IMB/IBB 2013: Mission 99 (1/2)

Jun 17, 2013 10:59

Title: Mission 99
Pairing/Focus: Myungsoo/Sungjong, Sungyeol/Myungsoo, minor pair.
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 13, 478
Summary: It's the last mission of the year.
Warnings: dub-con, drug use.

121024 - SUNGJONG


I pretended to look at him like I didn't know what he was talking about. "Don't look at me like that." He said. "You know what I'm talking about."

"I do." I said calmly. "I just didn't think it'd be this soon."

"Well, it is." He got close to me and I moved back. He beamed me that rictus smile of his that he always does, only for me. "Scared of me now?"

I gave a small laugh at that and looked at him hilariously. "No. I just don't want to be fucking with someone who's supposed to kidnap me."

Myungsoo's smile slightly limped. "Fucking?"

And my words delivered their blow. It felt odd and satisfying and terrible all at once. "Yeah." I affirmed. "That is what we were doing."

"No," he said, walking close again. I didn't move away this time, instead I just watched him carefully. "No, we--we weren't just fucking."

"Then what were we doing?"

He opened his mouth, eyes searching mine. "...I don't have to explain, you know it."

"I do." I turned away. "We were fucking, period."

"You're kidding me."

I looked around my room; this was hard. This whole thing was hard. Myungsoo was breaking behind me and for the first time, I was causing it, I was delivering this pain. He was already going through enough things as it was, but that shouldn't even matter to me. I blinked hard, because unsuprisingly, I was breaking too; my eyes were wet and burning. "Thank you for giving me the head's up and for the good time. I need to pack now."

"What the hell's up with you?"

"They'll be here in less than a week, right?"

"Yeah, I already told you, but what I want to know right now is what're you saying to me." He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. His eyes were glistening and his parted lips blew minty gum air on my face. I felt something crack in me.

"Sungjong, I swear..."

"If you don't get your hands off me, I'm calling the police." I breathed. He simply stared at me.

"Yeah? So that's how it is?" He backed off and I put an arm around myself. "We've been together for nearly a whole fucking year and when I come tell you shit I'm not even supposed to, shit that's going to get me killed, you fucking throw it back at me? Really?" He stared at me adamantly. "Don't get me confused, don't even try to confuse me. All those times we had that wasn't just us fucking--that was us. Don't fucking lie, don't even try it, not with me."

I couldn't take it, so I turned away again. I was going to cry and I was going to when I shouldn't be. This wasn't how I had planned things.

"Sungjong, for Christ's sake, look at me."

I tried my best to stay ground. "No."

"Sungjong!" his voice broke.

But it really was too much. "Get out before I call the cops!" I shouted, clenching my eyes. "Get out, get out, get out!"

The door a few feet from us made a sound. Our eyes darted to it, nervous, alarmed.

It was just ajar.

I met Myungsoo's eyes and he was already looking at me with that wild, scattered look when things were getting too much, when everything felt like it could overtake him, when everything felt like it was going wrong for him. I looked at him the same way because I understood why.

The door, it was closed before.


Mom put her hand on mine, the jazz music was loud and my plate was full.

Myungsoo was the only thing in my mind.

"Honey, you said you wanted to come with us but you haven't eaten a thing." I was quiet, not meeting her eyes.

"Just wanted to join you guys before I head over back to the apartment."

My father sat tensely in his seat. "You better been safe. No partying."

Partying? That brought me to laugh, looking at him, "Dad, I don't party."

But he was already smiling at me. I knew he was joking; he had to have been. "I know. I just wanted to see you bring that frown upside down. We haven't seen you for days and then you're joining us out for dinner? I want this night to be a happy one for all us."

My mother aww-ed at him and me and pinched both of our cheeks. "Both you eat and stop with this! You're going to get mom emotional."

"Moooom." I whined, she was squeezing too tight.

"Hoooney." Dad copied me.

We laughed hearitly and fully after that and continued then to eat freely, but when a waiter walked by a few five minutes later, and tripped onto the floor with plates on his hands, some broke around him and there were cuts on his face and hands. I was once again reminded of Myungsoo.

He got up, apologizing to us and to the next table nearby, blood oozing a little from his cuts on his cheeks and forearms.

I watched.

Myungsoo truly didn't leave my mind the entire time.

121028 - WOOHYUN

"Lee Sungjong is the boy this man wants them to capture. I see he requested this mission and left his name undisclosed, and his background kept secret? Odd. But the money...the money he sent is just astounding. You'd have all that money by the completion of ten's way clear this is a very important one, one that they cannot mess up by means, which isn't a problem as they never did so with any before." A pause. "Still, they have to be critical and careful. Perhaps a bit more than ever since this person sent such a large sum."

"My boys won't fail. They have never done so."

"And if they do?"

"He requested all the money be sent back, or there'll be, in his own words, hell to pay."


"It's quite amusing."


I watched my boss and his friend look over to me and quickly, I knew I had to say something. "We will definitely be more alert. And we will not fail." Cool, sure and confident; that was all I was right now.

They smiled.

"You can go now." Boss said.

I reached for my cellphone and raised my head at them with affirmity.

"We won't fail you boss."

"You boys never have."


His cellphone rang and he pulled it out, impatient. "Hello?"

"Hello yourself. Ready?"

"I've been ready."

"That's good news. I'll come by to pick you up then. Give me a few minutes."

"Remember; I'm at the other group's place."

"What for?"

"Yesterday's mission was a mess."

"You sound like one."

"Fuck you."

"Alright, alright...wait for me, okay?"

"I gave you an hour."

"That's more good news."

Dial tone, and he was hanged up on. Annoyed eyes flicked over to the wall across the room, littered with photos and articles, newspaper clippings, and tabloid covers of various people. He walked over with a bit of a lazy and weary pace, and his eyes were straight ahead, passive.

One image was reflected on his black irises.

He slowly reached a hand, fingers tracing the photo with undecipherable meaning.

"Why'd it have to be you?" Myungsoo whispered.


"He should be at his bedroom, and his parents will be gone for this dinner. The front door's always open, Hoya and Woohyun, you go through there." I retold to them swiftly. I just got in the car, so we have no time waste. My watch said six-thirty, my mind said hurry the fuck up. My eyes slid over at Dongwoo who was driving, "You and me go through the backdoor."

"It's locked right?" Dongwoo half-turned to me.

I nodded. "We have to pick at it, won't take us less than two minutes knowing you."

Dongwoo grinned.

"And us?" Myungsoo and Sungyeol said almost simultaneously. They looked at each other and made a face.

"We come through his bedroom window." Sungyeol slapped him over the head.

Myungsoo copied him, "You asked too, dumbass."

I stared at them, worried, and for a good reason too. "You two are the ones with the most important job. Are you guys going to be joking around like this when you get there? No. You're not. Don't mess this up."

Myungsoo looked over at the window, suddenly quiet. I looked to Sungyeol who was already giving me a side glance.

"When have we ever messed up a mission?"

I opened my mouth but Woohyun beat me to it, his eyes sharp. "You mean when you have you ever messed up a mission and made us clean it up so it wouldn't look like you messed up?"

Dongwoo turned into another lane, I stared sternly at Sungyeol. You better not fuck this up, I told him.

But he just turned away from me, all cold.

"We're almost there." Dongwoo muttered.

"Everyone, good luck." Woohyun said, as he did in every one of our missions. He turned to look at Hoya, who hadn't said anything since I've got here; he was staring out the window, a hand pressed to his mouth. He looked edged up; he has been like this for weeks.

"Hey, you okay?" Woohyun put a hand on his shoulder.

Hoya didn't look at him. "Fine."

I came in, "You sure?"

Hoya slowly looked over to me. "I'm fine." he gritted.

I quickly gave him his space since I felt myself getting angry; now was not the time for his drama. We had to do this right and I wasn't going to get pissed off before a mission.


I don't know how this'll be when all of this is over...but when it is, it's not going to change the end result. This mission will be completed properly, with no mess, no errors or miscalculations. Sunggyu thinks I'm dumb, yeah, well, screw him. I'm finally getting it done.

The back of Myungsoo's head was facing me when I looked at him. I reached, slowly, and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me, startled.

"Don't think so much." I said. He stared at me. "We're going to do this well, I'm sure of it. Fuck what Woohyun and Sunggyu say. We get the job done."

And then he smiled, his one dimple showing itself to me a little. "Team." was all he said.

I made a hum of agreement and met his smile. "Team."

He looked better, so he turned away from me again, shoulders a bit relaxed now.

Even I'm more relaxed. This was what he did to me; he made me feel like everything was going to be okay and alright, but of course, when things were bad for him, they were bad for me, and that was just how a team worked. One falls, the other one follows: Team.

Myungsoo's tired, deep voice filtered through my mind. Team.

I reached for him again, this time for his hand. I held it, mine cold, his warm; this was us; we completed each other like this. Always. The fact that he wasn't pulling away made my heart pound hard and slow, and I was sweating a little, so I just looked at him to see if he was feeling the same way.

His eyes were closed, his head was leaned back...he was sleeping.

Myungsoo, you never cease to suprise me. You're just. Just a...

I moved my hand away and brought it on his lap. I massaged it slowly, feeling his muscled thigh under my palm. I never felt so close to him as I did then.

And then I wondered, wistfully and desperately hopeful: Myungsoo, when all this is over, you'll look at me, not look away. Right?

"...Team." I mumbled.


You've already helped him escape, haven't you?

I stared at him by the reflection of the window and he was knocked out, like I knew he'd be. Yesterday, he had carried most of the mission boss sent him to do with the other group, and I'm surprised he was sent with us today instead of taking the day off for rest. Boss didn't want this mission to fail by any means apparently. But what was that supposed to mean? Without him, we couldn't do a thing? We were powerless, easily beaten?...I shook my head stiffily; I refused to believe that bullshit.

But it was all pointless anyway. Us going to kidnap this kid when he's not even there...Boss, if you only knew. This was the first mission we have ever messed up.

Your favorite son of a bitch betrayed us.

He fucking betrayed us.


I slowed the car slowly in front of the house. I was so nervous, and I wasn't really surprised by that since I got this way in every mission, but like every mission, it just needs to get done. I sighed to try to calm myself down (even though that never works), and then jerked my head back at everyone. They were unbuckling their seatbelts.

"Alright, everyone." I said. "We meet up back here a hour from now."

"Boss said?" Woohyun asked.

"No, but the quicker we get things done..." I grinned. "The quicker we can get some food!" I am pretty hungry.

Woohyun shook his head, smiling. "I'm for that." he said.

"If everything's done correctly," Sunggyu interjected, already looking at me. "A half-hour."

"A half-hour." Woohyun deadpanned. "Aren't you too confident about this?"

"If everything's done co-rrect-ly." I watched Sunggyu slide his eyes to Sungyeol, who was already meeting his nonchalantly. I smiled: That's right. Don't let him get to you, Sungyeol. Sunggyu wasthe only downer sometimes.

"Let's go." Hoya's voice startled us all. He was looking down at his shoes. "Let's just get this over with."

I threw another grin, trying to cheer him up with my english. "Yeah, yeah! It's time!" (English is my forte!)

He looked up at me and shook his head slowly, grim.

Wow, well, nevermind. "What is it?" I asked quickly.

"You wouldn't like it if I said it."

Woohyun sighed dramatically and kind of fed-up-like, and Sunggyu pursed his lips.

Sungyeol leaned over, "Just say it. I feel like it has to do with what's it's been bothering you these past few weeks, and if you didn't know, it's been bothering us too."

I nodded earnestly.

Hoya stayed quiet for a few moments. "I think someone in here has betrayed us."

Myungsoo's snoring suddenly hiked up.

"No, no, no." Sunggyu said. "Now's not the time for this, let's go. Someone wake him up."

I paused, looking at Hoya worriedly. This isn't something he'd joke about. I opened my mouth again.

"No." Sunggyu looked at me. "Let's go."

I stared at him then nodded tightly while Hoya just lowered his head again, and then I really couldn't say anything else.


I fell asleep at some point.

I'm not okay.

Sungjong, are you safe? You are, I know you are and that's why I'm going to be strong about this.

I'm going into your house now.

I'll come by later to your place. We'll be alright. Everything will be fine.


Hoya's words were stuck in my mind while the mission was in my hands.

What was he saying?

"He isn't here." I muttered, furtively looking around the room. His clothes are even gone; I checked the drawers, the closet. Everything looks it's been taken away. "Myungsoo, he isn't here!"

"I heard you, goddamnit!" Myungsoo snarled. "Calm down, he's probably downstairs. One of us will bump into him."

I shook my head. "What the fuck do we do now then?"

"Go downstairs."

"What?" I looked at him. "We should stay here in case he's on his way up."

Myungsoo narrowed his eyes at me. "And what're the chances he was?"

Why is he looking at me like that? I swallowed, "I don't know, but I think we should just stay."

He looked away from me after a moment. "Fine."

The door opened then, abrupt and banging. It was Hoya and he had a mad, dangerous look in his eyes.

I opened my mouth, "He isn't here, we checked--"

Hoya pulled out his gun, marching over to Myungsoo and my words stopped. Myungsoo was scrambling and yelling, wide-eyed and confused. "You fucking son of a bitch! I knew it! I fucking knew it!"

"Hoya, what the fuck!" I ran over, pulling him back. "What are you doing!"

Hoya pulled me off, nostrils flaring. He shoved the gun nozzle on Myungsoo's throat, and I watched Myungsoo's adam's apple bob as he swallowed for air. He was scared and I was scared.

What the fuck is going on!

"Get off him!" I pulled at him again, but he didn't budge. "Hoya, come on, stop this shit, we have a fucking mission--!"

"He's the one that fucked it up!" Hoya spat, eyes squinting in disbelief. "Don't you understand? The mission was already over to begin with!"

Myungsoo's hand reached for his gun and he was looking at Hoya like death was right in front of him. Hoya pressed the gun harder. "Don't. You. Fucking dare."

My blood was pumping angrily and I threw myself on him, screaming. "Get the fuck off him!"

His gun went off and the bullet hit the ceiling. I punched Hoya hard across his cheek and he kneed me low in the stomach, and already, I was wheezing and coughing in severe pain, but far from down. I punched him hard again and he nearly dodged it. "Sungyeol, just whose side are you on!" he yelled at me.

I felt myself stiffen.

"Yah! What the fuck is going on!" Sunggyu and Woohyun stood from the doorway, watching us. Dongwoo was behind them, mouth open and horrified.

Quickly, I tried to bring myself back together, "He--he's trying to kill Myungsoo--" but I was kicked deep in the stomach again.


Woohyun walked over to me and I moved back from giving Sungyeol another kick. From the corner of my eye, I saw Myungsoo walk over and try to help Sungyeol up.

"He's fucking with the Sungjong kid!" I yelled when Woohyun is about to slap the gun away from my hands. I saw Myungsoo freeze immediately. Bang.

"What?" Woohyun squinted at me. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I don't get paid enough for this." Sunggyu sighed, already leaving. I raised my head.

"He helped him escape! I saw him tell him, right here, in this room, that we were coming!" Sunggyu turned, Woohyun took a step back and Dongwoo lowered his hand from the doorframe, stunned.

I stared at them definitively. "...I swear it on my life."

Myungsoo slowly got up in front us, his back turned.

Woohyun ducked his head. "...Is what he's saying true?"

"It--It can't be." Sungyeol was holding his stomach, staring confidently at Myungsoo despite how much I hurt him. "He wouldn't betray us. He has no reason too."

"Not if the reason involves someone he's with." Sunggyu looked slowly over to me. I nodded.

"They've been together for a year." My eyes trailed at Myungsoo. "Isn't that what you said?"

Myungsoo turned, hand already on his gun, pointed directly at me. His face had nothing to show. "So it was you that day. Thanks for delivering the fucking news."

"Woah, guys..." Dongwoo started

"You should know when you're being followed." I walked forward. "Shoot me, go ahead. But before you do it, tell everyone how you went off, after that mission upstate, to this house. Tell everyone how that kid opened the door for you and his legs, how you fucked him on that bed, whispering things about our mission--"

Myungsoo pulled the trigger.

A bullet grazed by my ear. I felt the hot burn of blood gash almost immediately and there was a white noise.

"Myungsoo!" Sunggyu stepped in.


"You shut the fuck up!" Myungsoo screamed, eyes jittery and wet. He turned the gun on everyone and slowly backed to window. "Don't fucking mess with me!"

Woohyun stared in shock.

Sungyeol's face crumpled and his hands flew to his face, before letting out a heartbreaking sob. "Myungsoo, what's going on..." he choked.

"I'll--I'll tell you what's going on!" Myungsoo stammered as an angry redness blotched his face. "I did tell him, so what, huh! I had to save him, I had to--"

"Are you fucking crazy?" Woohyun stepped up to him. Myungsoo raised his gun defensively again and breathed hard through his nostrils.

"Get the fuck away from me."

"No." Woohyun sized him. "Until you tell us why the fuck you did what you did, I'm not moving. Nobody is."

A silence fell in the room. Sungyeol's sobbing was the only thing that reverbed around them.

Myungsoo's arm faltered as he looked over at Sungyeol brokenly. "Sungyeol, I'm sorry--"

"So much for this mission!" Sungyeol yelled from behind his hands. "Boss will fucking skin our asses!"

Myungsoo's face crumpled frustratingly, "I said I'm fucking sorry, okay!"

"Oh, please!" Sungyeol tore his hands from his face, eyes hard and slicing. "Team,?" He got up, a disgusted face emboldening his features. "I need to leave--"

"Sungyeol, wait." Myungsoo said bleakly. "Don't."

Sungyeol briskly left the room, Dongwoo calling after him too but he was gone as fast as he left. Myungsoo clenched his jaw, trying to quell the onslaught of emotions coursing through him. He raised the gun with a new set of eyes and everyone automatically reached for theirs, except Woohyun; he made signal for them to put their gun down. Only Hoya didn't follow.

"He's going to tell boss." Myungsoo said, fear-ridden.

"No he's not. He's just going to the car to cool off, but you. You need to talk." Woohyun was careful and calm. "Just talk to us, okay?"

Myungsoo raised the gun again threateningly, "You already know the full story, so why? You're all just going to kill me anyway. If you guys won't, boss will."

Sunggyu paced around the room slowly in disbelief. He put his hands in a form of prayer and brought them to his lips. " not...getting paid enough for this...CSI drama bullshit..."

"This isn't CSI, this is Law and Order right now." Woohyun threw over his shoulder.

Sunggyu stopped. "It's the same shit."

"Criminal Intent or Special Victims Unit?" Dongwoo asked.

"Both pack the same amount of drama, but I'd say the original more so than the two combined." Woohyun's brows shot up. Dongwoo made an Ah sound and Sunggyu just resumed pacing.

"Unfuckingbelievable." Hoya grimaced at them.

"Shut up." Woohyun looked at him, then at Myungsoo who was staring down at his shoes like he was going to puke. "Talk to us now, Myungsoo."

"Just kill me." Myungsoo broke.

"We're not going to kill you!" Sunggyu shouted, exasperated. "We're the ones that are going to get killed if you don't explain this shit right now, so put the fucking gun down and tell us what happened before these people get home! Dongwoo!"

Dongwoo jerked, alert.

"Hide around the driveway, whistle if you see anyone coming by."

"Got it." He gave one last sympathetic look at Myungsoo before leaving hurriedly.

Sunggyu joined Woohyun now, in front of Myungsoo. "...You really did fuck up the mission, huh?" Myungsoo crumpled again and Woohyun nudged him, aghast.

"You're not helping."

Sunggyu nodded. "Maybe not." He raised his head at Hoya who was looking at Myungsoo like he was a lifesize cockroach. "Put your gun down."

"No." Hoya straightened.

Sunggyu tilted his head. "Excuse me?"

Hoya put it down. Reluctantly.

"Myungsoo." Woohyun started again. "Put it down; no one has theirs up now. All we want is for you to talk to us, okay?"

Myungsoo shook his head and he lowered to the floor, crying. "I...I really did fuck it up. I really did. But I just--I just couldn't leave Sungjong--I, I couldn't, I knew I wouldn't handle it if I kidnapped him, having him held hostage--"

Woohyun cut in, "But we don't hold people hostage, that's the other group's job--"

"They wouldn't do it if I don't kidnap Sungjong first!" Myungsoo yelled hoarsely. "I'm practically doing everything-- I'm the start of the nightmare he would've been through!"

Woohyun fell silent.

"...You guys don't understand," He laughed, snot and tears dribbling down onto his mouth. He wipes at it with the back of his sleeve and they leave a reddish gash. "Just kill me already. Tell boss you guys killed me when you find about what I'd done."

"Here we go again with the 'kill me' shit." Sunggyu threw his hands up. "If we don't understand, help us to! Where'd you meet this kid?"

Myungsoo was quiet for a moment and then he sniffed. "...School."

"School? He went to the same school as all of us?" Sunggyu blinked.

"Hold on." Hoya came around, looking around the room. "He did. Fieldton High School." He pointed at the banner from pep rally Sungjong had hanged up on the wall, almost hidden by a tall closet. "Now that I think about it..."

"I saw you with him all the time." Woohyun finished, eyes wide. "Holy shit. He was the junior Myungsoo kept clinging on to all the time, you remember? In senior year? The really skinny one. He kept taking photos of him."

"But he looks so different now, that's why we didn't recognize him." Sunggyu murmured in understanding. "But Hoya said you guys been going out for a year, we graduated three years ago. Well, I did, but you: two. So how'd this happen?" he paused. "Wait, spare me the details."

"Oh, shut up." Woohyun gave him a look. "How'd it happen, Myungsoo?"

Myungsoo didn't glance at them when he said it. "Club. One night stand. We were drunk. No condoms."

"I said spare me the details!" Woohyun howled and Sunggyu just looked at him.

"Now, what I want to know is why that last bit of information was necessary, but alright." Sunggyu said.

"Sungjong said it made us closer." Myungsoo smiled tearfully, suddenly ridden by nostalgia. "It did."

"Alright." Sunggyu was staring down at him.

Hoya raised his gun. "Alright."

Sunggyu turned his head to him.

"...Alright." he sadly put it down.

Sunggyu looked away.

Myungsoo sniffed again from the floor.

Woohyun sighed, already drained. "Okay, so you guys hit it up after being sad virgins in high school, then boom: you're together. So then coincidentally, boss gets money from someone for us kidnap him and do the usual job of collecting the ransom from his parents?"

"...Pretty much." Myungsoo mumbled. "Sungjong's family is one of the richest in the country."

"No kidding." Hoya looked around.

"But there's tons of rich families here...look at Sungyeol's family; they're bathe in money practically." Sunggyu paused. "Why him?"

"Like I said: coincidence?" Woohyun offered.

"Maybe. Or maybe it's not."

Silence stuck in the air.

"What." Myungsoo looked up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Myungsoo, who was person that requested this mission?" Sunggyu asked.

"I don't know, boss didn't tell me."

"Which is strange because he usually does." Hoya looked at him.

"I didn't think anything of it."

"No...wait." Woohyun said. "Boss' friend said something about an anonymous requester. That he gave Boss a lot of money for this mission. We fail, he takes it all back and plus we get no share from the ransom."

"That's obvious enough."

"And that says nothing...we still don't know who it is." Myungsoo cut in.

"This is sounding too fucking mysterious. What the hell is going on? What are we trying to figure out?"

"Why is Lee Sungjong the person we have to capture? It's just too much of a coincidence, and then the fact the mission was requested by anonymous person." Sunggyu sucked his breath in and tutted. "It's just suspicious."

Hoya shrugged, still not understanding. "But it could also be just that-- a coincidence. Someone must've probably hated him or his parents or something."

"Either way, coincidence or not," Woohyun raised his voice. "Myungsoo warned Lee Sungjong about it, so the mission's technically ruined."

Sunggyu sighed. "Can I share with you guys my idea?" He didn't wait for their replies. "I think someone's coming after him while we're sitting here like dumb ducks."

"They knew Myungsoo was going to tell Lee Sungjong about the mission and to leave?" Woohyun raised a brow and Myungsoo furrowed his in confusion.

"And how'd you get to that idea?" Hoya was just as confused.

"And how'd they know who I am, and the fact I knew Sungjong?"

Sunggyu paced while everyone was quiet.

"...Because they know you." he said simply. "And they knew about you and Sungjong." Sunggyu slid his eyes to Hoya.

Hoya raised his head, immediately cross. "What're you trying to say?"

"When did you catch Myungsoo with Sungjong?"

"I said it already: the same day we came back from our mission upstate."

"And Myungsoo, when did you--"

"No..." Myungsoo was shocked, a revelation dawning in his eyes. "Wait, that...wasn't you."

"What are you talking about? It was me."

Myungsoo turned to him. "The mission upstate was last month. You came and found out about us a long time ago." Hoya stared at him, lost.

"And you've been moody this entire a month. So." Woohyun muttered to him.

"It was last week, no...almost a couple of days ago that I was just telling Sungjong that he really needed to leave. We were fighting about it and I remember I came that day because I had no missions."

"What day was it?"


Everyone nodded because they knew it was true; it was the only day he had off, recently, that they remembered.

"It was the only day in the week where I didn't have any; I jumped on the chance. So we were fighting about it and...that door." He pointed at it and they followed with their eyes. "It was closed before; I had shut it after I came in the room, but then, out of nowhere, it creaked open."

"While you two were fighting?"


Woohyun wrapped his arms around himself. "Holy shit, I got shivers. Place is haunted."

"Were his parents home?" Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo's face was white as a sheet, "No. They were out; they're always out. Someone else caught us."

"What the..."

"I didn't catch you guys fighting." Hoya finally said quietly. "I caught you guys talking and fucking at the same time."

Sunggyu and Woohyun simultaneously raised a finger. "Details."

"Sorry. So where's that Sungjong kid now?"

Myungsoo's eyes narrowed. "At his new apartment."

"Yeah, he moved alright." Sunggyu looked around, "Where to?"

Myungsoo shook his head, trying to bring his thoughts together. "This fancy building near our high school, I forgot the address but I have it down on a piece of paper," He threw the gun on the floor and reached inside his pockets. He rummaged and rummaged but only lint and some change were in his hands. He also threw them to the floor and he tried again but after a minute, he was silent and his hands were empty.

"I had it in here. I swear to everything, I had it in here."

"Maybe you left at home?" Woohyun said. "Or in the car?"

Myungsoo bit his lip and dug again for the paper. "No, I didn't take it out. These were the same pants I was wearing when I visited Sungjong."

"Okay, so maybe it fell out."

"We should go to the car anyway, there's nothing to do here." Hoya began walking. "The mission's been over a long time ago."

Sunggyu crouched and picked up Myungsoo's gun, handing it to him. "You're right about that."

Myungsoo took it quietly.

"But we have a new mission now." Sunggyu said. "If what I said is true, and I have a feeling it is, we should get going. Quick."

Hoya stilled, "But boss--!"

"Fuck boss." Woohyun uttered. Everyone looked at him in alarm, and he met their eyes cooly. "I've been waiting to say that for ages."

"Boss doesn't have to know about what Myungsoo did." Sunggyu fell in agreement with him. "We could make something up."

Myungsoo put his gun in his back pocket, "That's not going to work; we have to give Sungjong to the other group before get to boss', and I bet Sungyeol's already told him what's up."

"Myungsoo." Sunggyu grimaced, staring at him carefully. "Sungyeol is somewhere right now and we need to be where he is. And he's not with boss."

"He's at the car then isn't he?" Woohyun started for the door. "Come on then, let's go."

"No, wait. I don't think you guys get it." Sunggyu looked at them all now. "Sungyeol isn't in the car, he isn't with boss, I think...I think he's where Myungsoo's paper has written down."

"What." Myungsoo squinted disbelievingly at him. "Okay, now you're going off."

Sunggyu shook his head determinedly and stared at only him now. "Sungyeol didn't have a mission that day either, Myungsoo. He didn't. We all did...except for you and him."

Woohyun let out a breath of disbelief. "...Well, shit but."

"It doesn't make sense. Why would Sungyeol go after the Sungjong kid?" Hoya furrowed his thick brows. "All because he didn't have a mission that day and Myungsoo didn't have one either--"

Dongwoo's whistling pierced from outside, high and strong.

"Shit." Myungsoo cursed bleakly and ran out the door, Woohyun and Hoya behind him. Sunggyu quickly grabbed Sungjong's pep rally banner and looked around for anything else, anything that may be of clue to them.

"What are you doing, hurry up!" Woohyun yelled from the staircase.

But there's nothing left. Sungjong took it all. Sunggyu cursed and bolted out of the room, Dongwoo's whistle high again.

Part two

pairing: myungsoo/sungyeol, rating: nc-17, pairing: myungsoo/sungjong, imb2013: submission

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