she wasn’t the first wife; she was the much mocked second, even though the first knew that the man loved the second more than her.

She was, after all, second in all ways possible.

For a while, they lived harmoniously, save for his father and the first wife who fought a lot. Driven by the pain of his betrayal, jealousy of the second wife and a fear, she turned to witchcraft. Sungjong’s mother had been found when he was just 3 months old, stabbed by what seemed to be a rather long and sharp canine through her throat. Blood had been bubbling out of her throat, staining the pink floral dress that her husband had bought her days ago. Grocery bags were on their sides, items inside spilling over and scattered. Her left shoe had been flung away from where she lay, torn and dirty in the cemented road. The last words she said was to a passing boy who just happened to pass by.

The police ruled it as foul play; but had yet to investigate what happened. They were too busy doing other ‘stuff’. And besides, death those days were common. There were many bodies lying around on the streets. His mother’s body just added one more too many already there.

Then his father too, mysteriously disappeared. His body was found floating face down in the Han River.

Just another body added too many.

He began to grow under the care of the first wife, who loved him dearly as he grew. He didn’t question his parent’s death, just following along with whatever the first wife said.

She said they died while crossing the street.

Then when he was seven and had found his first friend, a boy named Chulyoung, his mother became different. Wary and suspicious of the innocent seven year old boy named Bang Chulyoung.

A few days after they met, Sungjong came home late and was immediately punished by his mother. Chulyoung’s body was found, mangled and dirty the next day in the dirt pit.

No one dared to approach Sungjong after that. Known as the ‘Killer Boy’, he was left alone by many. He accepted it quietly, going off to play on his own with a doll that had been his first birthday present from Chulyoung.

And so he grew up.

His mother, in the meanwhile, had change. Afraid of being left alone by Sungjong, she had started to become overprotective of him. She was too overprotective, in fact. He never had friends to go out with, never socialised... Never went out. And because of that he was an introvert, quietly helping out with the house chores and never arguing back.

The over protectiveness soon turned into abuse though, when she realised he could do nothing without her supporting him. At first, it had been just a few hits here and there, but as the years progressed, it grew worse. So here she was, 34 years old, spurned, and with her quiet, willing and pitiful stepson.

Sungjong wasn’t dumb. He knew that this wasn’t supposed to happen, but out of love for his mother, he bore with it. Oh yes, he did. But he was tired of the never ending pain. At the age of 16, as part of an experiment and a dare, he went to dye his hair blonde. He was nearly killed for that. A knife missed his heart by a few inches, her muttering a few incantations to stitch him back up. He continued dying his hair blonde though. It gave him a sense of happiness. A sense of peace and happiness that he could rebel in small ways, more than one; that he could do this rather than become a mindless puppet. He was content with his meagre life for once.

And then he met Cirque du Infini, or the Infinite Circus. They were a bunch of happy go lucky people that made him happy. And this was where all the trouble started.
Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, Jang Dongwoo and Kim Sunggyu. They were a band of close knit friends that had a brilliant idea one day to form a travelling circus. They had planned well, who was to be in charge, of what and where. Days and nights were spent sleepless in order to perfect their circus. They were sceptical that it would work of course, but decided that they wanted to try it out. Sungyeol would be the ringmaster; Dongwoo could be the animal trainer, Sunggyu the co-ordinator and Myungsoo... Well, Myungsoo would be Myungsoo.

They were extremely successful.

Animals would crowd to Dongwoo and fawn after him, following his every footstep. It was a like a solo circus, Dongwoo performing act after act after act with maybe Sunggyu and sometimes Myungsoo. They had named their circus ‘The Infinite Circus’; because they knew they were going to be together forever.

It was enough for the friends who were content with whatever applause they got. Their fame grew, but they all remained thankfully humble, happy with all the praise they got.

A few years later, they met Lee Sungjong. He was a thin, young and underfed boy with bleached blonde hair, always tied up in a messy pony tail. He had a witch for a stepmother, always chasing after him and beating him up. They took him in and fed him, provided he worked for them. He was a rather good worker, sometimes slacking off to go and play about with the puppies. But other than that, he was good.

Then came the day they had to leave for another town. That day always naturally came, when they had to pack up, remove the big top and leave. But now they had a complication.

Sungjong was standing there, lithe body shivering in the heavy winter wind, bag beside his black boots. It was filled with everything he owned, including the teddy bear that his very first friend gave him...

3rd Person’s POV, 1964, Kwangju

“Sungjong ah, what’re you doing!?” Myungsoo hissed, jumping down from the caravan steps. He shrugged off his fur jacket, before huddling the boy in it. The trembling boy reached down to grasp at the broken handles of his bag, before turning to give Myungsoo a weak smile.

“...Want... to... move in... with you... guys.” He murmured, eyes rolling back into his head before he collapsed.

“Yah, Lee Sungjong!” Myungsoo cried. Picking up the skinny boy as well as the bag (The bag was heavier than Sungjong and Sungjong didn’t even own a lot of stuff); he hurried into the group’s shared caravan, where Sunggyu and Dongwoo were both preparing to sleep.

“Sungjong!” Scrambling up into a sitting position, Dongwoo hurriedly got off his bunk and took the bag from Myungsoo, setting it down in the corner.

“What happened?” Sunggyu’s brow furrowed, as he pulled off the other blankets from the bunks and heaped them onto the still Sungjong.

“I don’t know! He said he wanted to move in with us. Damn it, if his mother finds out she’s going to kill us!” Myungsoo hissed, pacing around the room worriedly. “And the stupid boy most probably was waiting for us outside or he just made his way from his house all the way here without any proper clothing!”

At this moment Sungyeol stepped into the caravan.

“Oi, Sungjong’s mother is outside, and she’s freaking raging at me. I told her off and shooed her away saying that Sungjong isn’t her-... Oh. Shit.” Spotting Sungjong in the corner, Sungyeol turned and bolted out into the swirling snow again.

Silence covered the entire caravan, before moments later, the door burst open and a rather young lady stepped inside huffily.

“You see! Sungjong is in here!” She screeched upon the sight of his motionless body. Storming over to the boy, she raised her hand and landed a smack on his cheek.

“YAH!” Myungsoo yelled, reaching out for her with his left hand.

“You stupid boy!” She sneered, right hand reaching out towards Myungsoo. He froze, eyes staring into her crazed ones. “You have no right to take away my Sungjong!” She waved the hand outstretched and Myungsoo flew, crashing into the sink.

“What the h-“ Sunggyu started, moving towards Myungsoo. Dongwoo and Sungyeol stared warily at her, Dongwoo reaching forward to pull Sunggyu back.
Myungsoo stood up, hand massaging his throat. His black eyes bored heavily into hers, a trickle of blood trailing down from his forehead.

“You bitch.” He muttered lowly.

“Excuse me? He was the one who ran away!” She screeched, manicured hand going to point itself at Sungjong. His back arched off the bed, a cry of pain escaping his mouth.

Myungsoo started forward, eyes straying towards him.

A crazed smile crossed her face, before she crooked her index finger. Sungjong’s right hand raised itself, even though he was still unconscious.

Right in front of the four boy’s eyes, his wrist began to bend backwards.

And backwards even more. A short staccato scream burst its way out of his mouth before a sickening crack was heard, bone breaking.

Myungsoo’s eyes widened.

“Fucking bitch!” He snarled, taking a wobbly step towards the boy. Unconscious tears were slipping down his face, right hand limply dangling off the bed. The rest of the three also moved, going forwards the restrain the wildly gesticulating woman.
“You four like him that much?” She panted, pinned to the floor with one of Dongwoo’s animals sitting squarely on her chest. “What do you even know about him?” She questioned, eyes going to each of the boys standing silently clear of her. Sungjong was shifting uncomfortably on the bed now, right hand still off the bed. “His father was a filthy brat, mother was a whore. And now he’s following her footsteps to becoming a prostitute! Tell me, how much you paid him in order for him to like you that much?!” Her voice rose in crescendo, arms struggling to fight off the animal. “Let me go, you idiots! Or I’ll hamstring you like I did his mother and father!”
Deadly silence filled the room, the mother still struggling to get free.

“Y-you...” A scratchy voice whimpered. All of them looked up to see Sungjong staring down from where he was at his mother.

Or so he thought.

She swallowed nervously, all fight gone from her body at once.

“S-sungjong ah...” She whispered, eyes roving back and forth between all of the boys.

“Y-you killed them?” His pink tongue flicked out, slightly wetting his lips. “YOU KILLED THEM AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?” He screamed, voice breaking at the end. “I HATE YOU!” His feet touched the floor and he slid forward on the dirty wooden floor, left hand reaching for her throat.

“YAH, LEE SUNGJONG!” Myungsoo grasped the boy around his waist, pulling him backwards flush against his chest.

Sungjong broke down, even more tears leaking from his eyes. Turning around, he buried his face into Myungsoo’s shirt, staining it.

“I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!” Tears slid down endlessly, the entire cabin silent.
Myungsoo sighed into Sungjong’s blonde hair, arms winding around the skinny body to pull him closer. He was careful of the broken wrist, silently rocking him back and forth as he cried.

The woman lay on the floor, panting.

“Sungjongie? Listen to me. I didn’t me-“

“You’re a liar.” Sungyeol hissed, shoving the animal off her. The dog whimpered, before running towards Dongwoo. Grasping her by the shirt, he pulled her off the ground and shoved her towards the door. “Get out of here. Right now.” He stated coldly, brushing by her to fling open the door.

Her eyes widened, before she looked over to where Sungjong was.

“Sungjong, you won’t abandon me right? You love mommy, don’t you?” Her desperate plea was cut off by the door slamming in her face; Sungjong’s hateful eyes the last thing she saw.

Lee Sungjong’s POV, Year Unknown, Area Unknown

Fine. She killed them. I suspected just as much, but...
... happy for a while...
...witch enchantment...
... became exactly like her...
...I’m tired...

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Seoul Circus Underground

Sungjong’s eyes snapped open and his head lifted, him eying the back of the boy’s head. Tears were brimming up in his eyes, falling methodically to the floor in an endless stream. A sob tore out of his throat and then the sob caught, because he wasn’t supposed to make noise, if not he was going to be hit, he didn’t want the pain; the other boy turned around to stare at him quizzically. He pushed off the table with his feet, chair rolling backwards. He stood up, hand reaching out for Sungjong.

“Aigo, is our Sungjongie crying?” He cooed, wiping off the tears with his hand. Lifting them up to his mouth, he lapped them up, eyes darkening. “You know, Dongwoo got a new item to replace you just for tonight. After that, I’ll get rid of that thing and then put you back in the show. I was just lonely... tonight.”

Sungjong’s eyes travelled over to the screen, where Dongwoo was bent over the other guy, thrusting in and out of him. The boy had his hands tied to the front of the metal show bed, legs propped up so that he was kneeling. Blood trickled down from when Dongwoo had taken him raw; and yet he was moaning, pushing back harder onto Dongwoo. His wrists were red and fresh blood oozed out from the cuts made by the metal.

It was sickening.

He swallowed the bile threatening to spill out of his mouth, eyes turning back to the smirking, black eyed boy. It hit him then.

Realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, a truck filled with cement going down the hill slamming into his body. If fear was his downfall, couldn’t he relieve that fear? Couldn’t he reverse the fear? His lips fell open, as would a blooming flower, tongue coming out to wet his lips.

Like water to a dehydrated flower, his lips turned pink as soon as the saliva ran across his lips. A sound caught in his throat, before he coughed the words out.


It was the very first word in many years that he had said.

“What?” Myungsoo’s eyes narrowed.

“M-myungsoo hyung...” He whispered.

Myungsoo blinked, taking a step backwards.

“What did you say? I did say before that you couldn’t say anything right?”

Myungsoo’s eyes were black, hand raising up to slap the boy. Sungjong flinched away.

A scream tore through the air as Myungsoo’s left hand rose up to stop his right. Deranged eyes looked up at his, a flicker between black and brown eyes before surprise widened them.

“Sungjong, wha-“ He started, before he turned back again.

“Shit, fuck, fuck! No!” He hissed, eyes turning black. “Lee Sungjong, shut up!”

“Myungsoo hyung... Remember? When I came looking for you it was snowing heavily? You gave me your coat, didn’t you?” Sungjong’s tears fell, drop after drop landing in a pool of blood.

“Why are you tie-“ He started, brown eyes flickering back.

“I told you to shut up, Lee Sungjong!” He cried, staggering towards him. The knife on the table was picked up once again, Myungsoo staggering towards the pinned boy.

“No, what am I doi-“Panicked brown eyes took over the black and for a moment the knife paused.

Then black overtook his eyes again, a cruel smirk twisted the left side of his lips up and the knife was plunged forward.

Squeezing his eyes open, he looked upwards to see dark figure blocking out the light. His hands were outspread, as if to protect the boy...

“Sungyeol hyung!?” He cried, panicking when the other didn’t answer. “Hyung!” Sungjong wrestled against his restraints, the chains clanking heavily as the first trickle of blood slid down the other’s body to join his tears on the floor.

The blade had bitten into his left shoulder, red staining the blue sequin suit.
“S-sungjong... I heard your voice and decided to come down.” Sungyeol whispered, twisting around and pulling the knife out with a groan. He tossed it away and it fell to the dusty floor with a clatter. Myungsoo paused, eyes wide and flickering wildly between brown and black.

“Sungjong ah... If I told you that Myungsoo could be saved, would you believe me?” He breathed, turning round to gently snake his arms around the boy’s waist.
“Y-yeah, I would.” Sungjong whispered, eyes going over the bony shoulder to look at the boy wrestling with himself.

“But it requires your sacrifice.” He whispered again, resting his forehead on Sungjong’s. A thin hand came up to stroke gently at the dirt streaked brown hair.
After months of not bothering to dye it, it had faded back into its original brown. A sign of his original pathetic self. The tears slipping down his face cleared the dirt, his original skin tone pale.

“Do it, Sungyeol hyung. If something can be done to stop this madness. Do it... Anything...” Voice trailing off, Sungjong heaved a sigh, eyes sliding close. "Before he harms anymore innocent ones like Woohyun hyung and the new addition." More tears slid down his pale cheeks, staining the tall boy’s jacket as it fell.
A nod was felt against his head.

“Count down from three...” Sungyeol whispered. He nodded.

“3...” The number slid out from between his lips, effortlessly.

A cry of rage was heard behind them, and Sungjong caught the flash of the silver blade.

“2...” He hesitated for a moment, before continuing strongly.

A foot forward, then the knife was heading towards the both of them.

“1...” Sungjong finished, squeezing his eyelids tighter together.

White flooded into the room, flashed over his closed eyes and he was no more.

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Seoul Circus Ring

Dongwoo froze, looking up. A flash of white had taken over the whole ring, the audience silent as it happened. Cries of fear; trepidation and anger sounded throughout the whole ring after, Dongwoo quickly untying Hoya and dragging him down to the entrance of the prepping circus. Animals rushed in, elephants, tigers, monkeys, parrots, dogs...

Dongwoo took a step forward into the madhouse, naked self making his way forward. An elephant knelt towards him, as did the others, and a grin broke out on his face.

The madness was gone.

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Seoul Prepping Circus

White covered them, pulsing once, twice, thrice, before it disappeared. The dirty backstage was still the same, just that there was a sense of sereneness around it. It was peaceful.

Sunggyu smiled as Woohyun collapsed limply into his arms, only to awaken a moment later. Brown eyes lazily blinked open, before he smiled.

“It’s gone?” He whispered, hand coming up to caress Sunggyu’s made-up face.
He nodded, before leaning down to claim the other’s lips as his own. The other performers around him disintegrated with cries of shock, easily collapsing into mounds and lumps of sand.

Woohyun blinked up at him, a string of saliva attaching their separated lips.
“Sungyeol did it.” He whispered, before nuzzling his head into Sunggyu’s chest.
“You’re right... That he did. Now I don’t have to pretend anymore.” Sunggyu chuckled, bringing the other closer into his chest. Woohyun shifted, curling himself even more tightly around Sunggyu.

The madness was gone.

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Seoul Circus Underground

Myungsoo lifted himself off the sandy ground, looking up. He swore that Sungjong and Sungyeol were both embracing each other just now, and why was Sungjong pinned to the throwing board? Questions filled his head and he groaned a pounding headache starting as he staggered over to Sungyeol.

“Sungyeol hyung, what the hell happened?” Pulling the other to his feet, he supported the older as he struggled to stand.

“Don’t ask, later we’ll explain. For now, get Sungjong down and into the prepping tent.” He muttered, wobbling out of the room. “I can fucking finally remove this garbage outfit. That witch has freakishly bad taste.” He went to the circus ring, where Dongwoo was laughing with the animals, cradling a baby tiger in his hands.
“Yah, Dongwoo hyung! Howon’s still tied up there, you know.” He circled around the empty circus ring, pulling open the flap to the prepping stage. Sunggyu and Woohyun were both there, tightly coiled up around each other.

Serenity. It was in the air, unlike the nervous tension that had been crackling in the circus ring earlier. Sungyeol half-smiled, slipping into the tent. Years of research had paid off, and their final member was found.

“You two, relax for a moment.” He chuckled, limping forward to grab a canteen of water. A hand slid up his back, and he turned back to see a rather dazed Myungsoo carrying Sungjong. Dongwoo slid into the room, Hoya firmly attached to his back. A blanket was thrown at them and the both burrowed underneath it, Hoya’s whole face red.

They were still both naked.

“Well, put him down. You’re not going to carry him all throughout the story right?” Sungyeol gestured towards Myungsoo, then the bed before turning back to the water.

Once Sungjong was settled down on the bed, Sungyeol began his story.
“I found several books in her house.” He began, setting the canteen down and turning around.

3rd Person’s POV, 1997, Kwangju; Sungjong’s Old House

Sungyeol burst through the door, panting hard. He had only half an hour. Stepping lightly on the creaking wooden floor, he made his way to the nearest book shelf and flung it open, pulling out the books one by one, checking the cover. The books he deemed useless were flung over his shoulder, joining the old rug in a messy pile.

As soon as he drained the first cupboard, he moved to the next and began to repeat the same old thing again.

“Yah, Sungyeol, what the hell are you doing here?” A voice hissed, ducking in through the small doorway.

The book in Sungyeol’s grasp dropped and he twisted backwards to look at Woohyun.

“Nam Woohyun? What the hell are you doing here?” He muttered, turning around again to go back looking through the books.

“I saw you running from the circus gates. Sunggyu hyung had to go help Myungsoo buy some stuff.” He gingerly stepped towards Sungyeol, nearly yelping in shock when a scream sounded.

“Fuck, watch where you’re stepping! There are booby traps laid all around here!” Sungyeol scolded, flinging another book backwards. It hit Woohyun on his forehead and he groaned, looking down at the cover.

“100 Ways to fix stuff? Are you serious, Sungyeol?” He muttered, picking it up and then dumping it onto the pile of growing books.

“Shut up and help me. There’s got to be a book here that reverses everything.” Sungyeol panted in reply, hands scrabbling harder for the next book.

Woohyun grumbled, a light pout forming on his face, before he stepped around to the next cupboard and began to look through it as well.

“Why do they have so many freaking books in here anyway?” He muttered, blowing dust off the cover of one.

“It’s a cover; so that the other townspeople won’t know she’s a witch.” Sungyeol murmured, hand reaching all the way to the back of the cupboard.

His hand met with a button. Eyes brightening, he pressed hard on it and stepped backwards hastily as another shelf previously unnoticed was pushed forward. A smirk curved his lips up, and he began to pull off the books and dump them into his bag.

“The Art of Witchery, Reversals, Spells, Curses. Hey, isn’t this Harry Potter?”

Woohyun chuckled, doing what Sungyeol did and then pressing another button.
A door swung open, nearly hitting him on the forehead. Yelping, he leapt backwards and coughed as a whole lot of dust swirled out.

“Woah...” He murmured, stepping inside carefully. Venturing further into the room, he smiled at the dagger on the wall and moved forward towards it. Reaching out for it, he turned around towards the entrance

“Yah, Sungyeol. Think that there might be som- SHIT, OH MY GOSH EW!” Jumping at the human skeleton hanging there, he dashed out of the room and wheezed.
“That was fucking freaky!” He gasped, Sungyeol ignoring him, continuing to take books and dump them mindlessly into the bag.

“What can you expect? She’s a freakishly disgusting witch.” Sungyeol muttered, resisting the impulse to roll his eyes at Woohyun's dorkself. “Come on, we’re getting out of this freakhole.”

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Circus Prepping Stage

“The book, Reversals, had a total lot of ways to reverse the fact that the witch had taken over Myungsoo’s body, but some of them were really drastic.” He paused for a moment. “They included sacrificial bodies lining all around her bathtub, human skulls crushed to powder and ugh;” He shuddered, hand going to toy with the cap of the canteen.

“But one was really simple. The only reason why we didn’t have it is because there wasn’t another one. Love, regret and reversal; that was all it said. Everyone under the curse had to be loved, or love someone else, apart from the main person under it, which was Myungsoo... And anyway, both Sungjong and I love him to death. We all had to love someone, as our other self, as our partner. Like this, Sungjong had me and Myungsoo, Woohyun had Sunggyu and well, Dongwoo just found Hoya. Yeaps, both of you don’t realise it, but you’re destined for each other.”

He paused and shuddered. “I sound like a love guru, but yeah. Anyway, once we all found each other, Sungjong regretted. That was the second part. He regretted not doing anything to prevent both the witch and Myungsoo’s downfall. His blood and tears were his regret. I came in during the third part,” Sungyeol grinned, eyebrows jiggling. Woohyun shook his head and snuggled further into Sunggyu’s lap. “We decided to forgive, forget and love.” Reaching a hand towards Myungsoo, they twined their fingers together and smiled

“Oh my goodness, so cheesy that it’s making my brain decay.” Hoya mumbled, burrowing further into Dongwoo’s embrace. His face was still red, but the effects of the pill were wearing off now.

Dongwoo laughed, bringing up a hand to pet at his hair. Then there was a thump, then a squeal. Sungyeol flipped around to see Sungjong propping himself up on the floor, a rather angry pout on his face. He was looking away in another direction from both Myungsoo and Sungyeol...

And everything would have been normal... except...

His eyes were a white milky colour. Sungyeol’s eyes widened, before he knelt before the bed and clasped Sungjong’s head between his.

“Lee Sungjong, if you can hear what I say, try nodding your head once.”
He nodded and Sungyeol breathed a sigh of relief, as did Myungsoo.

“If you can see what I’m doing, nod thrice.”

He nodded once, and then paused in confusion.

Myungsoo’s heart sank, and his head hung low, Sungyeol squeezing his hand reassuringly.

“If you can’t see, then shake your head twice.”

Sungjong warily shook his head twice.

“If you can talk, say something.”

“Sungyeol and Myungsoo hyung are both idiots.” He murmured, gentle voice cracking on the last word; he cleared his throat and coughed.

Sungyeol sighed, as did Myungsoo.

“His eyes were taken away. It happened because the curse wasn’t totally taken away. He won’t be able to see any more. It was written in the book that there would be some after effects, just that we didn’t know what they were going to be.” Myungsoo’s breath hitched at that, before he sighed. Kneeling down in the sand, he took Sungjong’s head in between his and pressed their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered; pressing his lips to Sungjong’s in a chaste kiss.
A real smile flitted across Sungjong’s face, before he shook his head blindly.
“It’s okay, I still love you.” He breathed, thin arms going round to wrap Myungsoo’s waist. Sungyeol pouted angrily down at the both of them, hands crossing on his chest. Myungsoo grinned when he did that, reaching upwards for the tall boy; Myungsoo pulled him down and the three of them embraced. So busy rejoicing in their love they were that they didn’t notice Hoya and Dongwoo sneaking out.
“Yah, I think Hoya’s going to be staying with us from now on.” Sunggyu called from the doorway. “And he has a kink for bondage.” Sungyeol pulled the two boy’s heads forward till his lips touched theirs, tongue poking out in search for another.
“Don’t care. I have two mighty fine ones here right for my liking.” He whimpered in between the kisses, the three tongues tangling together in a messy dance.
Woohyun peered out of the door, spotting the two of the other boys having err... a fine time on the circus bench. Turning around again, face flushed and red, he spotted the rest of the three with their clothes strewn all over the place.
A hand curled its way to his bottom, reaching into his tenting pants. He moaned, head dropping back to land on Sunggyu’s broad shoulder.

“Evil...” He murmured, hand winding backwards to grope at Sunggyu’s pliant ass.

“You love it.” He muttered in return, head dipping and tongue poking out to mark skin.

That he did.

Lee Sungjong’s POV, Year Unknown, Area Unknown

Wounds will heal and scars will fade. New memories will be made, some peaceful, some chaotic, some sad and some happy. They are still memories. Mistakes will be committed, but they can be forgiven. There are some things in the world that cannot be stopped, but can be reversed. There are things in the world that cannot be stopped, but also can be prevented. Many mysteries in the world are unsolved, many problems yet to be faced. But let’s take it step by step, shall we?

For example, we still continued with the circus. Dongwoo hyung still runs his one man show, Myungsoo and Sunggyu hyung helping out sometimes. Woohyun and Hoya are both thinking about putting on a dance act. Hoya hyung is really good at that. Oh, Woohyun and Hoya hyung are both essential parts of our circus now. Of course, they learnt all about us and what happened; therefore they are both liable to be affected by the curse (Hoya hyung nearly fainted when he learnt that we were all way older than him, me included.) Oh well, the way he thought of it was that he has been having sex with a grandpa, so you can’t really blame him for nearly collapsing. And the fact that we’re all under the curse means that we’re all going to be here for an infinite amount of them, and we’re never going to grow old. Sort of like vampires, just that we don’t drink blood and don’t sparkle. I wish I sparkled though. That would be nice.

Woohyun and Sunggyu hyung both got a caravan to share. Dongwoo’s animals report at night to him, saying that the walls of the caravan move and that there are weird sounds emitting from the caravan at night.

Dongwoo and Hoya hyung also both got a caravan for themselves. The last time I heard from them was today morning, when Hoya hyung and Dongwoo hyung was playing with the elephants. They sprayed me with water... That reminds me, I have yet to get my revenge.

Sungyeol hyung, Myungsoo hyung and I still sleep in the same caravan. Just that we have a huge master bed now instead of four bunk beds. Actually the other hyungs also have a master bed, just that our bed is big enough to fit three people instead of two.

We fornicate on it.


That was Sungyeol hyung. I think he’s hungry.

Shall I find Woohyun hyung to go make something for us to eat?

...I think I shall.

This has been Lee Sungjong of the Cirque du Infini. Do come to watch our shows when you’re free. Well then, take care and bye bye!

3rd Person’s POV, Present, Kwangju Caravan

Woohyun and Sunggyu pushed the door to the largest caravan open, dropping their shoes off at the outside beside the other shoes as they tumbled to the bed joining the rest of them, Sunggyu pinning Woohyun down and leaning down to ravish his neck.

Moans stirred the stagnant air as Sungjong arched his naked upper body off the sweaty bed sheets, Hoya’s hands digging uncomfortably into his back. Dongwoo’s chest was pressed flushed against Hoya’s back, the thick slide of his cock against Hoya’s crack making him whine pathetically. Hoya huffed, nearly collapsing on Sungjong as he shifted his weight to one hand and then reached behind himself with his free left hand to grasp at Dongwoo’s thick cock. Guiding the mushroomed head to his puckered pink entrance, he pulled it forward and keened as it entered him, the stretch burning. He waited for a few seconds to make sure it was there secure before he let go of it and began to press backwards, the slick length pushing its way into his pliant body.

Pain blossomed up his spine and he clenched his fists beside Sungjong, the maknae curling his arms around Hoya’s head to pull him down for a kiss.

Sungyeol and Myungsoo growled possessively from where they both were; a hand down the other’s pants. Smirking, Sungjong wriggled out of his sweats and boxers, toeing them off, and then kicking them off the large bed. Hissing when his arousal was rubbed against Hoya’s moving stomach, he wrapped his legs around Hoya’s waist as well as Dongwoo’s upper body, humping Hoya’s abs uselessly; eager for the friction; pearly white precum slipping out from his own hard. Growling when it didn’t work, he rolled sideways towards Woohyun and Sunggyu. Sungyeol stood, pulling Myungsoo up with him. They both made their way to the bed as well, careful not to accidently break any chain of movements.

A slap landed on Dongwoo’s ass; a cry for attention as Sungyeol leaned forward to sloppily exchange saliva with Dongwoo, tongues curling out in a dance for power. Myungsoo took Sungjong’s empty space, sliding below Hoya, and then wrapping his legs around Hoya’s moving head so that his mouth was directly above his arousal. A tentative lick had Myungsoo groaning, before he grasped his head and forced the open mouth down onto his dick. Dongwoo snarled.

“Fuck, stop rough handling him.” He broke away from the kiss with Sungyeol, earning another slap on his ass. He sighed as he pulled out and pushed back in again; falling into an easy pattern with Hoya. Sungyeol pouted at the lack of attention, before crawling over to where the maknae was being ravished by his two hyungs. Woohyun had Sungjong’s dick in his mouth, hollowed cheeks bobbing up and down. A spark of content ran through Sungyeol’s whole body, happy at just leaning back and drinking the sight in. Dark, blown and lusty eyes connected with his as Sunggyu slowly slid over on his knees to Sungyeol, lifting his head by his chin then leaning forward to connect mouths with him. They clashed, pressing harder together chest to chest as Sunggyu pushed Sungyeol backwards and sat on him, their mouths never leaving each other.

Dongwoo was moaning now, Myungsoo taking over his place and fucking Hoya hard. Dongwoo was beside both of them, and had another two fingers inserted into Hoya’s tight hole. The squirming Hoya beside both of them had his hair sticking limply to his forehead due to sweat, legs pushed up nearly against his chest. His arms grasped uselessly for a hold on his sanity, mouth open and eyes dilated at the feelings running through his whole body. A brush near his prostate sent him into frenzy, his arms coming up to clench tightly on Dongwoo’s arm. Nail marks were left on his biceps as Dongwoo angled his fingers to where Myungsoo was hitting. White washed over Hoya’s eyes, and he paused, trembling at the effort his body was making at staying there. Shots of sticky pre-cum flowed out, staining the two boy’s chest as his back arched. Myungsoo’s eyes nearly rolled back at the vacuum around his own hard, feeling the pressure build before...
A metal ring was clasped onto the base of his aching cock, staving off his impending orgasm. He looked up, ready to snap at whoever just did that. Sungjong’s white unseeing eyes met his, before he slid back to where Sunggyu had his dick buried in Sungyeol’s body. Woohyun held onto Sungjong, pulling him back until they were flush against each other. Dongwoo chuckled, before he swiped off some cum from his chest; pushing his fingers into Hoya’s mouth.

“Suck.” He murmured.

Hoya didn’t like the taste of his own cum, but knew it turned Dongwoo on, so he began suckling softly, looking up imploringly at Dongwoo. He wanted cock, and he wanted it now. Nearly coming when he felt the soft tongue pushing at his cum coated fingers, he pulled Hoya from Myungsoo’s dick and pushed Myungsoo down onto the floor, sitting Hoya back onto his reddish purple dick again. Making Hoya lean forward so that his chest was flush against Myungsoo’s chest, Dongwoo smacked the legs apart and rammed three fingers into his hole again, Hoya crying out in pain as he did so.

Woohyun had two fingers in Sungjong, scissoring them and pulling the walls apart. When he was deemed ready, Woohyun pulled Sungjong on top of him and jerked his hips up, filling the younger boy. Sunggyu’s hand reached out to hold his as he thrust harder into a Sungyeol on all fours; his other hand curling downwards to grab hold of the cock and jerk it in time to his thrusting. Before long Sungyeol was crying out his release; cum shooting out in thick ropes, coating the bed sheets as he panted and cried. Woohyun smirked at Sungjong’s wanton look, flipping him onto his back and grasping on to his legs. He began to drive harder into Sungjong’s red hole, angling his thrusts to where he knew the prostate was. Sungjong’s legs jerked but remained where they were, held taut by Woohyun’s hands. A single brush against his prostate without any touch to Sungjong’s cock had him spilling over the edge, body trembling as he sat out in the euphoria.
Myungsoo was impatient to release; both Dongwoo and Hoya had come, Hoya twice, and they were now resting. He was left hanging due to the fucking cock ring; he didn’t even know where the key was. Sungjong crawled over, key dangling from his fingers. Nearly crying out his relief, Sungjong swooped down and began to deep throat him, Myungsoo screaming as his sensitive cock was manhandled.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Sungjong! Hurry up!”

Devilish eyes met his and Sungjong reached up to unclasp the tight ring, swallowing the rest of the whole dick. He choked once, Myungsoo’s release spilling deep into his throat. His eyes rolled back into his head and Myungsoo keeled backwards, shivering at the two held back orgasms.

Sungjong smirked, cum dribbling out from his lips. Crawling over the limp body, he sat on the sticky body and began to kiss him, pushing some of Myungsoo’s cum into his mouth. Once they finished drinking it all up, he leaned back and chuckled, enjoying the sight of the spent body in front of him.

They exchanged smiles and light touches here and there, just enjoying each other’s company. They had an eternity to do this.

They were, after all, Infinite.

Com•per•sion, the opposite to Jealousy.
-Noun, plural
Compersion is a state of empathetic happiness and joy experienced when an individual's current or former romantic partner experiences happiness and joy through an outside source, including, but not limited to, another romantic interest.

This can be experienced as any form of erotic or emotional empathy, depending on the person experiencing the emotion.
When I go back to the top
my heart is weakening
you’re responsible for that weakness
If you’re not responsible for it then let me enjoy
Show must go on never dream

pairing: dongwoo/hoya, pairing: sunggyu/woohyun, pairing: myungsoo/sungyeol, rating: nc-17, pairing: sungyeol/sungjong, pairing: myungsoo/sungjong, imb2011: submission

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